本帖最后由 wzq5417601 于 2011-1-16 02:39 编辑
Hey guys,
the mapcheck team had a closer look at the recently nominated maps and we're proud to announce that the6
of the
most popular
nominated maps got
added to our mapcycle:
qsk_azure made by qui

Basically this monster will replace some of the recently added hard maps as probably the hardest map on XJ. You will need a lot of training and memorize every single of the hard to xtreme jumps to make it through this map and see the end timer without using checkpoints. Even with checkpoints this map might be a horror trip for most of the jumpers out there. Good luck, you'll need it

stf_creepytemple made by stuff_x

This map was one of the most popular maps in the map nominations, therefore I think most of you might already know the map. For those of you who don't: you will find yourself placed in a dark and mysterious tunnel once you open up the map, and you'll have to make your way through several other tunnels and rooms until you see end of this spooky map.
fof_axn_scroll_killa made by Fact or Fiction

It's been a while since XJ has seen its latest
map. However, FoF managed to create a very bright and atmospheric AXN map based on a nature/outdoor theme that allows a lot of skip and will probably feature a very amazing world record in the not too distant future .
cg_d2block_ez&cg_d2block_h made by DyleT2

This one gets me in a very nostalgic mood. It's been a while as well, since we were allowed to see an original cg_ map and present brought to us by the oldschool mapper (and imo one of the biggest talents out there) DyleT2. This one might seem a bit unimpressive at first, since its design is a based on dark and rather boring colors, but the design and architecture of the map is impressing and the jumps just feel like you're teleported 2-3 years back and playing one of the amazing oldschool and original maps back then. Also the hard version will provide a proper challenge for every jumper out there who's ready for it.
kzsca_watertemple made by daza

Another map you guys liked a lot, it has pretty amazing jumps and I'm sure lot of people will enjoy playing and recording this map. Nevertheless there is a kind of bitter aftertaste you might ge after playing this map... Quite a few parts and ideas that you find in this map seem not only to be inspired but also to be pretty much copied from KZ_kzdk_templebhop and kzu_pharaonrun. We like to remind you that ripping/copying other mappers ideas without asking them for permission and giving them proper credits will not be tolerated by the XJ staff (and such maps won't be added to our mapcycle). However, in this case we had a conversation with the original mapper radon and asked for his permission to release this map and/or if he feels bothered by this incident; he agreed on having this map released nevertheless, so here it is.
As usual: Have fun & enjoy the climb