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[已解决] MCJ的插件



发表于 2011-2-4 18:10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


发表于 2011-2-4 18:22:21 | 显示全部楼层
JumpStats by [kzuq]BorJomi
version 2.29


Hi everyone! As you might know, in the Kreedz world two stats plugin are dominating, Jumpstats by Exolent and Long Jump Stats - eXtreme Modification by Numb. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, that's why I've just decided to do something mean in my plugin, whether I have succeeded? Time will tell). The starting point that I used was the original kz_stats by SchlumPF, modded by xPaw, but beyond that, I just borrowed some parts of the code from those LJ Stats - eXtreme Modification and Jumpstats, for which I express my special thanks to their developers.

Todo: Fix fu..ks bugs),

Cvar's ( in « » default values)

1. What should work when players connect to the server (0 = none, a = colorchat, b = stats, c = speed, d = showpre, e = strafe stats, f = beam, g = duck stats for mcj, h = shows message when your bhop prestrafe is failed,i=show multibhop pre,j= show prestrafe after duck, k=show lj prestrafe))

kz_uq_connect «abdehk»

1.1 For what team stats enable (0=all team,1=T,2=CT)
kz_uq_team «0»

2. Allow highlighting after landing (1 = on, 0 = off; works for holy, leet and god distances)

kz_uq_light «0»

3. Allow sounds (1 = on, 0 = off)

kz_uq_sounds «1»

4. How to save Top10 (2 = steamid, 1 = Ip, 0 = name)
kz_uq_top_by «1»

kz_uq_save_top «1» - On/Off TOP10 (1 = on, 0 = off)
kz_uq_maptop «1» - On/Off MapTop (1 = on, 0 = off)

5. Allow check to legal settings (1 = on, 0 = off)

а) kz_uq_legal_settings «1»
б) kz_uq_fps «0»
(1=more than 101 FPS jump does not count, 0= counts)

6. The prefix for all messages in chat

kz_uq_prefix «unique-kz»

7. How to set up a server by value sv_airaccelerate (0=10aa, 1=100aa)

kz_uq_airaccelerate «0»

8. Color Hud message statistics when you jump, in the RGB

kz_uq_stats_red «0»
kz_uq_stats_green «255»
kz_uq_stats_blue «159»

9. Color Hud messages Fail statistics when you jump, in the RGB

kz_uq_failstats_red «255»
kz_uq_failstats_green «0»
kz_uq_failstats_blue «109»

10. Color Hud messages prestrafe, in the RGB

kz_uq_prestrafe_red «255»
kz_uq_prestrafe_green «255»
kz_uq_prestrafe_blue «255»

11. Color of speed, in the RGB

kz_uq_speed_red «255»
kz_uq_speed_green «255»
kz_uq_speed_blue «255»

12. Coordinates Hud messages

a) General stats jump

kz_uq_stats_x «-1.0»
kz_uq_stats_y «0.70»

b) Strafes Stats

kz_uq_strafe_x «0.70»
kz_uq_strafe_y «0.35»

c) Ducks Stats for Multi CountJump
kz_uq_duck_x «0.6»
kz_uq_duck_y «0.78»

d) For speed

kz_uq_speed_x «-1.0»
kz_uq_speed_y «0.83»

e) for prestrafe

kz_uq_prestrafe_x «-1.0»
kz_uq_prestrafe_y «0.65»

13. Channels Hud messages

a) General stats jump

kz_uq_hud_stats «3»

b) Strafes Stats

kz_uq_hud_strafe «4»

c) Ducks Stats for Multi CountJump

kz_uq_hud_duck «1»

d) For speed

kz_uq_hud_speed «2»

e) For prestafe

kz_uq_hud_pre «1»

14. Color of chat messages of distance jump (good = grey, pro = green, holy = blue, leet = red, god = red (with sound godlike for all players))
a) LongJump/HighJump

kz_uq_good_lj «240»
kz_uq_pro_lj «245»
kz_uq_holy_lj «250»
kz_uq_leet_lj «253»
kz_uq_god_lj «255»

b) CountJump

kz_uq_good_cj «250»
kz_uq_pro_cj «255»
kz_uq_holy_cj «260»
kz_uq_leet_cj «265»
kz_uq_god_cj «267»

c) Double CountJump/Multi CountJump

kz_uq_good_dcj «250»
kz_uq_pro_dcj «255»
kz_uq_holy_dcj «260»
kz_uq_leet_dcj «265»
kz_uq_god_dcj «270»

d) LadderJump

kz_uq_good_ladder «150»
kz_uq_pro_ladder «160»
kz_uq_holy_ladder «170»
kz_uq_leet_ladder «180»
kz_uq_god_ladder «190»

e) BhopJump/StandUp BhopJump

kz_uq_good_bj «230»
kz_uq_pro_bj «235»
kz_uq_holy_bj «240»
kz_uq_leet_bj «245»
kz_uq_god_bj «247»

f) WeirdJump/Drop CountJump/Ladder BhopJump

kz_uq_good_wj «255»
kz_uq_pro_wj «260»
kz_uq_holy_wj «265»
kz_uq_leet_wj «270»
kz_uq_god_wj «272»

g) Drop BhopJump/Drop StandUp BhopJump

kz_uq_good_dbj «240»
kz_uq_pro_dbj «250»
kz_uq_holy_dbj «265»
kz_uq_leet_dbj «270»
kz_uq_god_dbj «272»

h)StandUp CountJump(if 100aa all cvar dist +15 units)

kz_uq_good_scj «240»
kz_uq_pro_scj «245»
kz_uq_holy_scj «250»
kz_uq_leet_scj «255»
kz_uq_god_scj «257»

15. on/off each technique

kz_uq_lj «1»
kz_uq_cj «1»
kz_uq_bj «1»
kz_uq_sbj «1»
kz_uq_wj «1»
kz_uq_dcj «1»
kz_uq_mcj «1»
kz_uq_drbj «1»
kz_uq_scj «1»
kz_uq_drcj «1»
kz_uq_ladder «1»
kz_uq_ldbj «1»

16. Minimum jump distance (except LadderJump)

kz_uq_min_dist «215»
kz_uq_max_dist «290»


Players commands

say /strafes – on/off statistics Strafes
say /showpre –on/off display prestrafe
say /ducks –on/off statistics ducks for multi cj
say /ljstats –on/off the main statistics
say /uqversion – show version
say /beam – on/off showing the trajectory of the jump
say /speed –on/off display of speed player
say /colorchat –on/off display of color in the chat messages from other players
say /ljsmenu – open the configuration menu
say /ljtop – open TOP10 menu
say /bhopwarn -on/off show message when you bhop prestrafe is fail
say /multibhop - on/off show multi bhop pre
say /duckspre - on/off display prestrafe after each duck
say /ljpre - on/off display prestrafe for LJ

Admin command

amx_reset_uqtops – reset all tops
amx_uq_default_cvars - set all cvars to default values



SchlumPF, xPaw, Exolent, Fatalis, Numb, Lt.RAT







 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-4 18:35:13 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-4 18:35:35 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-4 18:36:21 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-2-4 19:58:53 | 显示全部楼层
回复 SiMen.K. 的帖子



发表于 2011-2-4 21:17:07 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-2-4 22:45:58 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-2-4 22:46:05 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2011-2-4 23:40:28 | 显示全部楼层
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