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本帖最后由 fantasist 于 2011-1-12 12:33 编辑
Before we announce the winners of this week, we'd like to put forward a few guidelines for submitting the trickjumps:
1. The demos should be recorded with legal KZ settings (for details refer demo submission rules). Non-steam and protocol 47 demos would be rejected right away. Cheaters/ hackers would be dealt seriously.
2. Please name the demos as mapname_author. Please zip the demo files before uploading and sending us the links. Remember, the name used as the "author" in the filename would be the name used in the movie and all future references.
3. It is kindly requested not to send demos which have been used previously in any movie or is going to be used in any movie before the release of the XJ Weekly - The Movie for that particular month. This is to ensure that the movie contains fresh tricks. Also, once your demo makes it to the Top 3 of the week, it is requested not to make the demos public. This is to ensure that the anticipation of the movie is set to maximum.
4. The TRICKJUMP COMPETITION is not only meant for the trick-jumpers but also for the movie-makers as well. If you are interested in making the XJ Weekly - The Movie, please contact the Weekly Crew at your earliest. Just make sure you are motivated enough and have ample spare time to make the movie within a week.
Now, over to the Top 3 trick-jumps of the week. The winners of this week are Shady`, noobstyleR and I RUSSIA!.
现在,让我们来看看本周前三的TJ都是什么吧。本周胜利者是 Shady`, noobstyleR 和 I RUSSIA!.
Don't forget to send your trickjumps by pm to either A3T!U$ or w1zz, as this is the last week before XJ Weekly - The Movie will come out.
(fantasist:国内高手不少,刷不了WR录几个TJ demo应该没问题,来积极参加这个活动吧,能上视频青史留名哦。只是一定要有正版CS……)
w1zz: Hello eDark. Thank you for accepting this interview. Only a few people in XJ know who you are, so can you please introduce yourself for the start?
eDark: Hi w1zz and everyone who is reading this of course, I am a coder at XJ and responsible for developing detections for cheats and also coding tools to check demos for cheats. I'm 25 years old, live near Munich and I'm studying computer science at the TU Munich. Besides that I'm working for the Computer Graphics & Visualization group at the university.
你好w1zz,正在读这篇采访的童子们大家好。我是XJ的程序员,负责编写检测作弊的软件。我目前25岁,住在慕尼黑附近,正在慕尼黑技术大学(TU Munich)学习计算机科学。我在学校的计算机图形与可视化小组里工作。
w1zz: How did you get started in the kreedz scene? Was there anyone who introduced you?
eDark: Well that was a long time ago about early 2004 I think and the kreedz scene had just started at that time and was not as big yet like it is now. I was playing normal cs in a 5on5 fun team and a more serious 2on2 team and I was spending a lot of time with improving our tactics. I watched many international matches at that time of well known teams and so I noticed some techniques they used in their tactics, for example the jump on nuke.
I was fascinated by that immediately and tried to figure out how to do that and get better in it. So I started watching trickjump movies.
In one movie I think it was about fisker and his movement I saw a map type I had never seen before and at first I couldn't find it anywhere. After some time of searching I found a site called kzmaps.co.uk and started downloading all the maps. After that I spent a lot of time jumping on kz servers and watching demos of world records.
w1zz: You spent a lot of time jumping on kz servers and watching demos, but have you ever tried to record any world record?
eDark: That is actually a very funny story in retro perspective. After some time I did indeed start to try recording some world records and watched the demos of the pros very carefully. I first tried to imitate their style by doing every jump like they did and get better that way. When I was confident enough that I could do it if I would just spend a lot of time I started to geek kz_6fd_volcano. At that time silver had the world record and I was trying the map for like 2 weeks but still couldn't do some jump combos he did in his demo. It was not like I couldn't do them often but it was literally impossible to do them even if you tried only that jump combo a 1000 times. So I figured there has to be something else and I found it. All the jump combos were suddenly pretty easy when I limited my fps. So I just limited my fps to 20 geeked the map for another day and had a world record.
Of course 20 fps have been very obvious and so the demo was removed after some days. But that started a discussion for the first time about where the limit is for legit demos and how we could check that.
w1zz: About the pros, did you ever think about a jumper as being your idol? And who would that be?
eDark: At first I was very impressed by the jumpers of course and if I'd have to pick someone that I would describe as idol I would say kalle. Kalle did an impressive kz_man_terablock demo for that time and I also remember how I was watching on the hltv when he had beaten the kz_tropiclimb_b01 world record in a live match of the league that was held then.
w1zz: How much did your jumping career last? And, by any chance, is it possible to see you back in-game anytime?
eDark: My jumping career lasted only for a year until the game World of Warcraft was released in 2005 and I didn't play a lot cs after that anymore. Also I was only jumping on servers for fun and didn't try to record demos anymore after my first one.
From time to time if I have nothing else to do I'm still joining a kreedz or surf server and try to do some jumps but I'm really out of practice and I have way too less time to get really active again and since the maps always get harder I have a really hard time doing some jumps ...
If I want to spend some time after a busy day to clear the head I'm playing trackmania most of the time at the moment.
w1zz: Many users classify you as "the man that keeps XJ alive" due to your programs and cheat detections made over the years. What would you have to say about this?
eDark: Back then when I tried to record a world record and found out that it is only possible with cheating I was very frustrated about that. And I think it is also very frustrating to see your world record taken by a cheated demo after you spent so much time to get it. When we checked the demos with our first tool we found that about half of the demos were cheated and that was very disappointing. So without an evolving detection system that catches all the new stuff that is out there people would just start to try to get world records by every means.
I think the most important thing of the cheat detection programs is that they are laying the foundation for a fair competition and make a long term investment in getting better possible since you know that someone else who has beaten you had to practice the same amount of time and couldn't just take a shortcut. This way we're seeing more and more professionalism arising every year and this is one important part for an alive competition. The other important part are the jumpers who dedicate so much time in the game to do these impossible things of course.
w1zz: Well, now with Fps-Death, many cheaters have been busted. But there have been major difficulties in some cases, difficulties that required further investigation from your side. New cheats are made everyday, but is Fps-Death improving daily?
eDark: With our anti cheat tools we went a very different way as the most other systems. We're not detecting the cheats themselves but try to detect the effect they have. This way we can detect a broad variety of cheats with the same effect with only one update and it is also possible to detect cheats we have never seen before. In the most cases when we find new possibilities to cheat I just check if we can already see them and teach our demo admins how they can detect them. At the other hand it becomes very hard to detect cheats that have very low impact and in those cases it is often necessary for me to check the demos myself because it is not possible to write a manual for those cases. Of course I can't tell you exactly how our tools are updated or what tools we're using at the moment.
w1zz: About your activity at XJ, on what does it depend and when do you think the moment when you will say goodbye to this community will come?
eDark: When I came to this community I came here to jump like most of the other people who are joining. But the nice thing about XJ is that you can still be a part of it even if you're not jumping at all. I see a lot of people who are staying here because it gives them the possibility to live out their creativity for example in movies or maps.
I myself see my activity at XJ as a pure technically activity. In fact when I started coding for XJ I was on a very low level and had just started but I also saw the possibility to get together with other coders and a very meaningful way to improve my coding skills and at the same time deliver useful things to people who need them on a daily basis. This way I became more and more professional as a coder myself, which I don't think would have happened so easily if I wouldn't have stayed here.
Today I'm still trying to spend as much time as possible with coding for XJ besides my job and studying, but as you can imagine it gets harder as you get older. But as long as XJ is a functioning community and needs me I'll stay and try to give back as much as possible.
w1zz: That can only make us happy. I want to thank you again for giving me the possibility to take this interview and on behalf of the Xtreme-Jumps community I want to wish you a year full of joy and accomplishments.
eDark: I also want to wish you all a wonderful new year and that all of you accomplish what you have planned for the year.
itachi^ : nice release, gz for first wr nDr
Context: The New Year Demo Release, where ndR makes a comeback (after being the top record holder for XJ for quite a bit of time) with a WR on kz_kzsca_greenisland.
出处:新年的WR发布中,ndR(在霸占WR榜首位相当长一段时间之后)通过kz_kzsca_greenisland的WR复出了。 |