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[杂谈评论] XJ新闻 【翻译帝速进】



发表于 2011-5-2 14:24:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello XJ!

We would like to start off by apologising for the weekly being delayed once again. Due to both staff changes and a growing number of exams coming up for our weekly staff, the weekly have once again been delayed. We would like to thank you all for being patient with us and we will try to keep the weekly on stable release schedule.
Now, let us get started!


So ladies and gentlemen this week we've have had a spectacular show, and it's evident that one man is trying to become the new superpower of KZ, who else can come to mind than the Argentinean sensation Chasquido. We’ve seen the comeback of one of the oldest legends, none other than MicroN has chosen to once again threat us with a couple of demos.

1 - 8b1_brickngrass_chrizzo_0404.34
It’s been a tough week if you have tried to record on this map because it has been going back and fourth for almost two weeks now, almost getting beat in every single release. This time it was the German powerhouse chrizZo who made a pretty fast run with nice and steady bhop combinations, which is one of the things that has made chrizZo one of the most enjoyable players to watch. Chip has tried to take it back but he hasn’t been close to chrizZo’s run yet. So will it be chrizZo who finally manages to put this map to rest for a while or will the battle continue. Time will tell.

2 - cg_coldbhop_v2_Chasquido_0053.42
The Argentinean refuse to let go of this map which had been taken by shNz who many consider the fastest bhopper in the world. Well maybe people should reconsider that because Chasquido is bringing the term speedrun into a dimension we’ve only seen in coldbhop and goldbhop, this map is so close to perfection now that it almost seem impossible to shave off more than a second now – But ofcourse this is KZ and some day we’ll probably see this map below 50 as time has shown us again and again. If you haven’t seen this run, go see it!

3 - prochallenge_bhop_Chasquido_0150.13
It’s evident that the two best bhoppers in KZ are now shNz and Chasquido and by taking this map the Argentinean makes a bold move to the throne. This has been one of zhady’s longest standing records and one of his most respected on the list, many have tried to beat it but no one before this release have done it. Chasquido shows how incredibly fast he is, containing one mistake where he loses about 2 seconds, which shows us that this map can still be improved. If you want to watch the strafemachine Chasquido beat one of the hard bhop maps and make it look like a walk in the park, this is surely the one to watch.

4 - j2s_westbl0ck_Chasquido_0245.06
Many have not forgotten the battle that this map have seen, in the times where heL and kunqui fought for top1 the battle they had on this map was the indicator of who lead the race. New techniques and 360 jumps were used and the speed of their runs all seemed extremely fast at that time. This week Chasquido took it from novice with almost 3 seconds. The run itself have no mistakes in it, from start to finish there not one wrong jump. It’s extremely fast and Chasquido right now seems unstoppable and a level above the competition. Unless a certain player choses to do a come back to recording.

5 - kz_kzlv_wanderer_akkord_0315.30
The self-proclaimed legendary trickjumper has bestoved us with a great record, even though it is, in his own words a “real troll record” it is still 6 seconds better than the former record. Akkord shows that he can definitely compete at a higher level of recording.

6 - sld_bside_winter_WetDreams_0111.54
WetDreams comes out this week with a huge personal release. You can almost feel the joy WetDreams is feeling when he beats the worldrecord in a run containing one mistake that costs around a second. It’s a really enjoyable run, which has been packed with good bhop combos. WetDreams is one to look out for.

7 - kz_xj_caseblock_h_Micron_0303.34
If you don’t know who Micron is, you are most definitely new on the scene. This player must have the record for comebacks in all of XJ’s history, he’s been playing since all the old old legends such as t3dbundy, a0ke and target. He has kept coming once every 6 months beating some über oldschool records and this time was no different. This run is a fast paced, high technical and relaxed run containing no mistakes. Micron does the map elegantly enough to gain 3 seconds from the former worldrecord. Micron has always had his own style and as time has progressed it seems that every comeback he’s strafes has changed a tiny bit, you really have to admire this dane for his love of KZ.


1. special - Again in Action by ExpaNsion: A complete chill packet full of enthusiasm. One of the most recent kz movies around has been released, with a quality display of a breath-taking individual skill from special. The movies is produced by ExpaNsion, a promising moviemaker improving brilliantly regarding his moviemaking career.

2. The 6th Sense by DiENOS: Following the same ambience from the previous movie, it's yet again time to chill out. The title does have a somewhat relation with the movie itself. It is indeed very beautifully crafted, and you can pretty much say it's been mastered with "the 6th sense". It might be a little boring to watch the movie indeed, as it includes a few old jumps, but according to the aforementioned informations, it should be no botheration at all.

3. Marshall iz duin! by Marshall: Time to move own and have some funky time! Marshall creatively mastered a fully entertaining minimovie, starring himself in it. Creativity describes the movie the best, as it has been used both, jumping and movie-making wise.


Let's take an in-depth look at the map releases from the beginning of this month, for the people who skipped over them; we'll see if you made the right decision.

kz_kzsca_desk by Chrizzy

Don't know who Chrizzy is? Well, you should do by now, his name is on more maps than we can count. Is he running out of creativity or is his latest creation kz_kzsca_desk another to-be classic? This map is quite dark overall but it is clearly made by an experienced mapper as every jump is still reasonably lit, the route flows well and is clear apart from the single jump from the back of the monitor to down round the side. The concept of this map is pretty creative, I believe this map is based on Chrizzy's real desk. Another sign of experience is how the difficulty is constant throughout the map, a pleasant easy-average climb all the way to the top. Unfortunately the amount of effort put in to the details, such as having so many sprites for the keyboard will really spoil this map for a lot of ATI users, if you are an ATI user don't expect this to be your new favourite map to speed run but as a piece of artistic work and a map second it certainly does well. Overall an enjoyable creation but it is a shame to see the limitations of the engine put a dirty mark on such a well crafted map.

kz_cosy_temple3 by PsYxOpAt and daza

Multiple mapper creations can either go horribly wrong or work remarkably well and I am pleased to be able to say that this map certainly didn't go wrong. The best word to describe this map is; atmospheric. The ambience really adds to the feeling of immersion, the wind makes you feel like you are in a gigantic temple and the birds during the final stages are a rewarding representation of freedom from the temple. The map is quite consistentdifficulty wise, offering a mostly easy-average experience but some jumpers who may find this level of difficulty suits them are possibly going to have a hard time on the first bunnyhop stage. The route is most quite clear and the map is well lit. In my opinion even though there was a clear intention to give the jumper a feeling of being inside a massive temple and feeling small in comparison, I feel like these mappers could have made a lot more out of the space, for such a large amount of space there weren't all that many jumps and there could definitely have been many more jumps without ruining the flow or being too complex. As an example take the final few bunnyhop stages, that area itself is quite large but we are only given a couple of bunnyhop stages. Nevertheless there are no notable fps issues with this map. Quite a simple map but I certainly recommend experiencing the atmosphere throughout this map.

kzua_zp_godroom_h by saix

Plenty of people say that there aren't enough truly difficult maps out there, well let me tell you that this one will shut those people up for quite a while. This map offers painful jumps throughout that will test even the most world class jumper, finishing this map with checkpoints is an achievement, never mind the colossal task of finishing it without. Every aspect of a jumpers talents will be tested in this room and there aren't many players who will be an even match. saix clearly did not make this map about ambience, atmosphere or anything like that, this is a map intended to destroy anybody who attempts it. Good luck to anyone attempting this map and try not to break your mouse and keyboard in frustration.

8b1_brickngrass by 8ball1

This is a map we all know and love. A thoroughly enjoyable map to speedrun with plenty of opportunities for amazing combos, an easy difficulty all the way to the top with a very well made layout allowing jumpers of all skill levels to test themselves. This map offers a pleasant outdoor atmosphere with a clear fast paced route. Not only that but this has been a popular map for trick jumpers, offering more than just a speedrun. There really isn't much to say about this map, we've all played it and people will continue to improve their times on it for a long time to come.


One of the most challenging issues ever faced by the XJ administration has been the management of “trolls”. And with the steady expansion of popularity of the community in the recent years, XJ has seen a dramatic increase in not only the number of members but also the number of trolls.

Now, let us have a look in how the community defines a “troll”. In simple words, anyone who “troubles” the community is designated as a ‘troll”. The person may engage in a necessary or un-necessary flame war, make non-sense comments or even spam a forum. The general perception of the community is that such guys should be hated and a warning or banishment should be awarded often so as to keep them in check.

But seldom do we look that someone takes interest to get into the mindset of the “trolls” and find out what they think and why they think in such a manner. And to be honest, the key to proper eradication of this infamous class is to uproot the cause from the very roots instead of trimming down the overtly weeds visible on the surface.

The primary reason for trolling is to seek attention. Most of the times, it is due to the fact that the concerned person does not get enough “attention” in real life. And so, he tries to make it up in virtual life. Whereas in some cases, it is due to the fact that the person is left alone because he cannot match the skills of his own group of friends who in course of time surpassed him in kreedzing. And so, he tries to conceal his pseudo-inferiority complex in meaningless posts.

Another reason, surprising enough, is pseudo-superiority complex where one thinks that he is more mature than an average member of the community and so he should degrade himself to go down to their level. A corollary to this theory is that sometimes the community overlooks a valid statement or argument of a certain person and when such phenomenon gets repeated over and over again, the said person is forced to think in the aforementioned manner.

Among the petty reasons, the most prominent one is perhaps un-related posts, resulting from drunken behavior. Personal grievances form another important aspect of the cause of trolling. For some, trolling is a means to advertise one or the thing over the internet while for some it is the means to seek revenge on the community for one reason or the other.

Whatever be the reason of trolling, “awarding” the “trolls” with a warning or a ban won’t be helping the community in the long run. Occasional counseling at times for the “regular” trolls might just do the trick. This is just one of the suggestions. As for the rest, a little active brainstorming on your part might be of great help in making this community a better place.


beg1ner 1337¼: Age doesn't matter if you are dedicated to something...


1. The XJ Weekly team urges you to actively participate in the meaningful and reasonable discussions so as to come up with innovative ideas and also to get full control over the urge to flame. Any member of the community irrespective of his nation, color or skill level is free to share ideas and articles. You just have to pm either of the XJ Weekly team members with your suggestions/ articles/ quote of the week, etc.

2. The content and the views included here within the weekly are by no means intended to harm, insult or offend anybody. The reviews and the feedback presented are the collective personal opinion of the XJ Weekly crew and in no means are influenced by anyone. If by chance, there is any inconvenience, please feel free to pm any XJ Weekly Crew member and we would get back to you as soon as possible.

Demo reviews by Scary, Movie reviews by 2006, Map reviews by episteme, Thought of The Week by AETIUS, Quote of The Week by Punk^.


发表于 2011-5-2 14:27:17 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-2 14:30:23 | 显示全部楼层
回复 fantasist 的帖子

等你翻译- -


发表于 2011-5-5 20:12:26 | 显示全部楼层
翻译一下吧 ,呜呜 。
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