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1999年4月20日美国哥伦比亚高中校园枪击案的两个主犯:Dylan Klebold和Eric Harris

Fatal Friendship How two suburban boys traded baseball and bowling for murder and madness By Lynn Bartels and Carla Crowder Denver Rocky Mountain News Staff Writers © Copyright 1999 Denver Rocky Mountain News -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Their names will be intertwined forever. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. So many things made them different: Eric aced his classes. Dylan was an unrepentant slacker. Eric lied about his age to woo an older woman he met at the mall. Dylan shyly waited for the right girl. Eric got into flour fights at the pizza joint where they worked. Dylan watched. "They weren't joined at the hip by any means," said Nate Dykeman, the classmate who probably knew them best. But Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold will be remembered for what they shared: A secret sickness and a hatred for their high school, a place where their teen-age angst spiraled into murderous rage. Dylan and Eric forged their fatal friendship at Columbine. Four months after they unleashed the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, killing 12 classmates and a teacher before killing themselves, their families and friends still struggle to understand what went wrong. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. How did goofy little kids who played baseball, loved their pets and wanted to please their mothers turn into killing machines? In the months since the killings, a clearer picture has emerged of Dylan and Eric's bond, although there are questions that will never be answered. This much is known. Out of a nerdy misery, Eric and Dylan found acceptance in each other, then excitement in concocting bizarre and destructive schemes and finally deadly fulfillment, proving their twisted loyalty with a death pact that horrified the world. Each was the other's reinforcement. If either had doubts about killing a classmate, then another and another and another, all he had to do was glance over at his soulmate, see the approving smile and feel the reassuring sting of the high five. It was mob mentality. A mob of two. Dylan Klebold & Eric Harris. Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold. Something neither would have done alone, they did together. In the beginning When did their friendship begin? No one remembers exactly, although Eric and Dylan met sometime in seventh or eighth grade at Ken Caryl Middle School. The school sits in the heart of Columbine, an unincorporated swath of Jefferson County where an endless maze of cul de sacs, bike paths and chain stores melts into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Nate Dykeman swears they were already best friends when he moved to Colorado in middle school. "I met Eric in Spanish class, and I met Dylan at Eric's house one day," he said. But Brad Jenkins, who is pictured clowning around with Eric in the middle school yearbook, said Dylan was never part of their group. "We hung out during school and Eric never mentioned his name or anything," Brad said. Dylan was the local boy. He had gone to elementary school in Littleton, and was in a gifted program at Governor's Ranch Elementary School from third through sixth grades. Even though he was surrounded by smart kids, Dylan wowed them with his math skills. Dylan's parents, Tom and Sue, hosted the graduation party for the gifted students. Dylan Klebold, left, gets hugged by Brooks Brown, center, as they clown around as Cub Scouts in 1989. Ken Caryl yearbook pictures show a pudgy boy, soft, with baby fat that would melt in high school as he grew into what Rolling Stone called "a gawky kid with a big beak and a Jay Leno chin." "He played football and stuff with us every day," classmate Jake Cram said. "He loved baseball and he played baseball a lot. He was a little bit clumsy." As for Eric, time and again he was the new kid in town, forced to start over to make friends, a military brat hopscotching the country until his father retired in 1993 and moved his family back to his native Colorado. He, too, played baseball. But he was a timid player who wouldn't swing when it was his turn to bat, said Terry Condo, his Little League coach in Plattsburgh, N.Y. "He was afraid to strike out and let his teammates down," Condo said. "It struck me as him really wanting to fit in." After their move from upstate New York to Colorado, Wayne and Kathy Harris rented a house a few blocks stoplights south of Columbine. The girl next door, Sarah Pollock, walked with Eric to school. She told her mother that Eric was "preppy and a dork," but otherwise nice. Polite, too. New school; new friends Ninth grade. High school. And a remodeled one at that. Eric and Dylan were part of the Class of 1999, the first students who would spend all four years in a bigger and better Columbine, which had undergone a $15 million makeover, its first major renovation since opening in 1973. A ceremony that first day in August 1995 welcomed students to the new Columbine. A new cafeteria, where four years later Eric and Dylan would plant a bomb. A new student entrance, where hundreds of panicked kids would run from Dylan and Eric's gunfire. A new auditorium where SWAT officers would train their weapons on shell-shocked students wading through the flooded room to safety. Soon, Eric had a new friend, Brooks Brown, who lived nearby. They met on the school bus. Brooks had known Dylan since first grade. Eric, Dylan and Brooks began hanging out. Dylan Klebold, 8, left, and Brooks Brown, 9, visit Denver's landmarks, including the City-County Building, during a school field trip in May 1990. On cool fall nights they did what many high school freshmen do: They cheered on their football team. Eric's big brother Kevin, a senior, played tight end and was a kicker for the Columbine Rebels. "Eric's dad would drive us," Brooks said. Dylan drifted away from some of his middle school friends. Christopher Beets was one of them. "I remember picking up Christopher from high school in ninth grade and Dylan was walking down the street," said his mom, Gail Beets. "I said, 'Gee, you don't seem to be buddy-buddy with Dylan anymore.' And he said, 'Well, he's got new buddies and I'm not into what they're doing."' What Dylan's new friends were into was computer games. They played for hours, sometimes together, sometimes at their own houses, connected by modems, technology and a fascination with games where warriors mowed down enemies with pipe bombs and fire power, where victims never cried and their families never suffered. They shared a wild, dark and disdainful intelligence. They made fun of teachers and students behind their backs and even to their faces, especially those who were computer illiterate. They rolled their eyes at classmates' stupid questions. When Brooks had to write an essay about his childhood, he didn't choose Disneyland or camping. He wrote about reading Atlas Shrugged by philosopher-novelist Ayn Rand because he considered it "life altering." When Dylan wanted to put a nasty note in someone's locker, he hacked into the school's computer system to learn the combination. Yet for all their smarts, they were too lazy, too uninterested, to make the honor roll. None pursued sports either, though they were tall enough for a starting lineup that would've made any high school coach proud. Brooks grew to be 6 feet 5; Nate, 6 feet 4 and Dylan, 6 feet 3. Two other friends, Ryan Whisenhut and Chris Morris, were 6 feet 4 and 6 feet 2, respectively. Eric was the shortest of the group. He barely topped 5 feet 8. Still, by all accounts, Eric and Dylan enjoyed their first year at Columbine. And, at 14, they still fit in, at least from a distance. "That's back when they were just like everybody else," classmate Katie Rutledge said. "They dressed normal, I'd even say preppie." A look 'like he could kill' The unraveling began in their sophomore year. Whether they had problems at home isn't known. Their families aren't talking. But Eric, especially, felt mistreated at school by a small group of jocks, and ignored by teachers and administrators he believed looked the other way. Eric and Dylan gravitated toward a small circle of students united by their differences. Combat boots and thrift-store grunge adrift in an Abercrombie & Fitch sea. This angry, rebellious group would become known as the Trench Coat Mafia. Even then, Dylan and Eric were on the fringes of the outcast clique. Classmate Kevin Hofstra said he's sure Eric and Dylan could have fit in with other groups, perhaps the super-academic kids. "Both didn't have a whole lot of friends, but people liked them," he said. Eric's anger began to emerge. He even turned it against his friends. Classmate Ryan Whisenhut could never figure out why Eric liked him when they were freshmen, then wouldn't talk to him when sophomore year started. "He just sort of changed," Ryan said. "He wouldn't say why. He would just sort of give you this look like he could kill you." It was a pattern Eric would repeat. He hated his friend Brooks Brown for a while. He argued with Nate Dykeman over a girl. And he had a falling out with classmate Zack Heckler, who thought Eric's pranks were getting out of hand. "You had to follow him (Eric) or get away from him," Zach's mother, Veronica Heckler, would later tell her pastor. But Eric had one friend he never turned on: Dylan. Dylan, the consummate follower. Dylan, who had a much broader circle of friends, but who remained loyal to Eric. "Dylan," Ryan said, "was the least violent person I've ever known." A silent theater soundman Dylan rebelled in quieter, more artistic ways. He was always the boy in the control booth. Early in his sophomore year Dylan joined a quirky, nonconformist crowd that chose theater to express themselves. "The people that were in the plays, he didn't mind hanging around," said Sam Granillo, a senior this fall. "They were in these plays because they had open minds, and most people in my school don't." Theater required commitment. Dylan easily spent a dozen hours a week in rehearsal. All after school, all on his own time. He found his role behind the spotlight, spending long nights hunkered in a cramped room at the back of the school auditorium. He usually ran sound, a job that appealed to his love of anything technical. Chris Logan, who was heavy into theater, ran around with Dylan. Their circle of girls and guys bowled together and went to movies. When Chris threw a Christmas party, Dylan was there. So was Chris' girlfriend, Robyn Anderson. Already she and Dylan had developed a bond. But a melancholy side of Dylan began to appear. Sarah Slater saw the sadness. She handled the spotlight in theater, working side-by-side with Dylan. "I liked him," she said. "He was really shy, although he wasn't all that shy with me." Too busy to talk during rehearsal or the shows, they spent hours communicating by e-mail when they got home at night. "We talked about a lot of stuff, mostly about alcoholic beverages and how he hated the school," Sarah said. She understood that hatred. With her baggy pants and spiked jewelry, Sarah didn't fit in until she started dressing more conventionally at the end of her freshman year. She worked hard to change her negative attitude and discovered when she did that she enjoyed Columbine. Dylan never did. "Just when I talked to him, I don't know, it was like he would end the conversation with, '(Expletive) the school,"' Sarah said. "If I asked how he was doing, he'd say, 'I wish I didn't go here' or 'I wish I was somewhere else."' Sometimes during their online chats, Dylan would say he had been drinking. Sometimes Sarah could tell by his typing mistakes. Sometimes he would invite her to go out drinking. But Nate Dykeman doesn't remember Dylan -- or Eric -- drinking a lot. He wonders whether Dylan was just trying to impress Sarah, trying to come across as a party animal, trying to make her think he was living up to his nickname, VoDkA. Sarah lost touch with Dylan after she dropped out of theater. But Dylan continued, handling the sound for Go Ask Alice as a junior and Frankenstein as a senior. Last fall, theater students made a video for their beloved drama teacher, Sue Carruthers. Mrs. C, they called her. Dylan was in the video. His brown hair had grown out below his ears. He looked shy, even though Brooks Brown, his friend for 12 years, was behind the camera. Pepperoni and homemade bombs Eric liked pepperoni and green pepper pizza. That's all he would eat during his shifts at Blackjack Pizza. While other employees heaped on a smorgasbord of toppings, Eric didn't budge from his favorites. Eric and Dylan started at Blackjack in the spring of their sophomore year, cooking pizzas for $5.15 an hour. Their buddy Chris Morris, who was in the Trench Coat Mafia, already worked at the strip-mall pizzeria off Pierce Street south of Columbine. Chris had urged them to apply, saying it would be fun. It was a blast. There were flour fights in the kitchen and fireworks in the parking lot. Two co-workers, Kim Carlin and Sara Arbogast, were in the same grade as Eric and Dylan. Sara: "Eric was nice and talkative and funny and just a cool guy. He never expressed any hate toward anything, just the normal teen-age angst. A lot of people say they don't like school. I said it all the time." Kim: "Dylan and me never got heart-to-heart like me and Eric would. I don't think Dylan fit into us very well. He was too quiet. We would get into massive food fights or water fights. He wasn't into playing with us. If you would ask him something embarrassing he'd turn red and give you this little grin." On slow nights, the crew would sit behind the building and set off firecrackers or homemade explosives. "We used to make dry-ice balls behind the store," Kim said. "You put dry ice and hot water in a 2-liter bottle. It just shoots up. We stole a cone one time when they did road construction in the parking lot. We would see how high we could shoot the cone." One night Dylan brought a pipe bomb to work. The manager wrote him up and told him to never do that again. Shortly afterward, Dylan quit Blackjack. Eric stayed. Kim and Sara grew closer to Eric. He complained that some jocks were bullying him. Sara never witnessed any taunting, but she did see classmates give Eric weird looks. She thought it was because of how he dressed. The boy who wore khaki when he started at Blackjack now draped himself in black cargo pants and black T-shirts, just like his friend Chris Morris. But Eric drew the line at wearing a beret like Chris, opting for a baseball cap worn backward. Kim and Sara couldn't understand why their classmates didn't like Eric. "No one ever gave him a chance," Kim said. "People always looked at me because I would go over and hug him in the morning." Sara would tease him about a co-worker he briefly dated. He would call Sara "Ohzay BooBoo," a phrase he picked up from the movie Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. When Eric got his senior pictures taken and whined about how "stupid" he looked, Kim and Sara cooed about how cute he was and helped him choose prints. When Eric harped that girls wouldn't have anything to do with him, Kim and Sara invited him to hang out with them. Sometimes he went bowling, but many times he refused, telling them he thought he wouldn't fit in. Eric did join Kim and Sara and their friends homecoming night of their junior year. They had skipped the school dance for dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory in downtown Denver. When they arrived to pick up Eric, they had to wait 10 minutes until his mother got home. "He didn't want to leave without her knowing where he was," Kim said. "He didn't want her to worry." Moving from state to state As teen-agers, Eric's parents traveled some of the same streets he later did. Before Wayne Nelson Harris was a decorated Air Force pilot, he was a local boy. Englewood High School, Class of 1966. Quiet and smart, according to former classmates. Wayne's late father, Walter, worked as a valet at the Brown Palace Hotel. His mother, Thelma, stayed home with Wayne and his older sister, Sandra. Wayne Harris met Katherine Ann Pool in the days of buzz cuts and beehives. She was a Colorado native, too. George Washington High School, Class of 1967. Her father, Richard Pool, was retired military, and ran a hardware store on Holly Street in southeast Denver. The Pools still live in the house where Kathy and her two sisters grew up. Wayne and Kathy had a church wedding at First Presbyterian in Englewood on April 17, 1970. Three years later, Wayne joined the Air Force and it was off to Oklahoma for pilot training. Harris and his young wife crisscrossed the country -- Washington, Kansas, Ohio. Their first child, Kevin, was born in 1978 in Washington. Eric David came along three years later while the family was stationed in Wichita, Kan. At his 20-year high school reunion, Wayne Harris wrote that his goal was to "raise two good sons." The highlight of his life, according to the reunion questionnaire, had been the birth of his boys. Kathy Harris stayed home when Kevin and Eric were young, busying herself with military-wives luncheons, volunteer projects and school functions. Former friends in military towns describe Eric as a good kid. Smart. And cute, always cute. By the time Wayne Harris retired from the Air Force, he'd risen to the rank of major and tackled some prestigious assignments as a test pilot and flight instructor. He earned a Meritorious Service Medal for his work on B-1 bombers. Then, like many military bases in the early 1990s, Plattsburgh Air Force Base in New York closed. In 1993, after 20 years of military life, Wayne and Kathy returned to Colorado. Wayne got a job at Flight Safety Services, an Englewood company that makes military flight simulators. Eric's friends said his dad worked a lot. Kathy was hired by Everything Goes, an Englewood caterer. At first, the Harrises rented. Then in May 1996, just as Eric ended his freshman year, they paid $180,000 for a house a few blocks away, the place they finally planned to call home for many years. Two stories, brick, blue-gray trim, it sits on a cul de sac off Pierce Street, straight south of Columbine. Wayne and Kathy drilled the value of homework and hard work into the boys. Kevin Hofstra, who hung around Eric mostly in middle school, said Eric and his brother Kevin always had to do homework before they could goof off. Sports was big, too. Sunday afternoon football on TV, Wayne coaching Kevin's rec-league basketball team. "His parents were always 100 percent awesome to me," said Derek Holliday, a 1996 Columbine graduate who is close to Kevin. "The Harrises are great parents." The family pet, a tiny dog named Sparky, suffered from seizures. Eric sometimes took off work when Sparky got sick. "Eric loved that dog," Nate Dykeman said. At some point in high school, Eric's parents realized their son had problems more serious than they alone could fix. They took him to a psychiatrist, who prescribed Luvox, an anti-depressant used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder. Eric's bedroom was in the basement. His shelves were lined with boxes of old firecrackers and a collection of miniature cars. A poster with one of his favorite musical groups, KMFDM, was taped to the ceiling. Another band Eric liked was Rammstein, a German band. Eric, who studied German, would play the group's CDs at Blackjack and translate for his co-workers. KMFDM and Rammstein feature music with brooding and violent lyrics that Eric often copied and sent out to friends through the Internet. Nate didn't visit Eric's house as much as he did Dylan's. No one did. It wasn't as much fun. "Eric would just get on his computer," Nate said. Most of Eric's friends outgrew their fascination with violent computer games. Eric never did. His nickname, Reb, was inspired by a character in one of his favorite computer games, Doom, where the goal is to score high body counts. One of the game's slogans: "DOOM -- where the sanest place is behind a trigger." Rebels in $100 coats Eric and Dylan seemed to relish their roles as outsiders. "The impression I always got from them was they kind of wanted to be outcasts," said Dara Ferguson, a senior this fall. "It wasn't that they were labeled that way. It's what they chose to be." A picture of the Trench Coat mafia appears in the 1998 Columbine yearbook. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are not in the photo, but they were friends with the group. That choice invited taunting by a group of jocks, many of whom graduated in 1998, and were known as bullies throughout the school. Students said they would block the hallways and make underclassmen take the long way to class. Even Kevin Hofstra, co-captain of the soccer team, said he was afraid of them. Eric endured more of the taunting than Dylan. Some of the jocks and their friends pushed Eric into lockers. They called him "faggot." They threw Coke cans at him from their cars. "They wouldn't pick on Dylan because he was tall and lanky. Dylan was a pretty intimidating looking guy," classmate Patrick McDuffee said. "They picked on Eric." Jessica Hughes, a 1999 graduate, defined Columbine this way: "There's basically two classes of people. There's the low and the high. The low sticks together and the high sticks together, and the high makes fun of the low and you just deal with it." A small group of the 1,965 students dealt with it by bonding together in their unhappiness. For the most part, these were bright, crafty kids. Computer whizzes. Video-game masters. The Trench Coat Mafia. The group got its sinister name in the most innocent way. Tad Boles, who graduated last May, was the first to don a so-called trench coat. In fact, Tad's mother, Terri Isaac, bought him two of the long cowboy dusters for Christmas his freshman year. She found the coats on sale at Miller Stockman at Southwest Plaza for $99, and bought one. Three days later, when it was time to wrap the coat, she couldn't find it. "All I could think of was 'Oh my God, I left the hatchback open on my husband's car and somebody took it,"' she said. So she spent another $104.79. When she was cleaning closets the following May she found the original duster. Her husband had forgotten he hid it there. By that time, Tad's friends were wearing the coats, too. And kids at Columbine had started calling them the Trench Coat Mafia -- a name the group proudly adopted. Eric and Dylan were not even official members. They were just friends of lead Trench Coaters Joe Stair, who graduated in 1998, and classmate Chris Morris. The Trench Coaters resented the social system. They refused to move out of the paths of jocks and their friends in the halls and lunch lines. Their message to the locker-room elite: "Unless you do something to gain our respect, we're not going to bow down to you." "We didn't actually tell them that," Joe said. "We showed them." Among themselves, there was a lot of grumbling and wild fantasies about blowing up Columbine. No big deal. "Eighty percent of people talk about how much they hate school, or 'I'm gonna get that person,"' Joe said. "But we were never serious." Chris Morris was known to be the most vocal in his Columbine hate. Even students who didn't know much about the Trench Coat Mafia knew Chris Morris. Chris just didn't like many people. But he liked Eric and Dylan. Chris' contagious darkness influenced others, particularly Eric, according to some Columbine students. But Chris' friends say he is a nice guy, all bluff and no violence. "One time Chris was going to get into a fight and I embarrassed him by saying, 'Come on, honey, go to class,"' said Kim Carlin, who worked with Chris at Blackjack. The way some Trench Coaters see it, Chris was a positive influence on Dylan and Eric. "He just got them to start sticking up for themselves," said Cory Friesen, a 1997 Columbine graduate and Chris' current roommate. The 1998 Columbine yearbook features a picture of the Trench Coat Mafia, with the inscription, "Who says we're different. Insanity's healthy!" Dylan and Eric are not in the picture. There was no picture in the 1999 yearbook. The Trench Coat Mafia had lost momentum. Eric and Dylan only needed each other to get into trouble. Pathetic pair of thieves Eric and Dylan bumbled, rather pathetically, as thieves their junior year. Jan. 30, 1998. Parked in a gravel lot near Chatfield Reservoir listening to a new CD in Eric's gray Honda Prelude. Bored 16-year-olds. Setting off a few fireworks, breaking some bottles. Still bored. Eric and Dylan told police different versions of what happened next. "Dylan suggested we should steal some of the objects in the white van. At first I was very uncomfortable and questioning with the thought," Eric wrote on a police report. From Dylan: "Almost at the same time, we both got the idea of breaking into this white van." They hauled a briefcase, electrical gear and sunglasses out of the van, then took off in Eric's car. They parked off Deer Creek Canyon Road to check out the loot. A Jefferson County sheriff's deputy confronted them minutes after the crime. Both insisted they found the property stacked by the roadside. Yeah, right, thought the deputy. They were arrested, charged with theft, criminal mischief and criminal trespassing and released them to their none-too-happy parents. Eric finally confided to one of his Blackjack workers why he was grounded. "He said, 'I wish I hadn't done it,"' Sara Arbogast said. "He said their parents were really mad at them and they weren't allowed to hang out together for a while because of it." Dylan was so ashamed he didn't even tell Nate Dykeman, who found out about it third-hand. "I said, 'Is this the reason you can't go out?' and he got all red and told me he didn't want to talk about it," Nate said. Two months after their arrest, Dylan and Eric appeared before Jefferson County Magistrate John DeVita. Both fathers were there. Eric spoke crisply. Dylan mumbled. Eric told the judge he made As and Bs. Dylan said he was a C student, which got him a stern lecture from the judge. "I bet you're an A student if you put your brain power to paperwork." "I don't know, sir," Dylan said. The rest of his response was unintelligible. "When the hell you going to find out? You got one year of school left. ... . When you going to get with the program?" the judge barked. More hangdog mumbling from Dylan. Both boys insisted this was their first crime. Their fathers backed them up. Tom Klebold told the judge: "This has been a rather traumatic experience, and I think it's probably good, a good experience, that they got caught the first time." To which DeVita responded, "He'd tell you if there were any more?" "Yes, he would actually," Klebold said. DeVita sent Dylan and Eric to a diversion program, a mix of community service and counseling. When DeVita chose the sentence, he had no idea that Jefferson County detectives had just received information about other criminal activities by Eric and Dylan. No one had bothered to forward him the report. They were sneaking out at night and setting off homemade bombs. The detectives knew this because Eric bragged about it in a Web site filled with his viperous writings. Raging through cyberspace Randy and Judy Brown, parents of Brooks Brown, turned over 12 pages of Eric's violent cyberspace rantings to detectives in March 1998, days before the court hearing. "You all better hide in your (expletive) houses because I'm coming for EVERYONE soon, and i WILL be armed to the (expletive) teeth and i WILL shoot to kill and i WILL (expletive) KILL EVERYTHING!" Eric had written. "No i am not crazy, crazy is just a word to me." But Judy Brown thought he was crazy. She had become suspicious of Eric months earlier. Eric had blamed Brooks for vandalizing a classmate's house. Someone had toilet-papered a tree, set a bush on fire and glued the locks. But Judy knew her son had been home that night. Brooks, once again, had been grounded, this time for breaking curfew. Judy and Randy Brown are the kind of parents who know a lot about their kids' lives. Judy is a stay-at-home mom who usually is gone only on Tuesday afternoons for watercolor lessons. Randy is a golf pro turned real estate agent whose flexible hours allow him to zip in and out. They have two sons: Brooks, who graduated last May, and Aaron, a junior. Much to the dismay of the boys' friends, Brooks and Aaron often told their bubbly mom all. What they didn't tell her, she managed to find out. When they lied, they usually were caught. Judy talked to the homeowner whose house had been vandalized and she called deputies and told them Eric was responsible. The deputies said they would talk to Eric's parents. Eric was furious. One day as Brooks was driving by the bus stop near his house, Eric threw a chunk of ice, breaking his windshield. Brooks told his mother, who immediately drove to the bus stop and confronted Eric. She got his backpack and told him she was going to talk to his mother. He grabbed onto her car, screaming, his face turning red. He reminded her of an animal attacking a vehicle at a wild-animal park. Kathy Harris was in her driveway when Judy Brown pulled up. Judy can still recall the plaid flannel shirt she was wearing. Kathy's eyes teared up when Judy described Eric's behavior. Later that day, Brooks talked to Kathy, too, telling her that Eric had been slipping out of the house at night, pulling pranks and setting off fireworks. Wayne Harris called the Browns. "He said his son was afraid of me and that's why he was hanging on the door handle," Judy Brown said. "I said, 'Your son's not afraid. Your son is terrifying. Your son is violent."' Wayne Harris drove Eric to the Browns to apologize. He waited in the car while Eric went inside. "He went through this whole spiel, how it was all in fun," Judy Brown said. "I said, 'Eric Harris, you can pull the wool over your dad's eyes, but you're not going to pull the wool over my eyes."' She told Eric if she ever saw him near her house again she would call the sheriff. "I said, 'Stay away from my kids.' I just had a feeling about him at this point." Judy and Randy Brown thought the problem had ended. Then in March 1998, Brooks came home from Columbine one day. He said a friend had tipped him about a Web site Eric had created. "He said, 'I can't tell you who it is, Mom, because he's afraid that Eric Harris will harm him,"' Judy Brown said. The friend: Dylan Klebold. What the Browns read on the Web page terrified them. Eric threatened to kill Brooks, but their son wasn't his only target. Eric said that meteorologists who make wrong predictions should be stabbed with broken baseball bats. He wanted to take a shotgun to anyone who blocked his path in hallways. "I am the law, if you don't like it, you die. If I don't like you or I don't like what you want me to do, you die. God I can't wait till I can kill you people."

[ 本帖最后由 5J 于 2007-11-17 21:13 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-17 21:11:11 | 显示全部楼层
Eric bragged how he and "VoDkA" managed to sneak out of his house one night and set off a pipe bomb they had named "Pazzie" -- Italian for madness. Eric said he and Dylan had built four other pipe bombs, "the first true pipe bombs created entirely from scratch by the rebels (REB and VoDkA)." "Now our only problem," Eric continued, "is to find the place that will be 'ground zero."' The Browns gave Eric's and Dylan's home addresses and phone numbers to a detective. But the detective never returned their phone calls after that. The Browns didn't know what to do. Brooks told his parents to relax, Eric was a keyboard kind of tough guy. But brother Aaron was terrified. He slept with a bat by his bed. Randy and Judy had one comfort: Dylan. Dylan was one of the sweetest kids they knew. They figured Dylan would never let Eric get really violent. The Browns thought about telling Tom and Sue Klebold about Eric's Web site but decided to let the detective handle it. "Sue was the kind of mother who, if there was a problem when the boys were playing when they were little, she would say, 'Is it one of my kids?' Because if it was, she would take care of it," Judy Brown said. "We knew that when she found out what Dylan and Eric were up to, that would be the end of it." A family that banned toy guns Sue and Tom Klebold grew up in Ohio, but their childhoods were hardly similar. Sue knew privilege, Tom knew tragedy. Susan Frances Yassenoff lived in the well-to-do suburb of Bexley outside Columbus. Brenda Parker, 24, keeps pictures of Eric harris in her computer. He taught her how to use the Internet during their brief fling. The name Yassenoff means something in Columbus. Her grandfather, Leo Yassenoff, was a prominent developer and philanthropist who left his $13 million estate to charity. The Jewish community center in Columbus is named after him. Sue's father, Milton, was Jewish; her mother, Charlene, was not. Sue attended Temple Israel, said Solly Yassenoff, a distant cousin. After high school, Sue studied art and math at Ohio State University. Thomas Ernest Klebold was born in the Toledo area. His mother died when he was 6, his father when he was 12. His half brother, Donald, who was 18 years older, raised him. Tom attended a small college in Springfield, Ohio, for two years before transferring to Ohio State, where he majored in sculpting and fell in love with another art student. Tom and Sue were married in 1971. Tom was the thinker, the more reserved partner. Sue was artsy and extroverted and sensitive. The Klebolds moved to Milwaukee where Tom got a graduate degree in geophysics from Marquette University. The oil-and-gas industry took them to Oklahoma City in the mid-1970s, and then to Colorado. Their eldest son, Byron, was born in 1978. Dylan Bennet was born three years later, on Sept. 9, 1981, in Lakewood. In the early 1980s, the Klebolds moved from Lakewood to a neighborhood just southeast of Columbine. They became good friends with neighbors Randy and Vicki DeHoff, who lived across the beltway. Their kids were the same age. Vicki and Sue spent summers by the pool, talking as their children splashed away. When the DeHoffs had two more children, Sue Klebold passed on toys that Dylan had outgrown. "You know how sometimes couples click?" Randy DeHoff said. "We just did. We had discussions on almost anything and everything." Which was interesting, because the families diverged philosphically. The DeHoffs were evangelical Christians. The Klebolds searched for a spirital niche. The DeHoffs voted conservative. The Klebolds considered themselves liberal. "Their kids weren't even allowed toy guns when they were growing up," Randy DeHoff said. "Dylan did not learn hate in that home." Sue and Vicki eventually worked together at Arapahoe Community College. Sue's job was to make sure disabled students had access. She moved on to the same position with the state consortium of community colleges. Tom, predicting the fallout in the oil-and-gas business, started looking for another career. He started a mortgage-management business. One of the rental properties he and Sue own is in Denver -- on Columbine Street. In 1989, Tom and Sue paid $250,000 for a stunning 3,528-square-foot home tucked between two red rock outcroppings on Cougar Road in Deer Creek Canyon. A kid's playground, it had a swimming pool, tennis court and basketball court. But Dylan, sensitive like his mother, worried the cougars would eat his cats, Lucy and Rocky. Dylan's friends loved to visit because there was so much to do and his parents were so cool. "His parents were so nice to me," Nate Dykeman said. "Either they'd get doughnuts for me or they'd be making crepes or omelets." The Klebolds had to have a lot of food for Dylan, whose appetite was legendary. He ate breakfast cereal from a metal mixing bowl. And it was nothing for him to eat a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken by himself. His older brother, Byron, went to a private high school before transferring to Columbine when he was a senior and graduating in 1997. When Byron moved into an apartment in 1998, Dylan inherited his bedroom. He repainted the room, two black facing walls and two white facing walls with red shutters on the windows. He stocked a miniature refrigerator that had been a 17th birthday gift from the family with candy bars and Dr Pepper. Dylan hung posters of Roger Clemens and Lou Gehrig on the walls, along with music groups and models. One poster described how to make cocktails. "And there was your typical teen-age pile of dirty laundry," Nate said. Four or five years ago, the family attended St. Philip Lutheran Church in Jefferson County. The pastor, Don Marxhausen, is not your traditional man of the cloth. A tough-talking New Yorker, he spent much of his ministry working with ghetto drug addicts. He says one of his goals is to be socially unacceptable. He swears on occasion. Marxhausen said the Klebolds were looking for a sense of community, but Tom had "a bunch of issues" with organized religion and the family quit coming after about six months. Marxhausen didn't push them. He understood the family's spiritual struggles. "You're talking about a Jewish and Christian background," he said. The family celebrated both Hanukkah and Christmas. Tom and Sue imposed strict limits on how much money they spent on their kids, friend Judy Brown said. "These kids were not spoiled," she said. "Tom and Sue wanted them to know the value of money and work." One Christmas, Sue fretted because Dylan wanted a collectible baseball card that cost as much as she had planned to spend on all his gifts. She worried about only having one gift under the tree. But that's what Dylan wanted, and that's all he got. Dylan drove an older BMW. It was already so beat up that when a classmate bumped into it with her car he told her it was no big deal. As a senior, Dylan was out of class by 1 p.m. He often came straight home and spent time with his dad, who worked out of the house. Tom treasured that time. He thought he and Dylan had grown extremely close. Kill, kill, kill. Kein mitleid! Eric's Web site disappeared days after his and Dylan's court hearing. He now began putting down his thoughts in a journal, a mixture of typed pages and handwritten entries, a trail of a year-long plan to blow up Columbine on Adolf Hitler's birthday. April 20, 1999. But his and Dylan's rage, concealed so well from their parents, was not entirely hidden. It showed up in Nate Dykeman's junior yearbook. Eric Harris sent these and other drawings to his friends through the Internet. Their coded messages were an odd, adolescent mix of exclamation marks, jabs at vapid pop stars, video-game boasts. Eric wrote: "I hate everything unless I say otherwise, hey don't follow your dreams or your goals or any of that (expletive), follow your (expletive) animal instincts. if it moves kill it, it it doesn't, burn it. kein mitleid !!!" The last phrase is German for no mercy. Dylan, in Nate's yearbook, had especially unkind words for musicians he didn't like: kill jiggy kill puffy kill hanson kill RICHARD MARX!!! That summer, just before his senior year, Eric got a second job. Besides cooking at Blackjack, he worked alongside Nate Dykeman at Tortilla Wraps. Eric wanted extra money to help pay for a new computer. Again, Eric's employer raved. "He was a real nice kid," said David Cave, who hired Eric. "He would come in every day with nice T-shirts, khaki shorts, sandals. He was kind of quiet but everyone got along with him." Eric provided two references when he applied. One was Columbine English teacher Jason Webb, one of his favorite teachers. "He loved Mr. Webb," classmate Jeni LaPlante said. "He even gave Mr. Webb a Christmas present." Eric's other reference: Sue Klebold. Girls and guns They may have shared a hatred, but Eric and Dylan parted ways on a crucial part of high school life: girls. Dylan rarely dated. "He liked girls, you know, but he would never approach them because he was too shy or was waiting for them to approach him," said Sarah Slater, his friend from theater. Nate Dykeman has another opinion on why Dylan didn't date. "Dylan wanted to wait," he said. "He didn't want to get into anything in high school." Robyn Anderson had a crush on Dylan and they went out a couple of times, but Dylan never considered her a girlfriend. Dylan Klebold and Robyn Anderson pose during Columbine's prom on April 17, three days before the shootings. They then met up with Eric Harris at an after-prom party. Pals since ninth grade, both studied German. Both were a bit nervous around the opposite sex. But Dylan was always polite. He treated her with respect. Eric asked a number of girls out, including a girl both he and Nate liked. The girl chose Nate, which made Eric so mad he didn't talk to his friend for a while. Many girls told Eric no. Brenda Parker said yes. They had met at Southwest Plaza in late January 1998, his junior year, when Brenda and her girlfriends were certain a group of guys was following them. "Dylan was really tall so you can't miss him," Brenda said. She confronted the boys. They ended up talking about what they were going to do that night. Cruising in her 1996 Mustang, Brenda said. That night Eric drove to Westminster, where Brenda lived. Brenda would turn 23 in three weeks. Eric was 16. Only she didn't know that. When he talked about school, she didn't know he meant Columbine. She thought he meant a community college. "He acted a lot older," she said. "And I'm immature." They bowled. They cruised. They went to Bandimere Speedway. She thought he was nice. He bought her Mountain Dews -- "I didn't even have to ask." And he told her she was pretty. Eric taught Brenda how to download Doom and other computer games, and how to use the Internet. Eric liked to visit her Westminster apartment because she lived alone. Sometimes Dylan came along, but he rarely said a word. One night Dylan made Brenda laugh when he slipped out of his shell and lip synched to a Beastie Boys song on television. Brenda visited Littleton a couple of times. She watched as Eric and Dylan shot crickets with a BB-gun in Eric's basement. Once Eric called her late and whispered for her to come get him, that he was going to sneak out of the house. Then they drove to Dylan's house and waited for him. About an hour later, Dylan's tall figure appeared out of the dark. The trio drove to the mountains and drank. They decided to spend the night in her Mustang because they were worried about drinking and driving. "Eric was a little tipsy and we went for a walk and it was really dark. He was holding on to me and he tripped and he took me with him," Brenda said. She described their brief relationship as a "friendship but more than a friendship." One of the reasons it ended was because Eric was grounded and couldn't get away to see her much. Brenda thinks the last time she saw Eric was about five months before the shootings. They met at the Macaroni Grill in Westminster. "He seemed like he was really bummed out. At first I thought it was because we were broken up. He kept calling and wanting to see me but I didn't want to because I had a boyfriend at the time," she said. "He just said he was bummed out. I asked about what and he wouldn't tell." What Brenda didn't know is that Eric and Dylan had been shopping for guns with Robyn. In December, they picked up three guns -- a Hi Point 9mm carbine rifle and two shotguns -- at a gun show. A Gilpin County man named J.D. "Jimmie" Tanner has them monthly at the Denver Merchandise Mart on East 58th Avenue. Robyn already had turned 18, and Dylan and Eric apparently thought they needed her along. Actually, at 17, either of them could have bought the guns from an unlicensed dealer at the Tanner show. Robyn has said she figured Dylan and Eric wanted the guns for hunting, or maybe they were collectors. She wasn't sure. To her, these were just cool guys she had fun with. They gave her cash. She showed the seller her driver's license. They got their guns. About a month later, Eric and Dylan went to another Tanner show. They met up with one of their Blackjack buddies, Philip Duran, and his friend, Mark Manes. Philip knew Eric and Dylan were scouting another gun. He put them in touch with Mark, who owned a TEC-DC9 semiautomatic pistol. The foursome discussed the sale at the January gun show, and Dylan and Eric later paid Mark $500 for the gun, according to court records. In early 1999, Brenda came home to find three messages from Eric on her answering machine. He kept calling back because her machine cut him off. "He said, 'I'm sorry I lied to you. There's something we need to talk about. I'm 17. I'll be 18 in three months."' And then he told her it would be great if she wanted more in their relationship. But it was something else he said that prompted Brenda to call right away. He had left some Rammstein CDs at her house. He told her she could have them because he wouldn't be needing them anymore. She wanted to see if he was all right. And she also wanted to make sure he was clear about their relationship. "I told him I just wanted to be friends." Cerebral subjects for high school Their senior year, Eric and Dylan went for some pretty cerebral subjects: psychology, creative writing. One theme dominated Eric's homework assignments. Guns. As part of Eric's government and economics class, students marketed a product and made a video of it. "His product was the Trench Coat Mafia Protection Service," classmate Matt Cornwell said. "Dylan was not in the class, but he was in the video. If you paid $5 they would beat someone up for you. If you paid them $10, they would shoot somebody for you." Eric's video stood out, Matt said. "There were some pretty crazy products. Some people did Hit Man For Hire. Most of them were funny. This wasn't funny at all. After it was over, everybody was like, 'Whoa, that was weird."' Matt and Dylan were in composition class, but they only talked once. "That's because he wore this Soviet pin on his boot," Matt said. "One of the last days I was like, 'Why do you wear that pin on your boot?' And he was like, 'Just to get a reaction out of people."' Brooks Brown found himself in two classes with Eric in their last semester. The two hadn't talked in more than a year. They decided to patch things up, mostly for Dylan's sake. That way, Eric could go along if Brooks invited Dylan for a smoke. Dylan wouldn't feel torn between his two friends. Brooks shook his family up one night when he announced at the dinner table that he and Eric were friends again. Judy Brown looked at her son in disbelief. "He said, 'He's changed,"' she recalled. "I said, 'Stay away from him. It's a trick."' Brooks didn't believe her. In their creative writing class, he even volunteered to read Eric's essay describing a childhood memory. Eric wrote about playing war with his brother Kevin, two little boys using the forest as their battlefield and pine cones as their grenades. "It was real good," classmate Domonic Duran said. Students were asked to describe themselves as an inanimate object. Eric chose a shotgun and a shell. Brooks doubts Eric took the assignment seriously. Although some students in the class adored the teacher, Judy Kelly, they said Eric clearly felt superior to her. Dylan also chose violent themes, and once wrote about a killing. Kelly was concerned enough about Eric and Dylan's papers to talk to their parents at parent-teacher conferences in March. Wayne Harris had justified his son's fascination with weapons by saying he had been in the military and Eric hoped to join the Marines. But then there was the dream. To psychology teacher Tom Johnson, Eric's dream wasn't much weirder than a lot of others that landed on his desk. It was February. Eric and Dylan were in the class together fifth period, after lunch. They would show up early, sit side-by-side and talk openly with other kids in the small, friendly class. Dream analysis was optional. Students would type up a recent dream and hand it in. No names, no grades. But the class figured out which one was Eric's because it had so many references to "me and Dylan." "It occurred in a mall and the boys were being put upon by someone, and they retaliated," Johnson said. Guns were involved, and the dream was somewhat violent. But at the time it seemed fairly normal in the surrealistic dream world. "Whenever there are guns involved, there's anger. But it didn't strike me as being particularly obsessive or compulsive," Johnson said. "You do 100 dreams a day and many of them are in the same ilk." Johnson had taught Eric freshman government and economics. To him, Eric wasn't much different his senior year, just more gothic, longer hair and darker clothes. Eric was still motivated and worried about grades. He had a 99 percent. Dylan, well, he'd missed a test and hadn't made it up. Johnson couldn't remember Dylan's exact grade average, but knew it was lacking. Eric and Dylan's first class during spring semester was bowling. At 6:15 a.m. "It's just to have fun," classmate Jeni LaPlante said. It was the only class she had with her closest friends: Sara Arbogast, Kim Carlin and Cindy Shinnick. Dylan and Eric bowled on a team with Nate Dykeman and Chris Morris. One reason Kim and Sara liked the class is they could catch up with Eric. They hadn't seen him much after quitting Blackjack in the fall. "Eric bowled like an idiot," Kim recalled, giggling. "He'd throw it," Sara said. "A lot of people laughed because it worked and he would get strikes and stuff." Sometimes Eric and Dylan shouted "Sieg Heil!" when they made strikes. But something else stands out for the bowling partners: Dylan's explosive temper. "Dylan would get so mad when he didn't get strikes," Jeni said. "One time he hit the bowling return machine really hard." In fact, a tendency to flash quick anger was a trait Eric and Dylan shared. "Eric had a short fuse," said friend Joe Stair. "You could just tell he got mad easier than most people." But the way Joe saw it, Eric's anger was a reflection of Eric's passion. "He got angry. But with other things he was really happy," Joe said. "He was a very passionate person." Countdown to graduation Graduation was only two months away. Eric and Dylan were weeks from being free of the place they hated. Parents attended a graduation meeting at the school in March. Judy Brown and Sue Klebold slipped into the auditorium to catch up. The two old friends talked. And talked. And talked. Finally, they looked at their watches. It was 10:30 p.m. They couldn't believe it. They were alone in the school. Sue couldn't contain her excitement. Dylan was going to the University of Arizona in the fall to study computer science. "We were just so excited for him," Judy said. "Sue was ecstatic." Dylan was on his way. He and Eric sailed through the classes and community service they were forced to do after the van break-in. They took anger management sessions, gave urine samples for drug tests and spent 45 hours helping at a recreation center. Eric and Dylan so impressed their counselor they were let go a month early. Feb. 3, 1999. The counselor praised Eric on a diversion termination report: "Eric is a very bright young man who is likely to succeed in life." Eric impressed the counselor with his intelligence. Prognosis: Good. Dylan, likewise, made a good impression on the counselor. "He is intelligent enough to make any dream a reality but he needs to understand hard work is a part of it." Prognosis: Good. A month later, Eric and Dylan hauled out their sawed-off shotguns and a new assault rifle. It was time for target practice. Colorado 67 twists through Douglas County's lonesome foothills through miles and miles of lush forest. The shooting range isn't marked. But lots of people target practice in the Rampart Range area of Pike National Forest. They leave behind grubby evidence of their sport. Shotgun shell casings in every color, torn paper targets. Trees whose waifish trunks didn't stand a chance against a clip of .40-caliber shots. You can hear it from the highway. Pow. Pow. Pow. All around the lemony smell of ponderosa pine. Eric and Dylan warmed up here. On March 6, they loaded up their TEC-DC9 and the two shotguns -- now illegally sawed off -- and went into the woods with Mark Manes and Philip Duran, the friends who got them the TEC-DC9. They blasted away with the shotguns -- the same ones Robyn Anderson had bought. And they all fired the TEC-DC9, an aggressive, sloppy pistol that turns up in a lot of drug killings. Eric and Dylan videotaped the action. Friday night, April 9 The AMF bowling alley dimmed the lights and brought in a DJ from midnight to 2 a.m. Eric loved the disco lights and rowdy music and camaraderie he found at Rock N' Bowl. He was there most Friday nights. Only this night, many of his pals had early-morning Saturday plans. Only two made it to the bowling alley, Dylan and Robyn. Dylan wouldn't let Eric down, wouldn't let him be all alone. Not on Eric's 18th birthday. Thursday evening, April 15 A Marine recruiter huddled with parents in their living room. A painful conversation about their teenager's psychiatric problems. Rejection. This was one of Eric Harris' last nights. Eric had no plans for college. Though he was a brilliant student with a brain that could wind through Shakespeare or HTML with equal ease, Eric lusted after the military. Like his Air Force pilot father and his World War II veteran grandfather. Eric told friends he wanted to fight in Kosovo. Bombs and explosions, the brutality of it all. Eric told a classmate he'd like to be on the front lines so he could kill a lot of people. Eric wanted to join the Marines to pursue the toughest challenges, to prove himself. Something he felt he could never in the Columbine atomsphere. "He said it's unlike here, where they go for the lowest common denominator, like the teachers helping out the stupid kids," Brooks Brown said. "There, they're going for the best." But Eric's Marine Corps goals were crushed. The recruiter told the family that Eric would never be a Marine because he was taking the drug Luvox. The Marines would have none of that. He told Eric he would have to be Luvox-free for six months before trying out again for the Marines. That same day, Tom Klebold turned 52. Friday, April 16 Eric and Dylan cooked pizzas at Blackjack. Dylan had gone back to work at the pizza joint several months earlier. They didn't always work together, but they did on what turned out to be their final shift. One of the customers that night was Susan DeWitt, a Columbine junior, who was a receptionist at Great Clips next door. When she came to pick up dinner for a stylist, Eric asked her if she wanted to do something that weekend. She said sure. She thought he was cute. Adorable even. He always talked to her when he ran into her at school. Saturday, April 17 Cigarettes. A white stretch limo. A girl in a royal-blue prom dress and soft blonde curls. She's holding his hand. This was one of Dylan Klebold's last nights. Prom night for Columbine. Hardly the outsider, he was one of a dozen dressed-up kids who piled into a limo and dined at a ritzy LoDo restaurant. Then it was off to the dance at the Design Center on South Broadway in Denver. Dylan wore a black tuxedo, a pink rosebud tucked into his lapel. His long wavy hair slicked back into an uncooperative ponytail. His date was Robyn Anderson, now a valedictorian contender with her straight-A average. She asked him to the prom -- just as friends. In recent months, Robyn and Dylan's relationship had been wobbling along that murky territory between friendship and romance. Robyn later told a friend that Dylan behaved gentlemanly on prom night, complimenting her on her dress. "They were holding hands and stuff," said Jessica Hughes, one of the limo crowd. Jessica sat next to Robyn and Dylan during dinner at Bella Ristorante. There was a lot of silly joking between them, playing with knives and matches. "They were pretending to light themselves on fire," Jessica said. Dylan ate a big salad, followed by a seafood dish with shells, mussels she thinks, then dessert. "I was like, my Lord," Jessica said. Jessica and Dylan chatted about a party both planned to attend in a couple weeks, a reunion for kids who'd been in the gifted program in elementary school. "He was all excited to see everyone," Jessica said. Dylan even agreed to bring pizza because he worked at Blackjack. Back in the limo, no one was drinking anything stronger than Pepsi, Jessica recalled. The car's TV was off. The radio was turned to a hard-rock station and on so low the kids drowned out the music. They were being, well, normal goofy teens enjoying themselves. Cameras flashing. Lipstick smiles. Whisking through the night in a mirrored-ceiling car. "We were flipping people off because the windows were so dark. We were making fun of people," Jessica said. Dylan even talked of everyone staying in touch after he left for college in three months. "He was in a really great mood that night," another friend in the limo, Monica Schuster, said. Eric didn't have a prom date. At least one Columbine girl turned him down after he sent her a late, convoluted invitation through a classmate. Friends have said he tried a few more times for dates. So he and Susan DeWitt, the girl he had talked to the night before at Blackjack, made plans for prom night. She came to his house and they watched Event Horizon, a 1997 box-office dud about a spaceship, the futuristic, gory kind of movie that Eric liked. His favorite films were Alien and Starship Troopers. "He seemed fine," Susan said. "I was a little nervous because, like, dates are nervous." They talked about friends they knew. He didn't mention Dylan. If he had, she wouldn't have known who he was talking about. She can't recall ever seeing them together -- even at Blackjack. Wayne and Kathy Harris had gone out to dinner to celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary. Susan met them when they got home. They were "super nice." Eric invited her to the after-prom party at Columbine's gymnasium, the affair that parents throw for kids as an alternative to drinking and driving when the prom ends. Susan said no, she had to be home, so Eric joined up with his buddies. He ran into Sara Arbogast and Kim Carlin, who were with their dates. "I hugged him and I picked him up," Kim said. "Me and him always pretended we fought. We sucker-punched each other. We were goofing off. "He seemed normal to me. He was with Dylan." Monday, April 19 Eric and Dylan ditched their second to last class of the day, creative writing, with two other classmates, Brooks Brown and Becca Heins. They decided to go to McDonald's for lunch. But first Eric and Dylan wanted to drop by Eric's house. They told Brooks and Becca they would meet them at the restaurant. Eric and Dylan never went back to school for their last class, psychology. That day someone was making strange noises in Wayne and Kathy Harris' garage. A man hanging wallpaper in the next-door neighbor's home heard glass breaking and other jolting, explosive sounds. Eric asked Mark Manes to buy ammunition for the semiautomatic pistol, although Eric was old enough to buy it himself. Mark went to Kmart and bought 100 rounds for $25. That night, Eric drove the few blocks to Mark's house to get the ammo. They talked in front of the Manes house. Mark asked if he planned to go target shooting that night. Eric told him no, he needed the ammo for the next day. Tuesday, April 20 Dylan and Eric skipped bowling. Nate Dykeman wondered about that because Dylan usually told him if he wasn't going to be at school. Eric and Dylan finally arrived. They were dressed to kill. And their secret sickness wasn't a secret anymore. Brooks Brown, who had walked outside to have a cigarette, saw Eric pull up and he confronted him in the parking lot, telling him he was an idiot for missing an important test that morning. It doesn't matter any more, Eric told him. "I like you, Brooks. Get out of here." At 11:21 a.m., stunned students ran for their lives as two gunmen in trench coats sprayed them with a relentless accumulation of firepower. They giggled and screamed "Death to the jocks!" as they killed their classmates at random. Pain and death all around. Human suffering did not distract them. They had each other. This was fun, a game. And they were the winning team. They would leave 13 dead: schoolmates Cassie Bernall, Steven Curnow, Corey DePooter, Kelly Fleming, Matthew Kechter, Daniel Mauser, Daniel Rohrbough, Rachel Scott, Isaiah Shoels, John Tomlin, Lauren Townsend and Kyle Velasquez, and teacher Dave Sanders. And they would wound more than 20 others. When Nate heard about the shootings, he called the Klebold house and asked if Dylan were there. "No, Nate, he's at school," Tom Klebold said. Nate told him about the shootings, about the trench coats, about Dylan not coming to school. Tom Klebold checked Dylan's closet for his coat. "Oh my God," he told Nate. "It's not here." Fatal friendship Eric's and Dylan's grand plan for a high body count failed. Teachers warned hundreds of students to run. Crosses for Dylan Klebold, top, and Eric Harris stand on Rebel Hill near Columbine just days after the shootings. The family of one of the slain students destroyed them, saying it was wrong to honor such evil. A huge homemade bomb Dylan and Eric planted in the cafeteria never exploded. The boys who had built so many pipe bombs in preparation for this day had manufactured a dud. And the weapons they had diligently practiced shooting jammed repeatedly. In the end, Eric and Dylan returned to the library, where 10 of their victims lay dead and two wounded students drifted in and out of consciousness. Art teacher Patti Nielson, hiding in a cabinet, heard voices in unison count, "One! Two! Three!" Then she heard a loud boom. Dylan and Eric died next to each other. If Eric had been afraid to kill himself, Dylan was there for encouragement. If Dylan had contemplated backing down -- even for a second -- he had Eric depending on him. They were a team. Best friends. Blood brothers. August 22, 1999


发表于 2007-11-17 21:15:03 | 显示全部楼层
恩恩`` `


发表于 2007-11-17 21:16:52 | 显示全部楼层
致命的友谊如何两个郊外男孩买卖,棒球和保龄球谋杀和疯狂,由林恩bartels和carla克罗德丹佛洛基山新闻工作人员的作家©版权1999年丹佛洛基山新闻-------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------他们的名字会永远交织。迪伦klebold和埃里克哈里斯。埃里克哈里斯和迪伦klebold 。这么多事情,使他们不同:埃里克进洞他的班。迪伦是一个死不悔改瘪了。李家祥说谎,对他的年龄,以胡国兴是一个老女人,他今天下午在商场。迪伦而又羞涩的等待正确的女孩子。李家祥说完面粉打架,在比萨联合那里工作了。迪伦在一旁观看。 "他们没有加入在髋以任何手段, "纳特说,戴克曼,同学大概知道他们最好的。但埃里克哈里斯和迪伦klebold将记住他们所分享:一个秘密疾病和仇恨,为他们的高级学校,一地方,他们的少年时代焦虑盘旋成杀人暴怒。迪伦和艾瑞克伪造其致命的友谊,在6倍。 4个月后,他们发动了惨重的学校射击,在美国历史上,造成12名同学和一名教师,然后杀害自己,家人和朋友仍斗争要了解什么地方出了错。埃里克哈里斯和迪伦klebold 。迪伦klebold和埃里克哈里斯。怎么goofy小小孩扮演棒球,热爱自己的宠物,想要请他们的母亲,变成杀人机器吗?在以后的几个月内杀人,更清楚地了解已经出现的迪伦和艾瑞克的债券,虽然也有问题,永远都不会回答的。这多少是众所周知的。出于一种nerdy苦难,埃里克和迪伦发现,在接受对方,然后兴奋炮制离奇和破坏性的计划,并最后致命的圆满,证明其扭曲的忠诚与死刑条约,震惊了世界。每次被对方的增援。如果不是吃了怀疑杀害了一名同班同学,然后又和另一另外,所有他需要做的就是多看,在他的soulmate ,见审批的笑容,感受令人放心斯汀的高5 。这是暴民的心态。暴民们两个。迪伦klebold &埃里克哈里斯。埃里克哈里斯和迪伦klebold 。东西也不会做单时,他们确实在一起。在开始时,他们的友谊开始的?没有人记得到底,虽然埃里克和迪伦会见了一段时间,在第七或第八级垦caryl中学。学校设在心脏的6倍,是一个非法人还在挨饿,杰斐逊县无休止的迷宫大街德囊,自行车道和连锁店融化到山麓的洛矶山脉。纳特戴克曼发誓,他们已经在最好的朋友,当他被转移到科罗拉多州的中学。 "我见到李家祥在西班牙语班,我见到迪伦在李家祥的房子一天, "他说。但布拉德詹金斯,谁是小丑图案与周围李家祥在中学年鉴说,迪伦是从来没有的一部分,他们的组织。 "我们红了,在学校和艾瑞克,从来不提他的名字或是别的什么, "布拉德说。迪伦是当地男童。他曾到该小学利特尔顿,并在资优计划在总督的牧场小学,从第三至第六级。即使他被包围聪明的孩子,迪伦wowed他们与他的数学技能。迪伦的父母,汤姆和控告,主持毕业典礼党为资优学生。迪伦klebold ,左,得到拥抱在一起,由布鲁克斯褐色,中心,因为它们周围小丑作为cub童军于1989年。垦caryl年鉴照片显示,矮墩墩的男孩,柔软,与婴儿脂肪会融化在高中,因为他长成什么滚石称为" gawky小子同一个大鸟嘴和杰伊纱罗下巴" 。 "他踢足球和东西与我们的每一天" ,同学杰克填满。 "他热爱棒球和他扮演的棒球了很多,他是一个有点笨拙" 。至于李家祥,一次又一次地,他是新手,在镇,被迫重新开始,广交朋友,一个军事brat hopscotching国家,直至他的父亲于1993年退休,并提出他的家人首次回到科罗拉多。他也发挥了棒球。但他是一个胆小的球员,将不会进行得如火如荼的时候,这是他转入英美烟草公司说,特里公寓,他的少棒教练plattsburgh ,纽约" ,他担心罢工,并让他的队友们, "公寓。 "它给我和他真的要适合这个位置"之后,他们的举动从纽约州北部到科罗拉多州,韦恩和师kathy哈里斯租下了一个房子几条街南方电力供应的6倍。该名女童在隔壁,莎拉pollock说,走路李家祥上学。她告诉她的母亲说,李家祥是" preppy和dork " ,但否则很好。客气,太。新学年,新的朋友,九年级。高中。和更新改造之一,在这一点。埃里克和迪伦的一部分, 99级,第一批学生,他们将动用所有的四年在一个更大更好的6倍,其中经历了15000000美元改变面貌,它的首次重大革新开放以来,在1973年。仪式的第一天,在1995年8月,欢迎学生到新的6倍。一个新的自助餐厅,而4年后的埃里克和迪伦将植物O4。新的学生入学,数百名惊惶失措的孩子会由迪伦和艾瑞克的枪声。一个新的礼堂那里特警人员将培养他们的武器壳震惊学生涉水通过淹水室到安全地方。很快,李家祥了一位新朋友,布鲁克斯布朗,住在附近。他们召开了学校巴士。布鲁克斯曾众所周知迪伦自小学一年级。李家祥,迪伦和布鲁克斯开始挂出。迪伦klebold日, 8日,左,布鲁克斯褐色, 9 ,访问丹佛的名胜,包括城市县建设,在一所学校进行实地考察,在1990年5月。在凉爽秋天夜晚,他们做了很多高中新生做的:他们欢呼他们的足球队。李家祥的大哥哥,凯文是一名大四的紧张起到年底,并且是为踢球哥伦拜恩叛军。 "李家祥的爸爸将我们导向, "布鲁克斯说。迪伦疏远他的一些中学生朋友。克里斯托弗甜菜是其中之一。 "我记得回升克里斯托弗从高中第九职等和迪伦是走在街上,说: "他的妈妈,燃气甜菜。 "我说, '哎呀,你的说法似乎并不是以好友-好友与迪伦了。 '他说, '好,他的有了新的铁哥们,我不会到什么,他们在做的事。 " '什么迪伦的新朋友到是电脑游戏。他们扮演好几个小时,有时在一起,有时是在自己家里,连接调制解调器,技术和迷恋游戏,而勇士队击倒了敌人与钢管O4和火力,在被害人从不哭泣和他们的家人,没有挨过。他们的共同野外,黑暗和蔑视情报。他们取笑的教师和学生在背后支持,甚至他们的脸,尤其是那些被电脑盲。他们推出了他们的眼睛,在同学'愚蠢的问题。当布鲁克斯曾写文章,对他的童年,他没有选择迪士尼乐园或露营。他写道:大约读阿特拉斯耸耸肩由哲学家-小说家艾因兰德,因为他认为这是"生活改变" 。当迪伦想要把一个很糟糕的说明,在一个人的更衣室,他侵入了学校的计算机系统,以学习相结合。然而,他们所有的智慧,它们太懒惰,也提不起兴趣,使荣誉名册。没有追求运动,因为尽管他们身高不够为先发阵容,这将已经做出任何高中篮球教练感到自豪。布鲁克斯增长将6英尺5 ;纳特, 6英尺4和迪伦, 6英尺3 。其他两个朋友,瑞安whisenhut和克里斯莫里斯,分别为6英尺4和6英尺2 。李家祥是最短的小组。他勉强超过5英尺8 。尽管如此,据各方反映,埃里克和迪伦享受第一年,在6倍。 ,并于14日,他们仍然适合,至少从一个距离。 "这回时,他们只是和其他人一样, "同窗凯蒂rutledge说。 "他们穿着正常的,我什至要说preppie " 。看看'一样,他可以杀死'的解体开始在他们大二。他们是否有问题,在家里不知道。他们的家人都没有说话。不过,李家祥,尤其是觉得欺负,在学校由一小群jocks ,而忽略了由教师和行政人员,他相信期待另一条路。埃里克和迪伦gravitated走向一个小圈子的学生团结起来他们之间的分歧。战斗靴和勤俭节约店grunge漂浮在阿伯克&惠誉大海。这愤怒,反叛集团将成为被称为战壕大衣黑手党。即使在当时,迪伦和艾瑞克分别对条纹的弃儿集团。同学hofstra凯文说,他的肯定埃里克和迪伦可以配合其他团体,也许超级学术孩子。 "都没有有一整广交朋友,但人们喜欢他们, "他说。李家祥的愤怒开始初露端倪。他甚至拒绝了对他的朋友。同学瑞安whisenhut可从来没有弄清楚为什么李家祥喜欢他,当他们被新生的,则不会讲他的时候,大二开始了。 "他刚刚样的变化, "瑞安说。 "但他没有说为什么,他只是那种给你这个样子,他可以杀死你" 。这是一个模式,李家祥会重复。他讨厌他的朋友不容布朗了一会儿。他辩称与纳特戴克曼超过女孩。和他闹翻,与同学约合wikipedia :曾经以为李家祥的恶作剧,被失控的地步。 "你不得不跟他(埃里克)或摆脱他, " zach的母亲,婆婆纳wikipedia : ,将在晚些时候告诉她,牧师。不过,李家祥有一个朋友,他从来没有被打开:迪伦。迪伦,完善追随者。迪伦,他们进行了更广泛的朋友圈,但他们仍忠于李家祥。 "迪伦, "瑞安说, "是最暴力的人,我从未被称为" 。无声剧场soundman迪伦造反,在宁静的,更艺术的方式。他总是男孩在控制摊位。早在他大二迪伦参加了一个企业过度, nonconformist人群说,选择在战区,以表达自己的。 "人们认为,在扮演,他并不介意赖说: "萨姆granillo一位资深今年秋天上市。 "他们在这些方面发挥,因为他们有博大的胸怀,大多数人都在我的学校不" 。战区所需的承诺。迪伦很容易花了十多小时,一个星期的排练。所有放学后,所有对他自己的时间。他发现他的角色背后的聚光灯下,这方面的开支,只要那时的夜在一个狭小的空间,在后面的学校礼堂举行。他平时然声,一份工作,呼吁他的爱,什么是技术性的。克里斯洛根,谁是沉重到战区,然与周围的迪伦。其循环女孩和球员保龄球比赛中团结起来,到电影。当克里斯义无返顾的圣诞联欢会上,迪伦还是存在。这样做主要是克里斯'女朋友,罗宾莱安德森。她已经和迪伦制定了一个键。但忧郁的一面迪伦开始出现。莎拉斯莱特看到悲伤。她处理的聚光灯下,在战区工作,并排与迪伦。 "我很喜欢他, "她说。 "他是真的害羞,虽然他没有那么害羞与我" 。忙个不停的谈话在排练或表演,他们花时间沟通,以电子邮件的时候,他们回来是在夜间进行。 "我们谈到了很多东西,其中多数与含酒精饮料,以及他如何痛恨学校, "莎拉说。据她了解,仇恨。与她宽松裤及添加首饰后,莎拉不适合,直到她开始打扮更常规在去年底,她一年级。她努力工作,改变她的消极态度,并发现时,她说,她所享有的6倍。迪伦并没有这样作。 "只是,当我和他谈过,我不知道,它像他将结束谈话, ' ( expletive )学校, "莎拉说。 "如果我问他是如何被这样的赛事,他说: '我真希望我没有去这里'或'我想我是在其他地方" … …有时,他们在网上聊天,迪伦会说,他已被饮用。有时莎拉可以告诉他的打字错误。有时,他会请她出去喝酒。但纳特戴克曼不记得迪伦-或李家祥-喝了很多。他不禁怀疑,迪伦只是想打动莎拉,试图碰到作为一个党的动物,设法使她相信他已生活了,以他的绰号,伏特加。莎拉失去联系迪伦后,她退出了剧场。但迪伦继续进行,处理为无害去询问爱丽丝作为初中和弗兰肯斯坦作为一个高级。去年秋天,战区学生作了录像,为他们敬爱的戏剧老师,控告carruthers 。周梁淑怡议员,他们打电话给她。迪伦是,在视频。他的棕色头发生长出低于他的耳朵。他期待害羞,即使布鲁克斯布朗,他的朋友12年来,是后面相机。 pepperoni和土制O4李家祥喜欢pepperoni和青椒比萨饼。这是他唯一会吃,在他的轮班在21点比萨饼。而其他员工全书就smorgasbord的toppings ,李家祥不让步,从他的最爱。埃里克和迪伦开始, 21点在春季其大二,烹饪,披萨,为5.15美元一小时。好友克里斯莫里斯,他们是在战壕大衣黑手党,已经在带状购物中心pizzeria小康皮尔斯街以南的6倍。克里斯曾敦促他们申请,它说,相当有趣。这是一次爆炸。有面粉,打架在厨房和烟花爆竹在停车场。两个共同工作者,金正日卡林和sara arbogast ,在同一职系埃里克和迪伦。萨拉说: "埃里克是尼斯和健谈,滑稽和只是一个酷家伙,他从来不表示任何仇恨,对任何事情,只是正常的少女时代焦虑。很多人说他们不喜欢的学校,我说,它在所有时间"金正日说: "迪伦和我永远不会得到心像我和艾瑞克会,我不认为迪伦融入我们非常好,他太安静,我们将进入大规模食物打架或水打架,他wasn '吨到玩弄我们,如果你要问他一些尴尬的他'd转红,并给你这个小露齿而笑" 。慢日日夜夜,操作人员可以坐在后面的建设和燃放鞭炮或土制炸药。 "我们用于制造干式冰球落后店, "金说。 "你把干冰和热水,在一个2升的瓶子,它只是芽了,我们偷了锥形其中的时候,他们做道路建设在停车场很多工作,我们会看到有多高,我们可以拍锥" 。一晚,迪伦带来了管状O4工作。经理人写信给他,并告诉他,永远不会做一遍。随后不久,迪伦戒烟21点。李家祥下榻。金正日和萨拉越来越接近李家祥。他抱怨说,有些jocks被欺凌,他的。萨拉从来没有目睹任何中曾经的,但她却看到同学们给李家祥怪异的期待。她还以为这是因为他如何穿着。男孩身着卡其色的时候,他开始在21点,现在披上自己的黑色货物裤及黑色t衬衫,就像他的朋友克里斯莫里斯。但李家祥提请线身穿帽子像克里斯,选择一个棒球帽,破旧落后。金正日和萨拉无法理解为什么他们的同学不喜欢李家祥。 "从来没有人给他一个机会, "金如是说。 "人们总是盯着我,因为我会去和他拥抱在早晨" 。萨拉会取笑他,有一个共同的工人,他简短过时了。他将拜会萨拉" ohzay booboo , "一语,他拿起从电影王牌范杜拉,宠物侦探。当李家祥了他的高级图片采取whined如何"愚蠢" ,他期待,金大中和sara cooed如何可爱的,他并帮他选择的列印效果。当李家祥重弹说,女生会不会有什么关系做他的说法,金正日和萨拉邀请他坑了他们。有时候,他去保龄球,但很多次,他拒绝了,告诉他们,他以为他不会适合这个位置,李家祥也加入金正日和萨拉和他们的朋友归国当晚,他们年级。他们曾跳过舞学校,为晚宴上的旧意大利面条工厂设在闹市区的丹佛掘金队。当他们抵达回升李家祥,他们不得不等待10分钟,直到他母亲回家。 "他不想离开,没有她自知如他, "金说。 "他并没有要她不用担心。 "从国家对国家的,作为青少年,埃里克的父母走过一些相同的街道,后来他做的。前韦恩尼尔森哈里斯是一个装饰空军飞行员,他是一个当地男童。高englewood的学校,班级的1966 。安静,智能,根据前的同班同学。韦恩的已故父亲,沃尔特,担任代客在布朗宫饭店。他的母亲,在thelma ,留在家中与韦恩和他的姐姐,桑德拉。韦恩哈里斯会见了凯瑟琳安池在往后的流行和裁员的蜂箱。她是科罗拉多本土也是如此。乔治华盛顿高中,班级的1967年。她的父亲,理查德池,是军队离休,并举办五金店对冬青街东南丹佛举行。泳池仍然住在房子里师kathy和她的两个姐妹长大的。韦恩和师kathy了一所教堂婚礼上的第一长老会englewood的对1970年4月17日。 3年后,韦恩加入空军,它是小康向俄克拉何马州,为飞行员训练。哈里斯和他的年轻妻子交错国家-华盛顿,堪萨斯,俄亥俄。他们的第一个孩子,凯文,出生于1978年在华盛顿举行。埃里克朱来到沿3年后,而家庭是驻扎在威奇托,堪萨斯州,在他长达20年的高中团聚,韦恩哈里斯写道,他的目标是"提高两个好儿女" 。该突出他的生活,根据该团聚问卷,已经诞生,他的男孩。师kathy哈里斯留在家中,当凯文和艾瑞克小时候,忙于自己的军事新娘午餐会,志愿服务项目和学校的职能。前者朋友在军事城镇形容埃里克是一个好小孩。聪明的。和可爱的,永远可爱。经过一段时期韦恩哈里斯离退休来自空军的赛事,他上升到了少校军衔,并解决了一些有声望的任务,作为一个试飞员和飞行教员。他赢得了荣誉奖章,为他的工作对b 1轰炸机。然后,像许多军事基地,在上世纪90年代初, plattsburgh空军基地在纽约闭幕。在1993年,经过20多年的军旅生活,韦恩和师kathy回到了科罗拉多州。韦恩,他辞去工作,在飞行安全,服务, englewood的公司,这使得军方的飞行模拟器。李家祥的朋友说,他的爸爸了大量工作。师kathy是被人雇用,一切有云, englewood的饮食。首先,在harrises出租。然后在1996年5月,正如埃里克结束了他的年级,他们付出180000美元为一所房子在几个街区以外,地方,他们最后的计划,就要给家里打电话了很多年。两个故事,砖,蓝灰色装饰,它位于上的一段小路,小康皮尔斯街,直南的6倍。韦恩和师kathy操练的价值功课和辛勤工作纳入男孩。凯文hofstra ,谁红周围李家祥大多是在中学表示,李家祥和他的弟弟凯文一直有做功课,才可以偷懒。体育是大事情。周日下午足球在电视上,韦恩教练凯文的建议联赛篮球队。 "他的父母都是百分之百的可怕,我说: "德里克霍利迪, 1996年的6倍毕业的人,是近凯文。 " harrises都是伟大的父母" 。家庭宠物,一个小小的狗命名sparky ,曾患癫痫发作。李家祥有时下班时sparky生病。 "李家祥说,爱的狗, "纳特戴克曼说。在一些点上高中,埃里克的父母认识到自己的儿子出了问题更为严重,他们能够单独解决问题。他们带他到精神科医生,谁明兰释,反抑制剂用于治疗强迫性神经症。李家祥的卧室是在地下室。他的书架上被衬箱旧爆竹,并收集了微型车。一张海报,与他的一个喜爱的音乐团体, kmfdm ,被录制在天花板上。另带李家祥喜欢被rammstein ,一个德国乐队。李家祥,学德文,将发挥集团的镭射唱片,在21点和翻译,为他的同案工作者。 kmfdm和rammstein特色的音乐与育雏和暴力歌词李家祥常常模仿和发送给朋友通过互联网。纳特没有访问eric的房子多像他那样狄伦的。没有人离开房间。它并非如许多乐趣。 "李家祥只想得到对他的电脑, "奈特说。大部分eric的朋友增速平均达6.6他们的魅力与暴力电脑游戏。李家祥并没有这样作。他的昵称,强流电子束,是灵感来自性格中的一个他最喜爱的电脑游戏,末日将要来临,而其目标是评分高的尸体。其中一个游戏的标语: "灭亡-那里s anest地方,是后面一个触发" 。叛军在100元的大衣,埃里克和迪伦似乎津津乐道自己的角色,作为局外人。 "给我的印象总是从他们被他们种想要成为弃儿,说: "德佛格森,一位资深今年秋天上市。 "这不是说,他们被扣上这样,它的是什么,他们选择到" 。照片战壕大衣黑手党看来,在1998年的6倍年鉴。迪伦klebold和埃里克哈里斯是不是在图片,但他们的朋友,与该集团的实力。这一选择中曾经邀请,由一组jocks ,其中很多人在1998年毕业,并分别被称为小霸王整个学校。学生表示,他们将阻止走廊,使underclassmen走很长的路,以一流的。甚至凯文hofstra ,协调队长的足球队时表示,他不怕他们。李家祥经历了更多的中曾经比迪伦。一些对jocks和朋友们推李家祥到储物柜。他们称他为" faggot " 。他们投掷可乐空罐,在他从自己的车。 " ,他们将不会针对迪伦,因为他身材瘦长。迪伦是一个漂亮的恐吓展望家伙, "同窗帕特里克mcduffee说。 "他们针对李家祥" 。杰西卡休斯, 1999年毕业后,确定了6倍这样说: "目前基本上有两种类型的人,还有的低收入和高。低枝连同与高枝在一起,并高使得乐趣低,你刚才处理它" 。一小群1965年学生的处理,它的粘接,一并了他们的不满。在大多数情况下,这些都是光明的,狡猾的孩子。电脑越来越多。视频游戏的主人。战壕大衣黑手党。该集团得到其险恶的名字在最无辜的方式。泰特树干,他毕业于去年5月,是第一家们一个所谓战壕大衣。事实上,泰特的母亲, terri而艾萨克,给他买两本长牛仔除尘器圣诞他的年级。她发现大衣售苗stockman在西南广场,为99美元,并购买了其中。三天后,当它的时候用大衣,她无法找到。 "我能够想到的是'我的上帝啊,我离开掀背式开放对我丈夫的车,有人认为这就是, " '她说。于是她又花了104.79美元。当她被清理壁橱以下,可她发现原来除尘器。她的丈夫已经忘记了,他就躲在那个地方。到那个时候,泰特的朋友穿着大衣,太。和孩子们在哥伦拜恩已开始把他们称为战壕大衣黑手党-一个名字集团自豪地通过。埃里克和迪伦甚至没有正式成员。他们只是朋友的带领海沟coaters乔楼梯,他们在1998年毕业,和同学克里斯莫里斯。战壕coaters不满的社会制度。他们拒绝迁出的轨迹jocks和朋友们在礼堂和午餐线路。他们的讯息,柜子,房间精英说: "除非你做一些事来赢得尊重,我们现在不会去跪拜你了。 " "我们实际上并没有告诉他们, "乔说。 "我们给他们看" 。他们之间有许多怨言和野生幻想,刮起了6倍。没有什么大不了。 "百分之八十的人在谈到花多少钱,恨学校,或'我在哪里拿到的人, "乔说。 "但我们从来没有严重" 。克里斯莫里斯被称为成为最响亮,在他的6倍恨。即使学生不知道有多少战壕大衣黑手党知道克里斯莫里斯。克里斯不喜欢很多人。但他很喜欢这种埃里克和迪伦。克里斯'传染性黑暗中的影响,尤其是李家祥,根据一些州的学生。但克里斯'朋友们说他是一个好人,所有的虚张声势,并没有发生暴力。 "一时间,克里斯即将进入一个打击,我不好意思地对他说, '来,蜂蜜,去上课, "说,金正日卡林,他们与克里斯于21点。该办法的一些壕沟coaters看来,克里斯是一个积极的影响迪伦和艾瑞克。 "他刚刚领了,他们开始贴起来,为自己, "说的cory friesen , 1997年的6倍和研究生克里斯当前的室友。 1998年的6倍年鉴特点的照片战壕大衣黑手党,与碑文, "谁说我们不同。疯狂的健康" !迪伦和艾瑞克是不是在画面。有没有照片在1999年的年鉴。战壕大衣黑手党已经失去势头。埃里克和迪伦只需要互相配合,以出乱子。可怜,对小偷埃里克和迪伦bumbled ,而不是可怜,因为他们的小偷年级。 1998年1月30日。停泊在砾石地段附近chatfield水库聆听到一个新的裁谈会在李家祥的灰色本田前奏。钻孔16岁的孩子。放几个烟花,打破了一些瓶。还是无聊。埃里克和迪伦告诉警方,不同版本,不知道发生了什么未来。 "狄伦建议,我们应该窃取部分的物体在白色面包车。起初,我感到非常不舒服,并质疑与思想" ,李家祥写道警方报案。从迪伦说: "几乎在同一时间,我们都想出了一个办法,在突破这个白色面包车。 "他们依法论处一个公事包,电气用具和墨镜走出面包车,然后起飞,在李家祥的汽车。他们停泊过鹿溪峡谷道,以检查出赃款。 1杰斐逊县治安官的副手,面对他们分钟后,犯罪活动。既坚持他们发现,物业堆放在路边。是啊,正确的,以为副。他们被拘捕,被控盗窃,刑事淘气和刑事擅自进入,并释放他们,他们没有太快乐的父母。李家祥最后confided他的一个21点的工人,所以他才停飞。 "他说, '我真希望我没有这样做过, " '萨拉arbogast说。他说: "他们的父母都是真的生气他们,他们没有被允许悬挂在一起,有一阵子,因为它" 。迪伦是这么羞愧,他甚至没有告诉纳特戴克曼,他们发现这三手。 "我说, '这是因为你不能出门? '和他能拿到红色,并告诉我,他不想谈论它, "奈特说。两个月后,他们被逮捕后,迪伦和艾瑞克出现之前杰斐逊县县长约翰devita 。双方的父亲在那里。李家祥以crisply 。迪伦含糊。李家祥告诉法官,他作为和bs 。迪伦表示,他的学生交流,这抓到了生动的演讲,从法官。 "我敢打赌,你是一位学生,如果你把你的大脑权力用纸量" 。 "我不知道,主席先生, "迪伦说。其余的,他的反应是不知所云。 "当地狱,你去看看?你有一年的学校离开。 … …当你将会获得与节目" ?法官大叫。更多hangdog mumbling从迪伦。两男孩坚持这是他们第一次犯罪。其父亲为后盾,他们到了。汤姆klebold告诉法官说: "这一直是一个相当惨痛经历,我想这可能是很好的,一个好的经验,那他们走入第一次" 。其中devita回答说, "他'd告诉你,如果有任何更多的" ? "是的,他会实际上, " klebold说。 devita派出迪伦和艾瑞克到一个导流程序时,一个混合的社区服务和辅导。当devita选择了一句,他没想到杰斐逊县侦探刚收到的信息等犯罪活动,由埃里克和迪伦。没有人烦,向他报告。他们潜入于夜间和触发土制O4。探员知道这是因为埃里克吹嘘它在一个网站上充满了他的viperous著作。熊熊透过网路兰迪和朱迪布朗,家长的布鲁克斯褐色,翻了12页的李家祥的暴力网路rantings以侦探,在1998年3月,前几天法院排期聆讯。 "大家更好地潜伏在你的( expletive )房子,因为我来为大家不久,我将自己武装到( expletive )牙,我会开枪杀人,我会( expletive )杀死一切! "李家祥曾写信。 "不,我不疯狂,疯狂的只是一个字,以我" 。但朱迪布朗以为他是神经病。她已成为可疑的李家祥个月前。李家祥曾指责布鲁克斯为砸毁一名同学家中。有人把厕所papered一棵树,设置布什对消防和胶合板门锁。但朱迪知道,她的儿子已经回家一夜。布鲁克斯再次表明,已经停飞,这一次打破宵禁。朱迪和兰迪布朗是什么样的父母,他们知道了很多关于他们的孩子的生命。朱迪是一个留守在居家妈妈的人,通常是经历了只对周二下午为水彩画教训。兰迪是一个职业高尔夫球选手张连伟转向房地产经纪人,其灵活的工作时间让他zip和流出。他们有两个儿子:布鲁克斯,毕业,今年五月,和亚伦,初中。多向惊愕的男生朋友,布鲁克斯和亚伦经常告诉他们气泡妈妈所有。他们没有告诉她,她设法找出答案。当他们说谎,他们通常会被发现。朱迪交谈屋主的房子被破坏,她呼吁代表们,并告诉他们,李家祥负责。代表们说:他们谈心,埃里克的父母。李家祥是震怒。一天作为布鲁克斯是驾驶的巴士站附近,他的房子,李家祥义无返顾地一大块冰,打破了他的挡风玻璃上。布鲁克斯告诉他的母亲,她立即驱车前往巴士站及面临李家祥。尤斯廷得到了他的背包里,并告诉他说她是去跟他的母亲。他攫取到她的汽车,尖叫,他的脸转红。他提醒她的动物攻击一辆汽车在一个野生动物公园。师kathy哈里斯在她的车道上,当朱迪布朗窜升。朱迪仍然可以记得格子绒布衬衣,她被发现时身穿。师kathy的新消息了,当朱迪形容李家祥的行为。当天晚些时候,布鲁克斯交谈师kathy ,也告诉她,李家祥已经滑倒走出家门,在夜间,拉动恶作剧,并设置放烟花。韦恩哈里斯称为褐。 "他说,他的儿子也很害怕我,这也就是为什么他被挂在大门处理, "朱迪布朗说。 "我说, '你的儿子的不害怕,你的儿子是可怕的,你的儿子是暴力" … …韦恩哈里斯驱车李家祥向褐道歉。他等待了,在车,而李家祥到里面。 "他还说,通过这整个spiel ,它是如何都在玩"朱迪布朗说。 "我说, '埃里克哈里斯,你可以拉羊毛超过你的爸爸的眼睛,但你现在不会去拉羊毛超过我的眼睛" … …她告诉李家祥,如果她看到他靠近她家再次,她会致电警长。 "我说, '远离我的孩子' ,我刚刚有了一个感觉,对他在这一点" 。朱迪和兰迪布朗认为问题已经结束。那么,在1998年3月,布鲁克斯回家,从6倍一天。他说,一位朋友曾告诉他,一个网站埃里克创造了。 "他说, '我不能告诉你是谁,妈妈,因为他怕埃里克哈里斯会伤害他, " '朱迪布朗说。那位朋友:迪伦klebold 。什么褐阅读网页惊恐万状。李家祥威胁要杀死不容,但他们的儿子是不是他唯一的目标。李家祥说,气象学家的人做出错误的预测应被刺断棒球棒。要以散弹枪向任何人阻挡他的路,在走廊上。 "我就是法律,如果你不喜欢它,你死了,如果我不喜欢你或我不喜欢什么,你要我做的,你死了,上帝,我不能等到我可以杀死你的人" 。


发表于 2007-11-17 21:18:08 | 显示全部楼层
李家祥吹嘘他如何和"伏特加"设法偷渡出他的房子一晚,并掀起了一个管状O4,他们已命名为" pazzie " -意为疯狂。李家祥说,他和迪伦已建成4个其他管O4, "第一个真正的钢管O4完全是从无到有,由叛军(强流电子束和伏特加) 。 " "现在我们唯一的问题, "李家祥续说: "是要找到适合的地方,这将是'零起步。 " '褐了埃里克和迪伦的家庭住址和电话号码,以一名侦探。但侦探再也没有回到他们的电话之后。该褐,不知道该怎么做。布鲁克斯说,他的父母松口气了,埃里克是一个键盘样的硬汉。但弟弟亚伦是惊恐万状。他睡同英美烟草公司,由他的床。兰迪和朱迪都有一个舒适:迪伦。迪伦是一个最可爱的孩子们,他们知道的。他们想通迪伦不会让李家祥得到真正的暴力。该褐想过告诉汤姆和控告klebold约李家祥的网站,但最后决定让侦探处理。 "控告是什么样的母亲,如果有问题时,男孩玩的时候,他们几乎没有,她会说, '这是我的一个孩子? ' ,因为如果是,她会照顾它, "朱迪布朗说。 "我们知道,当她发现出什么迪伦和艾瑞克上涨,这将结束它" 。一个家庭禁止玩具枪,控告和汤姆klebold成长于俄亥俄州的,但他们的童年几乎相似。控告知道特权,汤姆知道悲剧。苏珊弗朗西斯yassenoff住在油井到做郊区bexley外哥伦布。布伦达帕克, 24 ,使照片的埃里克哈里斯在她的电脑。他教她如何使用互联网,在其简短的掷球。名称yassenoff就意味着在哥伦布。她的祖父,利奥yassenoff ,是一个突出的开发商和慈善家的人离开他13000000美元地产慈善机构。犹太人社区中心,在哥伦布就是以他的名字命名。控告的父亲,米尔顿,是犹太人,她的母亲,钟,是不是。控告出席庙以色列说, solly yassenoff ,是一个遥远的表弟。高中毕业后,控告,研究艺术和数学在俄亥俄州州立大学。托马斯欧内斯特klebold出生于托莱多地区。他的母亲去世时,他是6 ,他的父亲时,他12岁。他的同父异母兄弟,唐纳德,他们是18岁的年纪大了,提出了他。汤姆出席一个小型学院在斯普林菲尔德,俄亥俄,两年,然后移交给俄亥俄州州,在那里他主修雕塑,并坠入爱河与另一攻读美术专业。汤姆和控告人结婚,在1971年。汤姆是个思想家,更预留伙伴。控告是artsy和外向型和敏感。该klebolds搬到密尔沃基那里汤姆了研究生学位,在地球物理学,从马凯特大学。石油和天然气工业带他们到俄克拉何马城在1970年代中期,当时科罗拉多州。他们的长子,拜伦,出生于1978年。迪伦贝内特出生3年后,于1981年9月9日,中,当地。在八十年代初期, klebolds从,当地到一个居委会只是东南亚的6倍。他们成了很好的朋友,邻居和兰迪美意德霍夫,居于全国绕城。他们的孩子都是一样的年龄。美意和控告花萨默斯由池,谈他们的子女泼消失。当dehoffs有两个以上子女,控告klebold通过对玩具迪伦已不敷支。 "你知道如何有时夫妇点击" ?兰迪德霍夫说。 "我们只是做我们的讨论,几乎任何事,一切" 。这是个有趣的问题,因为家庭有分歧philosphically 。该dehoffs名福音派基督徒。该klebolds寻求一个心灵利基。该dehoffs投保守。该klebolds认为自己是自由。 "孩子们甚至没有让玩具枪时,他们成长过程中, "兰迪德霍夫说。 "狄伦不知道恨在这家"控告和美意,最终一起,在arapahoe社区学院。控告的工作是要确保残疾学生进入。她转移到了同样的立场与国家联合体的社区学院。汤姆,预测尘在石油和天然气业务,开始寻找另一种职业生涯。他开始对住房抵押贷款的管理业务。其中的出租物业,他和控告自己是在丹佛-对哥伦拜恩街。在1989年,汤姆与控告支付250000美元为惊人, 3528平方英尺的家中藏两红岩outcroppings对美洲豹路鹿溪峡谷。小时候的游乐场,它有一个游泳池,网球场和篮球场。但迪伦,敏感喜欢他的母亲,担心美洲狮会吃他的猫,露西和岩石。迪伦的朋友们很喜欢访问,因为有这么多不和他的父母都是那么酷。 "他的父母都是如此尼斯对我来说, "纳特戴克曼说。 "它们以前,体检给我看,还是猜测,使crepes或omelets " 。该klebolds已经有很多的食物供迪伦,他们的胃口是具有传奇色彩。他吃早餐,由一个金属混碗。它是什么让他吃的一桶肯德基炸鸡自己。他的哥哥,拜伦,去了私立高中才转6倍时,他是一位资深和即将毕业的在1997年。当拜伦搬进一套公寓,在1998年,迪伦继承了他的卧室。他粉刷房间内,两名黑人面临的墙壁和两个白人面对墙壁红色百叶窗窗户。他摆满了微型冰箱这是一个17岁生日礼物来自家庭与糖块议员及辣椒。迪伦红海报的罗杰克莱门斯和卢伽雷上墙,随着音乐团体和模型。 1海报描述如何使鸡尾酒。 "有你的典型的青少年年龄堆积如山的脏衣服, "奈特说。四,五年前,家属出席了圣弘路德教会在杰斐逊县。牧师,唐marxhausen ,是不是你的传统名男子的布条。发表强硬谈新的纽约客,他花了很多他的工作,财政部与贫民窟吸毒成瘾者。他说,他的目标之一是为社会所不能接受的。他发誓要对留念。 marxhausen说klebolds正在寻找一种社区感,但汤姆有"许多问题"与有组织的宗教和家庭问题辞职后,未来6个月左右。 marxhausen没有他们推。他理解家属的精神斗争。 "你在谈论一个犹太教和基督教的背景, "他说。家庭庆祝双方在低位和圣诞节。汤姆和控告施加严格的限制,有多少钱花在自己的孩子,朋友朱迪布朗说。 "这些孩子不是惯坏了, "她说。 "汤姆和控告想让他们知道金钱的价值和工作" 。一个圣诞节,控告,因为始于1969年迪伦想要收藏棒球卡的费用要高达她曾计划动用所有他的礼物。她担心的只是一组礼品圣诞树下。但是那有什么迪伦被通缉的,那就是所有成功突围。迪伦驱车老宝马。它已使打人的是,当同学碰到它与她的汽车,他告诉她,这是没有什么大不了。作为一名资深,迪伦是出一流的,由下午1时,他往往开门见山家里花了时间与他的父亲时,他们出了家门。汤姆珍惜时间。他原以为他和迪伦成长极为接近。杀,杀,杀。方璟mitleid !李家祥的网站上消失了几天后,他和迪伦的法庭听证会。他现在开始放下他的思想在日记,混合打字页的手写体和参赛作品,步道的长达一年的计划,以打击了6倍于希特勒的生日。 1999年4月20日。但他和迪伦的愤怒,隐蔽性好,从他们的父母,并不完全隐藏起来。它显示了在奈特戴克曼的初级年鉴。埃里克哈里斯送往这些和其他图纸向他的朋友通过互联网。及其编码的信息为奇数,青春期的组合惊叹号标志,挖苦vapid流行歌星,视频游戏拥有。李家祥写道: "我恨一切,除非我说,否则,嘿不跟随你的梦想,或你的目标,或任何重要事实( expletive ) ,跟随你( expletive )动物本能,如果它的动作杀死它,它不符合烧伤。方璟mitleid ! "最后一句是德语,没有手软。迪伦,在奈特的年鉴,尤其是刻薄的话,为音乐家,他不喜欢:杀人jiggy杀死肿胀杀死汉森杀死理查德马克思!那个夏天,就在他的高级一年,李家祥了第二份工作。除了烹调21点,他并肩工作,奈特戴克曼在玉米饼显得忧心忡忡。李家祥要额外的钱,以帮助支付一台新电脑。再次,李家祥的雇主,妄言。 "他是一个真正的尼斯小子说: "朱窟,他们聘请了李家祥。 "时,他会来,在每天与尼斯t恤衫,米色短裤,凉鞋,他是种宁静,但大家相处得与他" 。李家祥提供了两个引用当他申请。一个是6倍英语教师贾森韦伯,其中他最喜爱的教师。 "他热爱韦布, "同窗jeni laplante说。 "他甚至给韦伯先生的圣诞礼物" 。李家祥的其他参考:控告klebold 。女孩和枪,他们可能有共同的仇恨,但埃里克和迪伦分道扬镳上的一个关键部分高中生活:女孩。迪伦很少过时了。 "他很喜欢女孩,你知道,但他决不会接近他们,是因为他太害羞,或等待他们的做法,他说: "莎拉斯莱特,他的朋友从战区。纳特戴克曼有另一种意见为何迪伦没有日期。 "狄伦希望等待, "他说。 " ,他不想进入任何高中" 。罗宾莱安德森曾迷恋迪伦,他们出去一对夫妇的时候,但迪伦从来没有考虑过她的女朋友。迪伦klebold和罗宾莱安德森构成,在哥伦拜恩的胎膜早破于4月17日的前3天,具女尸。然后,他们会见了埃里克哈里斯在后,可以迅速将党。朋友自第九职等,既学习德语。两地均有些紧张周围的异性。但迪伦总是礼貌。他对待她的尊重。李家祥提出了一些女孩,其中包括一名女孩和他本人都奈特喜欢。女孩选择了奈特,这使得李家祥如此疯狂,他不跟他的朋友了一会儿。许多女孩告诉李家祥没有。布伦达帕克说,是的。他们今天下午在西南广场,在1998年1月下旬,他在今年初中时,布伦达和她的女朋友被某些有一群家伙,是他们的活动。 "迪伦是真的高大,所以你不能错过他, "布伦达说。她面临的男孩。他们结束了在谈论什么,他们会怎样做,这天晚上。游弋在她1996年野马,布伦达说。这天晚上,李家祥驱车前往西敏寺,那里布伦达居住。布伦达把23个在三个星期。李家祥达到了16个。只是,她不知道这一点。当他谈到学校,她不知道他的意思6倍。她以为他的意思,一所社区学院。 " ,他担任了很多年纪大了, "她说。 "我很不成熟的" 。他们保龄球比赛。他们遨游。他们来到bandimere快车道。她认为他不错。他买了她的山地荒漠化预警系统-"我什至没有问" 。他告诉她,她是漂亮。李家祥教布伦达如何下载厄运和其他电脑游戏,以及如何使用互联网。李家祥喜欢探望她西敏寺公寓,因为她独居。有时迪伦来到沿,但他很少说一句话。一晚,迪伦作出布伦达笑的时候,他向门外溜他的壳唇同步到一个beastie boys的歌在电视上。布伦达访问利特尔顿一对夫妇的时候。她看着埃里克和迪伦开枪蟋蟀符合bb枪,在李家祥的地下室。一次,李家祥打电话给她迟到,直犯嘀咕,她来得到他的,他是去偷渡出家门。然后,他们驱车到迪伦的房子,等待他。约一小时后,迪伦的高层人物出来,黑暗中摸索。三人开车到山上喝。他们决定先用夜间在她的野马,因为他们担心酒后驾车。 "埃里克是一个小tipsy我们去散步,这是真正的黑暗,他抱着我和他摔了,他让我同他一起, "布伦达说。她介绍了自己在简短的关系为"友谊,但多的友谊" 。其中一个原因,它结束了,是因为李家祥被停飞,无法脱身来见她。布伦达认为是最后一次,她看见埃里克是大约5个月前,具女尸。他们今天下午在通心粉格栅在西敏寺。 "他看起来好像他真是bummed 。起初我还以为这是因为我们已经破碎了,他一遍遍呼唤着,并要见我,但我不想因为我有一个男朋友,在那个时候, "她说。 "他只说他是bummed出来,我问是什么,他不会告诉" 。什么布伦达不知道的是,埃里克和迪伦已经购买枪支罗宾莱。去年12月,他们拿起三枪-喜点9毫米卡宾枪步枪和两个**-在枪展。 1 gilpin县名叫第纳尔" jimmie "丹拿有他们每月在丹佛商品集市上东第58大道。罗宾莱已届18岁,和迪伦和艾瑞克显然以为,他们需要她沿。其实,在17日,但无论如何,他们可以购买枪支,由无牌经销商在坦纳表演。罗宾莱已经表示,她想通迪伦和艾瑞克希望枪打猎,或者,他们被收藏。她不肯定。她说,这只是酷家伙,她的乐趣。他们给她的现金。她表明卖方她的驾驶执照。他们实现了自己的枪。约一个月后,埃里克和迪伦到另一种坦纳表演。他们会见了他们中的一员21点鬼鬼,弘杜兰巴,和他的朋友,马克毛。弘知道埃里克和狄伦被球探另枪。他把它们联系商标,他们拥有一个在tec - dc9半自动USP。在四人讨论出售在1月份的枪表演,并迪伦和艾瑞克后支付马克500元枪,根据法庭记录。从1999年初开始,布伦达回家找三个信息,从李家祥对她的答录机。他一遍遍呼唤回来,是因为她的机器削减送行。 "他说, '我很抱歉,我骗你有什么东西,我们需要谈谈,我很17 ,我将是18岁,在3个月内" … …然后他告诉她,那就太棒了,如果她想要的更在彼此的关系。但它是另一回事,他说,促使布伦达请了出来。他曾留下一些rammstein光碟,在她家。他告诉她,她可能有他们,因为他不会需要他们了。她想看看,如果他的所有权利。她也希望确保他清楚他们之间的关系。 "我告诉他我只是希望自己的朋友" 。脑科目为高中其高层今年,埃里克和迪伦到有些漂亮的脑科目:心理学,创意写作。一个主题为主导李家祥的功课转让。枪。由于部分李家祥的政府和经济阶层,学生推销产品,并取得了一盘录像带。 " ,他的产品是战壕大衣黑手党保护服务, "同窗马特cornwell说。 "迪伦当时并不在一流的,但他是在视频,如果你付5元,他们将击败有人为你,如果你给他们10元,他们会有人拍你" 。 eric的视频站出来,马特说。 "也有一些漂亮的疯狂产品,有些人却击中男子雇用,他们大多数人好笑,这是不好笑,在所有后,它结束了,大家都喜欢, ' whoa ,那是怪异的" … …马特和迪伦在作文课,但他们只谈过一次。 "那是因为他穿的这个苏联针对他的行李箱, "马特说。 " ,其中最后几天,我当时想, '为什么你穿这针对你的开机? '他是这样, '只是为了得到反应出来的人" … …布鲁克斯布朗发现自己的两个班级与李家祥在其上学期。双方有没有谈到在一年多时间里。他们决定修补东西,其中大多是迪伦的求。这样,李家祥可以接受,如果布鲁克斯邀请迪伦进行黑烟。迪伦不会感到蹂躏与他的两个朋友。布鲁克斯震撼了他的家人了一晚,当他宣布,在饭桌上说,他和艾瑞克是朋友。朱迪布朗看,她的儿子在不可置信。他说: " '他改变了, "她回忆说。 "我说, '远离他,那是一个惯用伎俩。 " '布鲁克斯不相信她。在他们的创意写作班,他甚至自告奋勇读李家祥的散文来形容我的童年记忆。李家祥写玩战争与他的弟弟凯文,两个小男孩用森林作为自己的战场和松树球果作为自己的手榴弹。 "这是真正的好" ,同学domonic杜兰巴说。学生被要求形容自己是一个无生命的物体。李家祥选择了一支鸟枪和一个空壳。不容怀疑,李家祥代为转让重视。虽然有些学生在课堂喜欢老师,朱迪凯利时,他们说,李家祥明显感到上级交给她。迪伦也选择了暴力的主题,曾经写道:大约杀害。凯利关注不够,埃里克和迪伦的论文谈他们的家长在家长教师会议,在3月。韦恩哈里斯有道理,他的儿子的迷恋武器曾表示,他已在军事和艾瑞克希望加入海军陆战队员。但是,又是梦想。心理学老师汤姆约翰逊,李家祥的梦想,没有什么weirder比许多别人认为降落在他的办公桌前。这是2月。埃里克和迪伦在阶级连同第五时期,在午饭后。他们将出早,坐在并排,并公开谈,与其他小朋友在小额,友好班级。梦的分析是可选的。学生型了,最近的梦想,并移交里没有一个名,没有等级。但阶级揣摩其中一个是eric的,因为它已使许多人提到"我和迪伦" 。 "这一次发生在商场和男孩正在实施后,由一个人,和他们进行报复, "约翰逊说。枪,和梦想的,是有点暴力。但在当时看来相当正常,在超现实的梦想世界。 "每当有枪,还有的愤怒,但它没有罢工,我认为是特别迷恋或强迫, "约翰逊说。 "你做100的梦想,每天和他们中的许多人都是在同一之流" 。约翰逊埃里克教授大一,政府和经济学。他说,李家祥并没有太大的分别,他的高级一年,刚刚更哥特式,长头发,深色衣服。李家祥仍充满干劲和担忧职。他进行了99 % 。狄伦,以及赛事,他错过了考验,并没有作出跟进。约翰逊可能不记得了迪伦的确切年级平均,但知道它缺少的。埃里克和迪伦的头等舱,在春季学期是保龄球。在上午06点15分, "仅仅是为了快乐, "同窗jeni laplante说。它是唯一一流的,她与她最亲密的朋友们:萨拉arbogast ,金卡林和cindy shinnick 。迪伦和艾瑞克保龄球比赛上一队与奈特戴克曼和克里斯莫里斯。其中一个原因金正日和萨拉喜欢工人阶级,是他们可以赶上去的埃里克。他们还没有看过他很多戒烟后, 21点在秋天。 "李家祥保龄球比赛一样,是痴人说梦, "金回忆说,嬉笑。 "他'd丢, "萨拉说。 "很多人都笑了,因为它的工作,他会得到罢工的东西" 。有时埃里克和迪伦,高呼"胜利" !当他们取得了罢工。但别的站出来为保龄球伙伴:迪伦的爆炸脾气。 "狄伦会得到这么疯狂的时候,他没有获得罢工, " jeni说。 "有一次他击中保龄球返回机器,真的很辛苦" 。事实上,在一种倾向,快闪记忆体快速的愤怒是一个特质埃里克和迪伦分享。 "李家祥了短暂的导火索,说: "朋友乔楼梯。 "你可以告诉他疯狂更容易比一般人" 。但路乔认为,在李家祥的愤怒是反映李家祥的激情。 "他会如此气愤的,但同其他事情他真是开心, "乔说。 "他是一个非常有激情的人" 。倒数毕业,毕业才2个月消失。埃里克和狄伦被周从自由的地方,他们恨的。家长出席了毕业典礼会议在校期间,在3月。朱迪布朗和控告klebold下滑到大礼堂,以迎头赶上。两位老朋友见面交谈。交谈。交谈。最后,他们看他们的手表。这是下午10时30分,他们无法相信这一点。他们独自在学校。控告不能遏制她的激动之情。迪伦去亚利桑那大学将在今年秋季学习计算机科学。 "我们当时太激动了,为他, "朱迪说。 "控告是欣喜若狂" 。迪伦是他的方式。他和艾瑞克驶经班及社区服务,他们是被迫这样做之后,在货车上的突破在。他们把怒火管理会议,作了尿液样本作药物测试,并花了45小时,帮助在一个娱乐中心。埃里克和迪伦深刻的印象,他们的辅导员,他们放手每月初。 1999年2月3日。该参赞称赞李家祥对导流终止的报告说: "埃里克是一个非常光明的年轻男子,他很可能会成功地生活" 。李家祥的印象,辅导员与他的情报。预后:好。迪伦,同样的,开了一个好印象,对辅导员。 "他是聪明足以让任何梦想成为现实,但他必须明白,努力工作,是它的一部分" 。预后:好。一个月后,埃里克和迪伦依法论处其锯过的**和一个新的突击步枪。是时候为目标的做法。科罗拉多州67曲折通过道格拉斯县的寂寞山麓通过英里英里的郁郁葱葱的森林。该射击场,不显着。但很多人的目标的做法,在垒区范围内的派克国家森林。他们留下grubby的证据,他们的体育运动。**弹壳,在每一个颜色,撕破文件的目标。树木的waifish树干不是站在一个机会对一个剪辑的.40口径枪。你可以听到从公路。战俘。战俘。战俘。所有周围的气味片的黄松生松树。埃里克和迪伦回暖这里。 3月6日,他们装了,他们在tec - dc9和两个**-现在非法锯小康-走进该老虎伍兹与马克毛和弘杜兰巴,朋友们一一记下了在t e c-d c 9。他们炮轰远离与**-同样的罗宾莱安德森买了。他们都发射tec的- dc9 ,咄咄逼人,马虎USP即轮流在很多毒品杀人。埃里克和迪伦录像行动。周五晚上, 4月9日amf保龄球保龄球馆黯淡的灯光和带来一的dj ,由午夜十二时至凌晨二时,李家祥也喜欢迪斯科灯光,嘈杂的音乐和同志情谊,他发现在岩石n '碗。他有最周五夜。只有这个晚上,他的许多朋友已经于清晨周六计划。只有两个了向保龄球馆,迪伦和罗宾莱。迪伦不会让李家祥下来,将不会让他得到所有的单。不是eric的18岁生日。周四晚上, 4月15日海军陆战队募兵卷缩父母在客厅里。一个痛苦的谈话对青少年的精神问题。排斥反应。这是埃里克哈里斯'最后一晚。李家祥还没有计划,为学院。虽然他是一个光辉的学生与大脑中,可以通过风莎士比亚或html与平等安心,李家祥lusted后军队。如同他的空军飞行员父亲和他的二战老兵的祖父。李家祥告诉朋友,他希望争取在科索沃。O4和爆炸事件,残酷的一切。李家祥告诉同学,他想就在第一线,这样他就能杀了很多人。李家祥想要加入海军陆战队,以追求最强硬的挑战,来证明自己。东西,他觉得可以永远在哥伦拜恩气氛。他说: "这不像在这里,他们去为最低的共同标准,例如教师帮助出笨孩子, "时不我待,布朗说。 "因此,他们很有可能为最好的" 。但埃里克的海军陆战队目标压死。招募者告诉家人说,李家祥将永远不会成为一个海洋,因为他是服用这种药物的兰释。海军陆战队有没有这一点。他告诉李家祥,他将须兰释-免费6个月前试图再次为海军陆战队员。同一天,汤姆klebold转52 。周五, 4月16日埃里克和迪伦熟的比萨在21点。迪伦背弃了工作,在比萨联合几个月前。他们并不总是一起工作,但他们没有什么,原来是他们的最后转变。其中一个客户说,昨晚是苏珊dewitt ,哥伦拜恩少年,他们是一个接待员,在伟大的剪辑隔壁。当她来取晚宴为设计师,李家祥问她,如果她想要做一些周末。她说,肯定的。她以为他是可爱的。可爱连。他总是讲,以她的时候,他遇到了她在学校。周六, 4月17日香烟。白色舒展的豪华轿车。一个女孩在一个皇家蓝胎膜早破工作服和软金发卷曲。她的举办了他的手。这是一个迪伦klebold的最后两夜。胎膜早破夜6倍。也绝不是外人,他是一个十多位身着行动小孩成堆成豪华轿车,并共进晚餐,在一个新式的洛多餐厅。那么,它是小康,以舞蹈,在设计中心对南百老汇在丹佛举行。迪伦身穿黑色燕尾服,粉红蔷薇花蕾藏进他的翻领。他的长波浪头发slicked回不合作蓄马尾。他是迄今为止罗宾莱安德森,现在valedictorian竞争者与她直平均。她问他去胎膜早破-正如朋友。近几个月来,罗宾莱和迪伦的关系已经抖动沿着这条阴暗的领土之间的友谊和爱情。罗宾莱后来告诉一位朋友说,迪伦不乖君子对胎膜早破夜, complimenting她对她的礼服。 "他们持有的双手和东西,说: "杰西卡休斯,其中的豪华轿车的人群。杰西卡坐在旁边罗宾莱和迪伦在晚宴上的贝拉ristorante 。有很多无聊的说笑之间,玩刀,火柴等。 "他们假装轻自己着火, "杰西卡说。迪伦吃了一个大沙拉,然后是海鲜菜与贝壳,蚌,她认为,当时的甜品。 "我当时想,我的上帝, "杰西卡说。杰西卡和迪伦聊了约一缔约方都计划出席在几个星期,团圆为孩子们的胜利,在资优计划在小学。 "他是所有人都很高兴看到大家, "杰西卡说。迪伦甚至同意把比萨,因为他曾在21点。早在豪华轿车中,没有人被喝什么比百事可乐,杰西卡回忆。车上的电视脱落。该电台已转化为硬摇滚车站和如此之低的孩子淹没了音乐。他们被那么,正常goofy十几岁享受自己。照相机的闪光。口红的笑容。 whisking透过深夜在镜像天花板车。 "我们翻阅一下人民过,因为窗户,让黑暗的,我们开玩笑的人, "杰西卡说。迪伦甚至提到的,大家保持联系后,他离开大学,在三个月内完成。 "他是在一个非常非常好的心情在那天晚上, "另一位朋友在豪华轿车, monica的舒斯特说。李家祥没有一个胎膜早破日期。至少有一名女童哥伦拜恩拒绝了他之后,他给她发较晚,错综复杂的邀请,通过一个同学。朋友曾经说,他多试几次约会。于是他和苏珊dewitt ,女孩他交谈的前一天晚上,在21点,就策划了胎膜早破夜。她来到他的家和他们观看事件视界, 1997年的票房哑弹处约飞船,未来主义,血腥种电影李家祥喜欢。他最喜爱的电影人,外来和starship部队。 "他看起来不错, "苏珊说。 "我有点紧张,因为像,日期是中枢神经" 。他们谈到了朋友,他们知道。他没有提到迪伦。如果有,她不知道他是谁,谈论。她不记得以往任何时候都看到它们放在一起-即使是在2 1点。韦恩和师kathy哈里斯曾外出晚宴,以庆祝他们的第29次结婚纪念日。苏珊接见了他们,当他们回家。他们的"超级好" 。李家祥邀请她到后,可以迅速将党在哥伦拜恩的体育馆,内政父母扔,为孩子们多一个选择,以酒后驾车时,可以迅速将结束。苏珊说,没有,她要回家,所以埃里克加入了与他的哥儿们。他冲进萨拉arbogast与金大中的卡林,他们与他们的日期。 "我拥抱了他,我选择他, "金说。 "我和他总是假装我们打了,我们吸盘-挥拳打向对方,我们goofing小康" ,他似乎非常正常的我。他与迪伦" ,周一, 4月19日埃里克和迪伦坠入第二次,以最后一堂课的那天,创意写作,与其他两个同学,布鲁克斯布朗和becca heins ,他们决定去麦当劳吃午饭,但首先李家祥和迪伦通缉下降李家祥的房子,他们告诉布鲁克斯和becca他们会满足他们在酒楼埃里克和迪伦从未回到了学校,为他们的最后一堂课,心理学,即每天有人作出奇怪的声响,在韦恩和师kathy哈里斯车库一名男子上吊墙纸在未来门邻居的家中听到玻璃破碎和其他颠簸,爆炸的声音。李家祥问马克毛买弹药,为半自动USP,虽然李家祥是旧足以买它自己。马克到凯马特及买100轮为25元,这天晚上,李家祥带动了几个街区,标志的众议院获得血氨他们交谈前面的毛府。马克当被问及他是否打算去打靶一夜。李家祥告诉他不是,他需要血氨为第二天。周二, 4月20日迪伦和艾瑞克不可逾越的保龄球。纳特戴克曼不知道此事,因为迪伦通常会告诉他,如果他并不打算在学校。埃里克和迪伦终于走到了,他们分别穿着杀人。和他们的秘密疾病不是秘密了。布鲁克斯布朗,他们已经走到外面有香烟,见到李家祥拉起他面临着他在停车场,告诉他,他是一个白痴失踪的一个重要考验这天上午,它doesn用' t无论任何更多,李家祥告诉他, "我喜欢你,布鲁克斯。走出这里"的时代,在上午11点21分,震惊学生然为自己的生命作为两名枪手在战壕大衣喷涂他们无情的积累火力,他们giggled并尖叫"死给jocks ! " ,因为他们杀死了他们的同学在随机痛苦和死亡都围绕人类的苦难没有分散他们,他们已对方,这是乐趣,游戏,他们都是冠军队,他们将离开13人死亡:同学cassie bernall ,潘国curnow , corey depooter ,凯利弗莱明马修kechter ,丹尼尔毛瑟枪,丹尼尔rohrbough ,雷切尔斯科特,以赛亚shoels ,约翰tomlin ,劳伦汤森和kyle velasquez ,与教师戴夫桑德斯,而且他们将伤口20多等。纳特时,听到了枪击事件,他呼吁该klebold房子,并询问如果迪伦有"不,奈特,他是在学校里, "汤姆klebold说。纳特告诉他,对枪击事件,对战壕大衣中,约有迪伦没有来上学。汤姆klebold检查迪伦的壁橱里,为他大衣。 "我的上帝啊, "他告诉奈特, "这是不是在这里。 "致命的友谊埃里克和迪伦的宏伟计划,为高身体计数失败了。老师警告数以百计的学生来说,十字架为迪伦klebold ,自上而下,埃里克哈里斯站在反叛山近6倍几天后,具女尸。家族其中的一所杀害的学生摧毁了他们,说这是不对的荣誉,这种邪恶。巨大的自制O4迪伦和艾瑞克放置在该食堂从未发生爆炸。男孩曾建这么多管O4,准备在这一天已经制造了一发臭弹和武器,他们苦练射击挤满了反复。最后,埃里克和迪伦,回到了图书馆,有10名他们的受害者躺在死亡,两人受伤学生漂流在进出意识。美术老师patti尼尔森,藏在一个内阁,听到声音,异口同声地计数, "一!二!三! " ,然后,她听到一个响亮景气。迪伦和艾瑞克死在明年向对方,如果李家祥已不怕被监视居住后,迪伦有过的鼓励,如果迪伦曾后盾下来-即使是第二个-他曾Eric depending on him. They were a team. Best friends. Blood brothers. August 22, 1999


发表于 2007-11-17 21:51:46 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-17 22:18:13 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 SiMen.Sunshine 于 2008-5-8 11:30 编辑 ]


发表于 2007-11-17 22:56:56 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-11-18 03:33:37 | 显示全部楼层
我在那里面的话,就用动感光破 咯
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