risk_stargate[e] done in [url=http://xtreme-jumps.eu/check.php?filename=risk_stargate[e]_Memories_0322.78.rar]03:22.78[/url] ( 03:24.12 KeltA )
sn_nanoblock[easy] done in [url=http://xtreme-jumps.eu/check.php?filename=sn_nanoblock[easy]_juanch0x_0337.36.rar]03:37.36[/url] ( 03:42.49 zhady ) uq_suncliff done in 01:51.52 ( 01:52.28 gizpo_O )
Note: As some of you may have noticed, the demos will from now on show up alphabetically. Also, the record holder icon will be placed in a later time this week to everyone that has records, as well as removing those who don't have records anymore.
Read the extended news post for demos that were improved or didn't quite make it.