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本帖最后由 fantasist 于 2010-12-15 13:10 编辑
1. KZ_cellblock done in 03:23.17 by koukouz: Following the same pattern that has been showing up for some weeks, koukouz beats another demo that was claimed unbeatable. Although a very precise, yet a little bit contained run, rumor is zhady is about to start a battle no one is sure who is going to win.
2. kz_xj_rockblock done in 01:25.32 by Chasquido: One of the most interesting demos this week, it is great to see how Chasquido manages to remove over a second in this all-time classic map.
3. kz_cliffez done in 01:30.39 by Chasquido: Even not showing the same air dancing that heL^_x is known and loved (and hated?) for, this is still a very well-crafted demo and another must watch of this week.
4. sn_ezycliff done in 02:47.25 by KeltA: Perhaps the only demo that is interesting this week apart from the run itself, KeltA’s happiness is well noticeable when he finishes his run.
5. kz_42_amazon done in 02:33.95 by surRendi: Keeping up the race for this map on his own, surRendi shows some of the skills that made him well known in the surfing world.
6. kz_xj_ezbrickjump done in 02:04.36 by kunqui: Beating back the demo koukouz had taken from him with amazing bhop combos, kunqui finally makes a solid comeback.
7. kz_man_lost_island done in 06:05.05 by Kraeft: Yet another incredible comeback from this former world recorder, in a quick and beautiful run. Certainly worth watching!
w1zz: Hello Micron. Thank you for accepting this interview. Let's start with your introduction.
Micron: Hello. My name is Nicki, I'm 21 years old and I live in Denmark. I currently have an apprenticeship as an electrician. In my spare time I work out, hang out with friends and play video games.
w1zz: Since you have mentioned video games, when did you get introduced to Counter-Strike and the Kreedz mod?
Micron: I can't exactly tell you when, other than it was a long time ago, but I can tell you how. I used to play cs a lot with my buddies on these fun servers owned by a clan called 'Meaty Balls". So one day I was browsing their forum and one guy had started a topic about starting a kz server. So I googled kz maps to find out what it was and stumbled upon kreedz.com where I downloaded kz_px_eaglecliff and instantly fell in love with the game. I got halfway through eaglecliff so I thought I was pro. Then I went and downloaded kz_tropiclimb_xp... didn't get past the 2nd jump.
说不清什么时候,因为是很久以前了,但我还记得是怎样接触的。我曾经和朋友们在“Meaty Balls(肉肉的球?)”俱乐部的服务器上玩了很长时间CS。有天我浏览他们的论坛,看到一个人发了关于架设kz服务器的帖子。我为了知道KZ是什么,去google搜索KZ地图,无意中在kreedz.com上下载到kz_px_eaglecliff,瞬间就迷上了KZ。我跳到这图的一半,觉得自己真是天才。又下载了kz_tropiclimb_xp,结果连第二个跳点都过不去。
w1zz: Sounds like a perfect love story. Since that moment, have you continuously played or did you take any major breaks?
Micron: I've had tons of breaks. I usually get bored of kz after a few months or so and then I take a break where I play other games. It always manages to draw me back eventually though.
w1zz: Recently, I have noticed you playing quite a lot. Can we call this a comeback, or...?
Micron: Depends on what you mean by a comeback. I'm not planning to do any new demos, since records are way too hard for me to beat nowadays. I mostly just play for fun on the PhooGi servers and compete a little with all the people I know there.
w1zz: What makes you think that records are way too hard to beat nowadays? What has changed in your opinion?
Micron: Well, the skill level is so much higher now. All the records are much closer to perfection. The only thing that really changed is that more people started playing kz and the more people that play, the more competition there's gonna be. All this competition forces players to keep pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible in a demo. I guess it's just the natural evolution of the game.
w1zz: Every jumper has at least one favorite map, and a map that he hates. Which ones would those be in your case?
Micron: My favorite map is kz_man_ultrablock, I never get tired of playing that map, which is why I like demoing it. I also generally like extreme maps. I can't play a lot of the newer extreme maps since I never really learned to cj though. There's A LOT of maps that I don't like. The ones I hate the most are the confusing ones though, the ones where you have no idea where to jump if you've never played the map before. I prefer challenging maps because they give you a greater feeling of achievement when you finally manage to nocheck them.
w1zz: Well, since you like demoing ultrablock so much, I guess that map will be yours forever. What about a favorite jumper; did you ever have one?
Micron: Yes I did. My favorite jumper of all time was T3dbundy, he had a great style and he was good at every aspect of kz. He also recorded most of the maps I like: oldschool block maps and extreme maps.
w1zz: What about a favorite jumper from the "new era"? And what do you think about Xtreme-Jumps' evolution. Where do you see this community in a few years?
Micron: I don't really have a favorite jumper of the "new era" as I don't watch a whole lot of demos anymore. I usually only watch the demos of the maps I like. Judging from what's happened in the past I'd say that in a few years the record list is probably going to be dominated by some people we've never heard of yet. As long as there are admins willing to spend their time running XJ and as long as there are people doing records kz will keep evolving.
w1zz: That's pretty much it, Micron. Thank you for letting me interview you and I'm sure every member of XJ will be waiting for your comeback one day. Now, if you have any shoutouts, please go ahead.
Micron: Thanks for interviewing me w1zz. I'd like to give a shoutout to Fuzzerd, gangien, dropsys and the rest of the PhooGi crew. JohnnyB and Fade Away.
感谢w1zz采访我。最后的话留给Fuzzerd、gangien、dropsys和其他PhooGi成员。JohnnyB and Fade Away(fantasist:抱歉,不知道是什么意思).
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK又臭又长,实在没法翻译,请见谅……
翻译:fantasist |