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[国际新闻] KZ历史_转自XJ



发表于 2008-6-9 13:19:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




kz_dimensions, kz_ascension, kz_climbersxp and kz_peak. 然后很多战队的队员和玩家都找到他本人


紧接着不到一年的时间,由Maxeh 和MC-Sk8r两人所创建的第一个KZ团队产生了。他们有着自己的kz服务器
但他们没有在IRC聊天频道上筹办跳跃比赛,关于跳跃比赛都是在#jump-cup这个聊天频道上策划,那上面有很多喜欢KZ的玩家,如Swedish, Ramen, ogma and eXzY,Ramen负责程序代码的编写,而ogma and eXzY

在那之后,有2名玩家,joe and Moxx开始为跳跃比赛编写新的脚本。开始这项计划本来他们考虑是

正因为如此,上传的DEMO非常多,而KZMAPS 则让这些事有条不紊的进行着。就在那个时候,一个叫eDark


KZMAPS上的DEMO和发布新的KZ地图。然而6个月以来,MOXX一直非常辛苦的把大量时间花在KZMAPS网站上,这已经让他疲惫不堪。这时他打算和XJ的创始人Oddysseus 以及faker商量,让KZMAPS和XJ进行合并。

ogma 和 eXzy,对第一个线上跳跃比赛IRC频道作出贡献。
MC-Sk8r 和 Maxeh,他们是创立了第一个KZ主题的团队让人们开始对KZ感兴趣,让DEMO
Oddysseus & Faker,让Xtreme-jumps走到了现在.



Original text  ↓

note, this is a work in progress, any text on this site might be changed.

The kz scene started in 2003, or at least that's when kreedz started sharing his maps.
Kreedz started off making maps just for fun to share and play with some of his friends, kz_hauntedhouse was one of the first ever released kz maps.
Later he created giantbean, yet again to share and play with friends and clan mates. When later the kz maps was brought more to the public, more and more people
started showing interests for the maps, therefore he continued creating these extraordinary maps, the list followed with popular maps as kz_climbers,
kz_dimensions, kz_ascension, kz_climbersxp and kz_peak. The new maps was liked quite allot and some time later clans started contacting him about making maps
that's when he made the kz_crs_iceclimb, obviously for the clan crs. That's when the rest of the world started looking into the maps and starting mapping for themselves and allot of new mappers and maps came to the earth.

A little less than a year later the first kz community popped up,
-, which was created by Maxeh and MC-Sk8r.
They had a public server playing kz maps twenty four hours everyday, every week. At this point kreedz was releasing his maps at his own website Anyhow at this point the community didn’t have any cups in the irc channel, this was held at a channel called #jump-cup, which was a bunch of people, mainly Swedish, Ramen, ogma and eXzY. Ramen was the coder for the script they had, and ogma and eXzY took care of the channel and other important things.
One or a few years later the administrators in #jump-cup began to be tired of the constant work and they decided to close the channel down.

That's when a guy called joe and Moxx decided to make something about it and started working on a new cup script, at first this was thought of being a own project in an own channel.
But later when the admins of the first kz community, kzmaps. Got to know about this script, and decided to invite Moxx and joe to the community. That's how the cups got started and integrated into the kz-scene and the scene as we all know it today.

Also at this point sending in demos on the maps was very big, kzmaps took care of all that.
That's when a guy called eDark entered the community and he was a pretty good coder, and decided that it must be a way to check the cvars in demos.
So he started working on the first version of the program fps-death, it was a pretty simple program at this point; it only checked the gravity and a few other things.
As time was passing Moxx and eDark was talking about how good it would be if you could actually see in the program if people were using a bhopscript or hack.
At this point the bhopdetection was a little bit buggy, but the program was still a beta.

Anyhow as time was passing by kreedz later decided to leave the computer and was seeking a more outgoing life, he decided to give the page access and accepting map policy to Moxx, this was 11'th May 2005, this meant that Moxx was in full control of the kz-scene, and the maps getting released. When this was going on Moxx was also the leader of the community kzmaps. He got very tired of releasing the same maps at 2 complete different sites, so that's when he decided to move the mapreleases to the kzmaps webpage.

Also at this point the community xtreme-jumps started developing into a worldwide community by deciding to make the language on their site English instead of German.
They were as this was going on only releasing maps in third part, which meant they were doing the releases after the actually release at kzmaps. So all xtreme-jumps was pretty much doing was doing third party releases of maps and demos.

Later when kzmaps had some ftp problems with their demo section, xtreme-jumps started releasing demos, when kzmaps finally got hold of the ftp again, it was too late the demos was way to in there. kzmaps still did the map releases and of course Moxx was still checking them.

Even later than that Moxx got very tired at checking maps himself all the time, and the kzmaps page was taking alot of his spare time, he was pretty much running it himself for over 6 months. He decided after some discussion with Oddysseus and faker to merge kzmaps with xtreme-jumps, the plan was to make it easier for the users, by having everything
at the same site, rather than maps at one site and demos at another. Moxx also got tired of checking all the maps by himself all the time, so he decided to share the obligation with some of the admins in xtreme-jumps, that's when we first began voting on which maps should be accepted, at this point it was pretty few people, about 4 or 5.

Some time later angie were around and we decided to make the map checking process a bit more "public", by adding more people from the public and have at least 10 people testing maps.
So that is why we have a map checking team as big as it is today.

This is why we still check maps before giving them the kz tag, to honor kreedz for all his hard work and his imaginary mind for creating such a great style of maps. And this is of course why we don’t accept a map that you already released among the public, of course you can have your own beta tester, but your cant release it in public.

But of course we would also like to thank some of the people that kept the scene running for all those years.

Moxx, for keeping the kz-scene and spirit alive for all those years, and for all his hard work keeping the community running and of course for taking on the job as being "kreedz", accepting maps.
joe, for making the first official kz cup script that was included into the community.
Ramen, for creating the first ever kz cup script as far as we know.
ogma and eXzy, for helping out in the first ever channel that did cups on jump maps.
MC-Sk8r and Maxeh, for creating the first community that had the main interest kz, and for making it possible to send in demos.
Oddysseus & Faker, for keeping the community xtreme-jumps up for so long.

[ 本帖最后由 Simen.1030 于 2008-6-9 14:58 编辑 ]


参与人数 2金币 +5 +5 收起 理由
wojiushi186 + 3 + 3 行家一出手,就知有没有!
W493035279 + 2 + 2 你也辛苦了



发表于 2008-6-9 13:32:16 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-6-9 14:35:43 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-6-9 14:39:31 | 显示全部楼层
感谢他们那些人吧 应该
  • TA的每日心情
    前天 10:24
  • 签到天数: 65 天


    发表于 2008-6-9 14:46:41 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2008-6-9 15:00:12 | 显示全部楼层
    文采很好 ~ 学习中。。。。


    发表于 2008-6-9 16:33:26 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2008-6-9 16:40:54 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2008-6-9 16:43:39 | 显示全部楼层
    辛苦了 。。如此繁多


    发表于 2008-6-9 16:45:01 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 SiMen.putao 于 2008-6-9 16:33 发表

    俺们都是农民 ~
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