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[国际新闻] CC对新人kSiunkaS的采访



发表于 2011-5-11 00:27:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
保加利亚的stskty对立陶宛的kSiunkaS的一篇采访   翻译的好累 红字是stskty的问题,黑字是kSiunkaS的回答
stskty: Hello kSiunkaS.Please introduce yourself.
kSiunkaS: Hello cosy, my name is Eduardas, I'm 15 years old. I live in Vilnius, Lithuania.
stskty: How did you find KZ world, how long ago was this and tell me all about your first play of kz?
kSiunkaS: Almost 4 years ago, I used to play default, but one time the server was full, so I was automatically redirected to KZ server. The map was kz_world. Trying to figure out what to do there, I found kreedzing very interesting.
kSiunkaS: 4年了吧,我经常玩打枪,但有一次,我玩的那个服务器满员了,所以我随便进入了另外一个服务器里,那个服务器里的地图是kz_world,我试图想知道怎么玩,然后就发现KZ很有意思
stskty: How did you find Cosy-Climbing and how long ago was this?
stskty: Who is your favourite jumper, and why?
kSiunkaS: My favourite jumper is  Fact or Fiction, probably because he was good not just at kreedzing, but in everything, what is related with kreedz world: mapping, moviemaking, longjumping, etc. And of course because of his nationality.
kSiunkaS: 我最喜欢的KZ玩家是FoF,因为他特牛逼,不仅仅在KZ界里,做地图,做视频,还有长跳
stskty: What motivates you to make more world records?
stskty: 是谁鼓励你刷了那么多的世界记录?

kSiunkaS: kayne
stskty: Tell me about your first cosy record, on which map was it and how much time did you spent on it?
stskty: 告诉我你在CC刷的第一个图,你在刷掉哪个图上花费的时间最长?

kSiunkaS: If I remember correctly, it was bhop_essy_jumps and I spent some time on it. After few records then I haven't recorded to cosy for a while and after the break, the map I took was kzlt_tinycliff, which i took pretty easily.
kSiunkaS: 如果我没记错的话,是bhop_essy_jumps刷的时间最长,还有kzlt_tinycliff,是我用最短时间内刷掉的图
stskty: You are in top5 cosy record holders, how you do it, it was hard?
stskty: 你现在进入了CC的TOP5,你是怎么做到的,很难吗?

kSiunkaS: It wasn't because I just enjoyed taking record by record, it was just relaxing
kSiunkaS: 我并不喜欢刷图,我仅仅是为了放松自己
stskty: Are you think about first place in top5 cosy record,can you beat  kayne's record and become number 1?
stskty: 你想成为CC的TOP1吗,你能刷掉现任TOP1 kayne吗

kSiunkaS: I think I could, but I'm not interested in recording cosy records anymore.
kSiunkaS: 我想我可以,但是我不想在CC刷那么多的图
stskty: Favourite map? And Why?
stskty: 你最喜欢什么地图?为什么?

kSiunkaS: hmm, kz_j2s_icevalley, because this is my first serious world record, if we wouldn't count kzus_desertblock_ez. This is the map which I adore almost since I've started playing kz. This is the map I used to try many bhop combos and etc.
kSiunkaS: 恩...kz_j2s_icevalley,因为他是我第一个质量最高的世界记录,还有就是kzus_desertblock_ez,这可以说比kz_j2s_icevalley还喜欢,从我开始玩KZ时,是这地图,让我练习连贯的在攀岩地图上连跳
stskty: Which map you most playing? And why?
stskty: 哪个地图你最爱玩?为什么?

kSiunkaS: There is no map I could exclude, I enjoy playing almost all of the maps except hard climbing ones.
kSiunkaS: 没有唯一的一个,除了一些需要硬加速的攀岩图,所有的攀岩地图我都喜欢
stskty: What do you think about the future of kzlt?
stskty: 你对kzlt的将来怎么想?

kSiunkaS: We are not very active in demos recording, although we have jumpers who are able to take many records or even wr's. Like  MEEL or  swr. We have a great longjumper,  Torex, promosing moviemakers like Expansion and  Marshall. And great admins like etern1ty.
kSiunkaS: 我们没有很多世界记录,但是我们会去努力创造更多世界记录,比如 MEEL还有swr. 我们还有很好的长跳玩家,Torex,还有很好的视频制作,Marshall,还有个很好的管理员,比如etern1ty
stskty: What do you think about "delete the worst maps from cosy mapcycle?"
stskty: 你想在mapcycle删除一些地图吗?

kSiunkaS: As I see while answering, they are already deleted, and it's a good thing for me, because now it will be harder to take me off the top5 ;D
kSiunkaS: 在我看来,他们已经删除了一些地图,这对我来说是个好事儿,因为这样就很难把我挤出TOP5
                                                                       Some fast questions !
stskty: Music style?
stskty: 你喜欢的音乐风格?

kSiunkaS: drum 'n' bass
stskty: KZ party or party?
stskty: 喜欢KZ聚会还是现实聚会?

kSiunkaS: party
kSiunkaS: 现实的
stskty: Most cool guy on cosy?
stskty: 在CC最难忘的伙计是谁?

kSiunkaS:  kayne
stskty: USP or knife?
stskty: 喜欢拿USP还是刀?

kSiunkaS: USP
stskty: Mouse and keyboard?
stskty: 鼠标和键盘是什么?

kSiunkaS: Mouse - Razer Deathadder; keyboard - Razer Arctosa
kSiunkaS: 蝰蛇一套我无压力
stskty: Right or left strafe?
stskty: 喜欢左边加速还是右边的?

kSiunkaS: No matter
kSiunkaS: 无所谓
stskty: Sensitivity?
stskty: 鼠标速度?

kSiunkaS: 3.2
stskty: Hard or easy (maps)?
stskty: 喜欢难图还是简单图?

kSiunkaS: easy
kSiunkaS: 简单的
stskty: Thanks for that interview kSiunkaS and now it's time for your last words, any shoutouts?
stskty: 谢谢你接受这次的采访,接下来说一句你想说的话(any shoutouts是什么意思?)

kSiunkaS: Visit kzlt.bentski.lt and thanks for inviting me into this interview.
kSiunkaS: 欢迎访问kzlt.bentski 感谢你对我的采访


参与人数 2金币 +9 +9 收起 理由
zhY^ + 4 + 4 我很赞同
maRisa + 5 + 5 鼓励分享



发表于 2011-5-11 00:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
any shoutouts


 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-11 12:33:05 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-5-11 13:11:43 | 显示全部楼层
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