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以下是原文和比较2的翻译,在google trankslate直接拉下来的~
Interview with KeltA:
Okay. Here we are with an interview with one of the most skilled Kreedz-players ever to have played the game. He has held records in KZmaps-finland, Cosy-Climbing, Xtreme-Jumps and KZ-Scandinavia and at times was the top #1 recorder in all of them with the exception of Cosy-Climbing where he only held 4 records. He has submitted more than 200 world records to Xtreme-Jumps (of which 58 still remain) during the years. This player is none other than the Finnish superstar champion Joonas "KeltA" Kallila!
我们这里要采访滴是什么游戏都玩过以及还是KZPRO玩家一名的老牛。他曾经在kzmaps,kz芬兰,XJ,LZLV等坐拥top1记录。在cc非官方图上也能看到他有4次出现过在Cosy-Climbing records当中。这孩子在XJ上面已经有提交过超过200个世界记录,据说NDR也就250多个而已(PS:印象当中,可能NDR有超过300个吧),目前(PS:2012春节前)还有58个WR保持着呢,他是我们KZ界的超级明范儿 Joonas "KeltA" Kallila! 大家快快献上鲜花吧。
kafds:Who are you and where do you come from?
KeltA:I'm Joonas Kallila and I come from Uganda... just kidding, I'm from Uusikaupunki.
报告k哥,我叫Joonas Kallila,来自乌干达(非洲中部一国家) 。逗你丫玩,我来自尼斯塔德(PS:芬兰帝国西部芬兰省的西南芬兰区的一个镇)
kafds:How old are you?
KeltA:18, but in 13.1 19.
kafds:So you are 19. Congratulations. When did you start jumping and how did you discover Kreedz?
那就是19岁咯,祝贺你,死孩子! 对了,你丫什么时候开始玩KZ的,还有你是如何接触KZ的?
KeltA:Well some time in 2007 in my early days I joined to a Kreedz-server for the first time through my friend c0i. The map was kz_minimountain, and Of course I had no idea how to jump and so on. Back then I used to play regular Counter-Strike more, but sometimes I joined to a public longjump-server and I always wanted to improve my results. That, of course, took time. The first time I landed the 240 block was in November, 2007 and I even had a demo of it (I'm not sure if it exists anymore) and from that moment on I always tried to improve my block records. I never thought I would be able to do 250+ jumps, but here we are... 早在2007年,我通过朋友c0i进入到一个kz服务器里面,地图是kz_minimountain,当然我不知道怎么攀岩,但是经常玩CS这个经久不衰的游戏,也有时候我会去LJ服务器,一直都想提高自己的KZ技术,当然,这需要时间。07年11月,第一次上的240板子,现在还有这个DEMO保存在电脑里呢。从上了240板那一刻起,总是想办法提高自己的LJ记录,我从来没有想过自己能做到250+的记录~ 但是我做到了。。。。
kafds:What a truly captivating story. When your skills eventually started improving did you have any goals or did you just push forth like a steadfast warrior?请再说说你那令人钦佩的KZ记录生涯吧,以及玩KZ的动力和所想达到的目标。
KeltA:Well, I don't know... I mostly had longjump-related goals. I used to play a lot of Hide 'n' Seek and through that I probably learned how to bunnyhop. My framerate was always around 60, so I never recorded anything even though I knew I could make some Finnish records etc., and then in 2008 I got a new computer and started recording national records. My first Finnish record was on cg_wildwesthop and after that I started playing cg_arizonabhop and I kept improving it until I made the world record to it. That's how I started recording.
kafds:Do you have any favorite maps, demos, recorders or moments?
KeltA:I can't say if I really had any favorite maps, but I always enjoyed bunnyhop-maps and I considered heL^_x a god.
kafds:Why did you quit playing and what have you been doing meanwhile?
KeltA:I've just played regular Counter-Strike and hung out and normal stuff like that. I quit when my Logitech G5 broke and anyway had lost my interest in 2011 because it just didn't feel like it did in 2009 when Kreedz was the best, at least with kafds and shNz.现在有时候玩玩CS,我的罗技G5坏了,还有现在不比2011年刷图的兴趣了。 我觉得KZ在09年的时候是最棒的,至少你和shNz也是这么认为滴。
kafds:What are your plans for the future?
KeltA:My plans for the future to finish the school and get a job even though I've flunked the first studying year in vocational school three times already. 我打算把职业学校的学习读完,并且得到想要的工作,即使在第一年的学业里,我已经有三次挂科了。(囧)
kafds:What sort of CS-experiences have you had besides jumping? I know you're a skilled shooter and you've made some battle/run movies. 据说你打枪还不错,还有你除了跳跃之外还做点啥,据说你已经学会做CS视频了?
KeltA:Well at one point I made a few movies because I wanted to learn how to edit but I haven't edited anything for approximately a year. 大约学做视频一年了,因为喜欢视频编辑(PS也许这真的很酷很酷吧,例如www.movienations.com这网站就有多很爱玩视频编辑的人,特别是针对视觉特效,在这个网站上面大大小小有几十个团队,来自世界各地。)
hort/quick questions:
kafds:What's your favorite sport?
KeltA:Ice hockey or skateboarding.
kafds:What's your favorite drink?
kafds:Do you smoke?
KeltA:Yeah, I smoke.
kafds:Easy or hard maps?
KeltA:easy bunny hop-maps and something. From the hard ones I like kz_dimblock and kz_sandblock2. I suck at hard maps.
轻松愉快弹跳图神马的,还有我很喜欢kz_dimblock and 和sb2,灰常讨厌极限图。
kafds:Beer or coke?
kafds:Cats or dogs?
KeltA:Cats, because my mother has one as well.
kafds:Do you have any final words before I blow your brains off?
KeltA:Well I'd like to thank phail, kafds and jespEE and other awesome people but I don't want to list everyone!