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hidenseek.eu's secound Weekly!



发表于 2009-4-12 13:57:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Simen.Error 于 2009-4-12 14:06 编辑

1. Ladder System!

It has been discussed many times, but never made before!
So we thought we would take it to the xtreme!, we have made a complete ladder system for all the hidenseek clans to use!
We have also fixed a ladder menu, here you can create your own team, join one (requiers password), just check the team list, check any during or upcomming events etc.
It's allready been created several teams and we are still waiting for the first match!
We actually had one match between fabilouz and klan dk but somehow the match was quited.

This ladder System is for 100aa players as well so you can create your team as well! dippelito has allready created his team See Me Bounce.

List of teams so far:

Brain Damage
[img] fabiliouz
klan dk
See Me Bounce
As you can see the list ain't so small, but we would like it to grow even more, so go ahead and register your team!

经过多次讨论 并没有上线的功能 现在终于推出了
玩家可以组建自己的团队 并申请帐号 进行比赛


2. QuadroX the new impressive hidenseek team!

Hello Jaspare, your currently a player in the quadrox hidenseek team, but before we start this interview could i get you to tell us a little about yourself?

Yesh, my name is Jesper Viking and I am 18 years old (19 in june) I live in Sweden, Norrköping, in my spare time i play HNS, drink moonshine or just kicking back with some nice reggae and a monster spliff. As you mention before im a player in quadrox hidenseek squad, im a captain of the squad and i also do alot of work in our forums etc.

Okay, sounds like your living the sweet life, about the team, what are your goals, and how do you expect to achieve them?

Jaspare: I think our main goal is to have alot of fun together, but still also be known the hidenseek community and hopefully win alot of tournaments/cups. As you might know we've already won our first one. In my oppinion all you need to become one of the greatest hns team is teamplay, and alot of training on the maps such as boosts etc.

How long have you guys been playing together, and does the team meet your own personal expectations?

Jaspare: Actually we haven't play together for for that long, before we made this team we had just played against eachother in HNS gathers and on public. Marooned and I had played some public together and some 2on2's pcw's. Other then that the were just luck that pulled us together and made this awesome teamplay team I think. Before the cup we've just played some on my listen server to check boosts etc.. So theres not that much of experience with eachothers. In my oppinion I think this team is perfect for me, epic teamplay and alot of fun. So yeah, they meet my own personal expectations.

That sounds very promising, do you think you and the team together have what it takes to be within the top5 of hns teams?
Jaspare: There is noone specific, we got some applications and tryouts for next week. I won't tell you any names(If you want to see who made application, visit our website), there are some nice players that made applications.
However we are looking for serious players, they dont need to be ÜBER soloartists, we need epic teamplayers that also could do some nice groundmovments.

When can we expect to see Quadrox in action with a full steady lineup participating in events?
Jaspare: Thats hard to know at the moment, but hopefully next week. We are trying to not feel any stress about it, but I really hope we can make some tryouts for next week.

Okay, I want to thank you for your time and i wish you and your team the best of luck, and i hope to see you in action shortly. Is there anything you would like to say before we end this (Hello mum i love you or something?)
Jaspare: Shoutout to ma niggas, quadrox team, thanks noqex for this lovelvy interview. I love 3pac and marooned, thanks im out PEACE

一只新的HNS队伍 另人印象最深
在前阵子的由Hnsro举办的HNSCUP中 所向披靡 一直杀到冠军

说了一些关于HNS的事 如何胜任队长啊 等等

3. Poll N Desktop

New poll at the forum about the new layout!
Go ahead and submit your vote!

We also want to show the nice deskop noqex have done!

Link to Deskop

Please rate it at the post link

挺不错的 是hnseu的管理员noqex制作的
同时也发起一个投票 关于hnseu官方论坛的排版设计的
我们都知道 国外几乎所有kz论坛的风格都是一样的
当然是否重新设计 得看投票结果了

4. Cup Talk!

Also we can announce that the Romanian hidenseek community hidenseek.ro are launching a cup the 13th of April.
We have gotten in contact with one of the managers of the cup dLx^ and he has given us the following statement:

dLx^ wrote ...


-link- is the Romanian official HNS community and we are making a 5vs5 cup with all types of maps including your favorite de/cs ones.
The will start this wednesday on the 13th of April so you still have a lot of time to find mates and signup in here :http://www.hidenseek.ro/forum/index.php?f=38&t=945&rb_v=viewtopic but if you don't understand we made an English detailed thread http://www.hidenseek.ro/forum/index.php?f=38&t=973&p=15164&rb_v=viewtopic#p15164 just for you because the main languange in the forum is romanian.

About the rules:
All the rules are the legal ones which everyone knows them:

1. Airaccelerate 10 (aa10)
2. Roundtime 3
3. Hidetime 15
4. Teamchange 12
5. 3 fb / 1 smk

The maps weren't yet choosed because we are waiting to see how many teams will signup in order to see the situation but there will surely be maps like nuke chateau piranesi vertigo and so on.
For other questions or problems contact dLx^ PM/STEAM.

于4月13日 开赛
同时他也告诉了大家的规则 每局3分 12局换边 3白1烟

5. HNS Cup Hosted by Tsotsi ended!

The winners of the romanian cup were team quadrox! congratz to all who played. Their way to the final was like an highway.. they killed all their opponents with their excelent teamplay and talent.
This resulted in a final against HNS.RO witch ended with victory for quadrox.
hidenseek.eu says good job to all team who partacipated participated in the cup and hope for more cups from the romanian hns scene.

啊 刚才也提到了
前阵子由Hnsro举办的HNS CUP QuadroX获得了冠军
Their way to the final was like an highway.. they killed all their opponents with their excelent teamplay and talent.
真的这么牛B? 所向披靡?一路斩杀?

6. Gathers

Many of you have probably seen it or even participated in this sort of event before, so what event could it be that we are talking about?
It is the most deeply insane amazing sort of hidenseek, thats right gathers! and they are coming back in the upcoming week.
A gather is also known as a "mix", but in a little different way. In a gather you add yourself into our bot, and when its full the bot will mix two teams randomly, and the server information will be sent out to the participators, as the game starts you are playing 5rounds each team, and when the game is over you can simply go and play another one.
Since we just opened up for 100aa in this community, we are pointing out that at the moment gathers are only played with 10aa, in the future however if there is a spirit for it, we are able to open gathers for 100aa aswell.

Every thought that VIP was just something that didn't do anything good here in hidenseek.eu?, well it does now! Our VIP's has the ability of starting gathers aswell as our admins!
Get the money out of the pocket and support our community and get exclusive VIP features!
Click me to support the community! (Please be aware of we do not offer refunds to this service, and the system will work in the beginning of next week!)

In order to play a gather you need the client, mIRC it can be downloaded here
When you have downloaded the client, go into options and write your username, then simply connect to the server and click into the #hideandseek channel and your ready to play!

Some of the basic commands for our gathers:
!add - Signs you up to the gather.
!remove - Removes you from the gather.
!status - Shows a status of how many players added, who the admin is, and what map that is being played.

For a full list of featured commands, click here

If you could be interested in being a gather admin in hidenseek.eu write an application in comments to this news feed

Application formular:
How many gathers can start do per week:
Description of you:

Remember to take time to write this application, if we can see its just some 2minutes work we throw your application in the trash can right away

如果有兴趣的 可以去申请,然后写一篇报道关于本次周报的

7. The Comeback of MoutainKingen!!

Some of you may know Sebastian Andersson already, he goes by the name MountainKingen ingame, he just been on a break from the scene and recently returned so we took some time to have a few words with him.

Hello Sebastian, you recently returned to the scene from a longer break, what made you come back?

MountainKingen: My friends started playing HNS, then I began to also, and i missed the old times.

Well its great to have you back, do you have any plans on joining any teams or just playing for fun?

Okay, you deserve a good luck and its great to have you back. Is there any last words you would like to say before we end this short interview?

MountainKingen: Noo, have a nice day!

You too, and thanks for your time.

后来看到朋友玩hns 觉得很有趣
但是MountainKingen到底是谁呢 谁来告诉我啊


the kz team duck2bounce are now seeking hns players! You can see some requirements to join at the forum (clan search) and what they offer you as a member.
you can also add zam the clanleader if you want to know something. Steamacc: Saman93. link to post link

noqex also had a little chat with him.

Hello zam:, your the team leader in duck2bounce, what do you think about the organisation, and what are the goals for the team, do you think you can meet your expectations?

zam: Hello noqex, yes i am the head leader in duck2bounce. We are a Kreedz and HideNSeek jumping clan. We currently have one of the best kreedz players in the team with alot of worldrecords. Now we decided to start up a HideNSeek team again, our goal is to become one of the best teams in the world and play aginst the pro teams such as insilio and quadrox. And i think that we got a chance. Right now we are only 3 players in the team, its me(zam), rad and VNS. However we are looking for the last players.

不过现在就3个人 zam rad  VNS

9. noqex & kimbie are searching clans!
They are both searching for serious hns clans so if any clan out there need some really nice players visit our forums (clansearch) and watch their post to see some informations about them both.
hidenseek.eu wishes good luck to your both and hopefully you will find a clan soon.

Link to their clansearch posts!

noqex thread link

kimbie thread link

找谁呢 当然是高手了 确切的说是高手团 组团嘛
二人在不断寻觅 吸引更多的HNS队伍

10. News from China

hnscn_coolcbble made by nIcoOO` from ***** .
This map is made for the people who love the ladder-maps most and have some jump skills. There are some TJs in this map. You can show the BJ, cj, lj skills when you play it.
It also has some wallbugs. The map theme and texture is from cbble, a classic CS map. I will keep on working on this map and make it more fun to play and i hope you love it, and give me some suggestions on how to improve the map is what nIcoOO` told us.

11. And now for some 100 airaccelerate news:

Last week the 100aa news were mostly focused on Funkytown's exciting recruitment and the collaps of European[kz].
This week we had a really intresting interview with the famous 100aa player dippelito to found out what his thoughts around the 100aa scene these days are. He will also give uss some information about his clan "See Me Bounce".
We will also give some follow up information from the last Weekly.

Thx for joining uss "dippe" its a pleasure to have you here.
I get payed right? (IRL LOL)

How did you get in touch with hns?
Well i started playing counter-strike when i was about 10 years old. yeah i was the annoying kid with the high voice back then ;) how i exactly got in touch with hide and seek I dont really remember but what i do remember is one day i was at ventrilo and some dude said lets play hide and seek.
we played de_hidenseek_b01, camped and laughed our asses of if they could see us in the shade. And that's how i got in touch with hidenseek!

Sounds awesome! Is there any player you have keeped contact with from the very first start ?
Not really, most players just founded me as a geek for playing HNS that much. Alltho there is one player i played with from the beginning and that is Nirvan. Use to be a sick longjumper. akM know him as well ;)!

How did you came up with your nickname "dippelito"?
I use to nick dip, how i made that nick up i can't remember. but when i joined the clan MIE back in the days with esselito and vibbelito, esselito asked me to nick "Dippelito". I liked the nick, took it and never changed it.

I've seen many players using "lito" at the end of there nicknames what do you think about that?
It's like playing with the SK tag.

So you dont like it?
Well i dont realy mind it if people do it. so many do it nowadays.. when I nicked it I didnt even really knew what it ment. but the part I dont like is people talking to me like I am one of the thousand lito's and say to me: LITO how original

Now lets talk about your clan "See Me Bounce". Hows it going for you?
Well im a perfectionist and it can always be better. We have excisted for about 1 and a half year by now, and we have always been at the top of the ladder. the last few weeks I did a big cleanup and removed the "weakest links" and i took a new member in named Tegan.

Nice, He tried out for Funkytown before right?
Yes. That's right.

So he was not good enough for Funkytown and now he joined SMB?
Well...Funkytown had a few sick players. Top 3 was Grizzly, Keklolz & Tegan. Only one would be taken in and grizzly was chosen. So when i saw tegan was looking around for a good clan I spoke with him and he joined SMB. (He has already proved hisself in a 2on2 pcw with me against europeankz witch we won)

While mentioning Funkytown.. You guys havent played against eachother yet ha?
Not Yet

Do you see them as smb's biggest opponents to become the top 1 100aa clan?

Well, alot of people do say funky is the best clan out there. Alltho its verry hard to say witch clan is better due to different play style's every clan have. Without any doubt i can say SMB and Europeankz are by far the trickiest clan out there.
Most others play in my opinion way to carefull and some clans even make tactics to camp at places in beginning of the round and stay there for 1 minute. Alltho carefull playing is way easier to take wins i rather play tricky and risky. and i tell my members to play tricky and risky. rather lose without lame playing then win with it
So yes and no, funky got nice teamwork it's hard to avoid "ganging" against them. But i dont like there playstyle and they know that. so NO i dont see them as the biggest opponent.But ye they are one of the two hard opponents along with europeankz.

We say thx to dippelito and continiue with some more news about the 100aa scene.

As scary told uss in last post kCAB & Trigger and later Grizzly left EuropeaN[kz] witched ended with no server for EuropeaN[kz]...
But now they are back on track again! They have a new 12 spot server running 24/7!(atleast the name say so)
They have also recruited the players Keklolz and Palle to fill up the the team.

Then what happend to kCAB,Trigger and Grizzly? Well as we heard in the 100aa post last week he joined Funkytown lead by scary.
kCAB & Trigger created a new clan named #Beer-gaming.hns and they allready have a running 24/7 server and a nice lineup.

Members: kCAB, Trigger, burN, Eizn, sojaN, Midjet and insanEE

关于HNS很少 貌似一直在讲100aa

啊 眼睛好痛............

12. Weekly Winners:

Player of the week: MountainKingen for his awesome comeback!

Map of the week: de_nuke

Joke of the week: -link- (Roommate Alien Prank Goes Bad)

最佳玩家 回归的MountainKingen
每周地图 De_nuke (这图怎么了?)
每周笑话 不知道 youtube我们看不了了......55

原文地址 http://www.hidenseek.eu/news.php?extend.105

肯定有个很大的错误 发现者赶紧回帖说一下



发表于 2009-4-12 14:06:53 | 显示全部楼层
我第一次看到 房东 翻译这么长的东西


 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-12 14:08:09 | 显示全部楼层
没事 突然发现的


 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-12 14:09:45 | 显示全部楼层
BB 发现错误 帮我改下啊......


发表于 2009-4-12 15:27:14 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-4-15 23:15:35 | 显示全部楼层
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