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发表于 2007-4-2 10:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>ndR采访 转自xtreme-jumps<br>采访者scary于星期日 2007/4/1(scary是xj的管理员)</P>
<>翻译:SiMen.beambean      (转载请注明出处)</P>
<P><FONT face=黑体 size=5>你好,我的朋友Yohan(ndR名字).采访就从介绍一下你自己给那些不认识你的人开始吧.(如果有这种人的话)</FONT></P>
<P>hello,如你所说我叫Yohan Gonzalvo,快18岁了.住在法国的巴黎.我有条名字叫Baiko的狗,我的兴趣是和朋友出去玩,滑板,滑雪,打篮球!我很喜欢我目前的女友.</P>
<P><FONT size=5>你最近怎么了,都没有上传一个demo?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>我想知道,Yohan你开始跳了有多长时间了?这次的引退有多久了?</FONT></P>
<P>我从2005年8月底开始玩的,大概19个月前吧.我停止玩KZ好几次了,(有2次是真的) 但我总是会在以后的日子里回来,因为大家都在激励着我...这次,我不想来一个假的引退,所以大概在一个月以前,我把steam卸载了,把和kz有关的几乎每个人的msn都删了.</P>
<P><FONT size=5>Yohan,究竟是什么原因使你现在选择停止玩了?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>你失去玩的动机了吗?如果是的话,为什么?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>为什么你觉得你要和zhady较劲呢?据我所记得的,你是在zhady刷了你7-8个demo左右的时候不玩的.对吗?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>你可以接着说说,继续讲故事吧.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>xj有什么小团体吗?如果有的话你是哪一组的?</FONT></P>
<P>有些人是不虚伪的.那是绝大部分人,活在"好莱坞世界"的人(我喜欢Hollywoodian world这个词!),有个别团体,有些是都是一个国家的,这很正常!这是由于语言的关系...</P>
<P><FONT size=5>在你离开我们之前,你觉得社区怎样了?有什么背后攻击人的,不好的地方或者是有什么你怀念的.是玩家之间的友谊?还是作为世界最好的选手之类的感想?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>你觉得社区不够成熟吗?如果是的话对社区有什么影响?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>你是说社区都是些不成熟的小孩?按照你的归类那就是,我,faker,maxeh,MC-sk8r,soulfather等等.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>你觉得录那些demo有压力吗?你觉得你周围的人,zhady和xj推动你让使你录demo吗?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>你觉得作为最好选手之一的感觉怎样?应该很不错吧.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>当你上传了不够好的demo时会怎么想?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>当你是个顶级玩家了,录demo的第一要素是什么?是随机刷更多的图呢还是集中刷几个好点的图?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>在你的现实生活中你朋友知道你是象你本人那么酷的kz顶级高手吗?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>Yohan,有你喜欢的demo吗?如果有,原因是什么.好demo的标准是什么?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>你认为谁是表现最好的玩家?当然包括你自己.</FONT></P>
<P>没有人是 ;]地图的极限目前是不可能达到的,没人有技术可以在任何地图上跳的完美(除了小地图,比如说cg_coldbhop等等...).一个完美的跳跃,是包括没有任何错误,所有有可能的bhop.所有捷径,超级的速度和转折.谁可以做的到?这种玩家还没出现.<br>每个人都专攻自己的图,所以我觉得没人是最高的玩家.</P>
<P><FONT size=5>你看了tarGet新的demo了吗?那很接近完美了,是吗?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>你可以超过那个记录吗?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>现在你停止了,那接下来干什么?</FONT></P>
<P>我仍然会在论坛活动的,逛逛论坛,教教菜鸟.他们喜欢教啊.我不会象以前那么积极了.但我仍在.我现在开始在cs source玩跳跃了.对我来说很有趣很新颖.在那我是无名的,没人打扰我.我是平静的...真的很享受.</P>
<P><FONT size=5>好的Yohan,采访该结束了.是对kz最好的选手之一说再见的时候了.Yohan和世界上所有的跳跃选手说再见了.有你在我们周围真的很荣幸.你向我们展示了玩游戏的意义!对朋友,粉丝和敌人还有什么最后的要说吗?</FONT></P>
<P>首先我想感谢cxg team.(loty, donakos, Perfo, Free, Himuraken, jeflefou, milo, c_Ye, Bhaal, caps, BlaYers, DjMams, Rominou, spolix and JLeO01).很多人都是我现实中的朋友.<br>a0ke是我喜欢的选手.和我一起分享很多的人...Scary, faker and maxeh! tarGet, omilo, rayla, zhady, brian, Z0ck3rOO7, tjubby, ichirou, sbzvnl, mxdc, simen.007, sasAna, Frei (ou pas), kimo, Gorzine, T3dbundy, oddysseus, rad0n, eXcaL, stukad, dEMolite, DHT-, soul|ftw, crush, FragGyver, JanniK, In[10]sE, MeTqLik, AvAtAr, ikki, NiconeN, Smallmuck, TheBiShOp, Tonic, mypTx, thopa, Psycho, Maxhhoz, HerloTz, @p, nipper, HoHo^, Micron, X-Ray, Lap1nou, Lolz, Np_O, anny0, REMYY, euro, Nightnoob, Playmo and Mj`... CXG, kz.CFL, KZFR, KZCN, C-ARG, Pyk.kz and INSILIO.net! 特别感谢我的官方名字,nendR! 谢谢你们所有支持我的人!也感谢Xtreme-Jumps全体工作人员.如果你们要开会,不要犹豫,叫上我!我不会bite你们的(表示亲热的咬).=) 祝你们生活愉快,不要浪费时间在这里.外面有许多更美好的事物,相信我;P <br>作为结束,感谢scary的采访.</P>
<P><FONT size=5>祝你也一样,我们会永远记住你的.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5>原文:</FONT></P>
<P><STRONG>Hello Yohan my mate! What about you start off by introducing yourself to those who might not know you? (If such people exist)</STRONG> <br><br>Hello hello, as you said I'm Yohan Gonzalvo, almost 18, I live in Paris, France. I've got a dog who's called Ba&iuml;ko, I enjoy hang out with friends, skateboarding, snowboarding and playing basketball! And I love my current girlfriend. <br><br><B>What have you been up to lately? You haven't submitted any demos?</B> <br><br>Recently I totally stopped climbing (1 month ago now), Steam is uninstalled and I'm happy like that! Indeed I haven't submitted any demo, I've still got many of them but I'll send them later, maybe. <br><br><B>I wonder Yohan, how long have you been jumping, and how long has this retirement been under it's way?</B> <br><br>I began jumping at the end of August 2005, 19 months ago if you prefer! I chose to stop kz several times (2 times to be exact) but I've always been back after some days because everybody tried to motivate me... This time, I didn't want a fake retirement, I uninstalled Steam and I deleted almost everybody in MSN (only climbers of course :p), It was 1 month ago. <br><br><B>Yohan, why the hell did you choose to stop now? </B><br><br>I think I was at the top, I saw everything, I did everything, I knew almost everybody... I just want to ask you, the comunity also, tell me what's the interest to continue in these conditions? I was too old, and I had to let the recording place to the rising stars (zocker, brian, Jurpo for example). <br><br><B>Did you loose motivation? And if so why?</B> <br><br>Before stopping... Yes I lost my motivation too. I don't want to be bad but there was always this fight against zhady, zhady, zhady, zhady... It became really annoying! I would be back only for one thing... A match against T3dBundy, a0ke or tarGet <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie5.gif"> . <br><br><B>Why do you think there was this fight between you and zhady? As I remember it, it goes back from zhady beating 7-8 of your demos or something, right?</B> <br><br>Because we're just similar. We don't want to lose and even if we say the opposite, when the other releases 7-8 demos of you it makes us crazy! <br>We're nice between us just because of the community, we want that this community has a "good image" of us... It's crazy because we act like <br>Holywood stars, we're only players in front of our computer, there is nothing comparable to the real life stars... I don't understand why and how as many people think like that, I would also like that one answers me! I know I'm talking too much, but by this interview I want to say all that I wasn't able to say before because of my status. The community's behavior and the pr0cLimBer's one are really funny if we take a set-back, but it is another history. <br><br><B>You should be allowed to say anything, please continue on the story.</B> <br><br>Hum... The funny things are especially the proClimber's behavior. We all (or almost) act like kids. There is a constant war between the recorders, but they're always nice in front of the community... We are hypocritical! Yes, I say 'we' because I belong (belonged now) to this group. Everybody tells bad things about everybody, but in the back of people! That's what I'm denouncing, when I take a set-back that looks like the Hollywood topicality. <br><br><B>Are there groups then? And if so which group were you in?</B> <br><br>Of course there are many groups... As everywhere, but warning: I've never generalized and I won't, some guys aren't hypocriticals! There is the main group, the "Hollywoodian world" (I love this phrase <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie3.gif"> ) and some littles groups. Some of them are by country, and this is normal! It's because of the language... Personally, I try to be in all of them! I'm very sociable and I like to chat with everybody, learn about this country and their culture. I think I've much luck to be able to speak easily with the community, particularly because of my status. The main problem is that everybody tells me bad things/insults about another guys... And I'm always in the middle, like a no-man's land during a war. But that isn't the topic of this interview ^^. <br><br><B>How are your feelings about the community now just before you leave us? Is it backstapping and evil or is there something you'll miss? The friendship between players, the feeling of being one of the best in the world, at something?</B> <br><br>Currently, I'm really happy to have stopped climbing! I can live normally now and I want to profit from the life, my family, my girlfriend, my future... I feel released. I admit that I like this community, y'all funny guys ;] <br>I'll surely miss something, but it's like that. I made the choice to stop therefore I assume until the end without regretting. Hardest being to advance whilst trying not to think of the past... I'm at a turning point of my life and I don't want to miss it! Frankly, I don't give a fuck about the feeling of being one of the best in the world (if it's true), I wanted to be a climbing superstar when I began recording but now I don't care, people can think how they want. <br>Try to have a less childish and more mature glance on the kz and his community: that's what I do now. <br><br><B>Do you think the community is immature? If so what consequenses does it have on the community?</B> <br><br>Hum... It's really hard to say a thing like that you know: I'm 17 and I think I cannot judge, I haven't got much experiment and I'm still a teenager! But I noticed something... In each large internet community, there are alot of immature people! Immature ones are often those wich we see all the time. Just think about what I've said before and make your own opinion. Of course there are consequenses! The mature people don't want to take part in the community's life, or they remain in a restricted group. The community can also have a negative image by the public and/or the newcommers. <br><br><B>You know that you just answered that the comunity is run by immature kids right? That is, faker, me, maxeh, MC-sk8r, soulfather and so on you take under that category</B> <br><br>I didn't say that the staff doesn't count I'm thinking about some guys who are always saying bullshits, links or <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/heart.png"> baba <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/heart.png"> bubu etc etc you know who I mean many guys just look at the chatbox <br><br><B>Did you feel somekind of pressure by making all of those demos, did you feel the people around you, zhady and the community pushed you into doing it?</B> <br><br>Yeah, when you want to be at the top, you must record always, everywhere, everytime you're on your computer... Naaaah I exaggerate but it's almost that. Everybody awaits many demos of you, and always. They always hope that you'll pwn a über demo, or take back all those which were taken in the last demo release! Everyday you receive many Query or mails about recording. But I must admit that my personality is also a factor: I don't want to let my demos to somebody. For example, if zhady takes 10 demos of me, I'll want to take them back directly. <br><br><B>But how did it feel when you realized that you were one of the best jumper who have ever played? It must have been nice</B> <br><br>Haha it's funny because I never felt as 'one of the best jumper', believe me, but I don't want to act like a superstar: I was a player in front of his computer... I never succeeded to realize. Of course that's nevertheless well, everybody is your 'friend' etc etc <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie3.gif"> . <br><br><B>But you were one of the best, if not the best - And how did it feel to have acomplished as much as you could, being on the top.</B> <br><br>I think I will have been able better to make! Better times, more demos etc... Nothing is enough with me, unfortunately I'm a perfectionist <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie3.gif"> . Anyways, I feel good, I've a recognition from the community. <br><br><B>What happened when you had a release that wasn't so good?</B> <br><br>In front of the community, I was happy for the release, but inside me I thought it wasn't enough! I've got maaaaaaany unreleased demo because of that, I didn't want to send them coz' of the bad times. For reply to your question, I wasn't glad. <br><br><B>When you were at your top point as a jumper, what was your first priority in making records, was it many records on random maps or good records on a few good maps?</B> <br><br>At the beginning, I just wanted to take an easy record, but at the end I prefered to take only good maps, which I like! <br>Except at the beginning, I never searched to pwn 300xxx records. <br><br><B>In your real life did your friends know you as the pro KZ jumper or as the cool person Yohan?</B> <br><br>In the real life, ndR didn't exist, ndR doesn't exist and ndR won't exist. <br>Hum... I'm lying a little bit, my family knows about 'ndR' <br>Fan's messages always make my mother laugh, my father cannot understand how I can move my fingers so fast and I'm teaching the art <br>of climbing to my brother! If he continues, don't be astonished to see him in the top5. Well, Real life is real life, virtual life is virtual life, I think I musn't mix them. <br><br><B>Yohan, do you have a favourite demo? If so, why? And what is the critirias for a good demo?</B> <br><br>Of course I have a favourite demo! It is kz_man_madness[hard] by loty, because he's one of my favourite jumper (with a0ke), and because he just destroyed the map with an awesome (strafe) style! He could finish the map with closed eyes if he would like! A good demo? Hmmmm... The time doesn't count in my opinion. With a shitty/ugly style, even if you pwn kz_sandblock in 5:50, the demo won't be good... Style &gt; Performance. When I'm talking about the 'Style', I mean strafe style, transition style, bhop style, little extra tricks (a backward bhop for example) etc etc <br><br><B>Who do you think is the best performance jumper? Inclusive yourself ofcourse</B> <br><br>Nobody ;] The maps limit is currently unreachable, nobody is enough skilled to make the perfect run on any map (except little maps, cg_coldbhop etc...). In a perfect run, there are no mistakes, all possible bhops, all shortcuts, über speed and über transitions. Who jumps like that? This jumper doesn't exist yet. <br>Each one specializes on its maps, that's why I don't see who is the best performance jumper <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie1.gif"> <br><br><B>Have you seen the new tarGet demo? That must be close to perfect? Isn't it?</B> <br><br>Of course I've seen it on a friend's computer! I must admit that his run is really nice, but the demos don't make me any more effect, I wasn't shocked like many people when I saw his demo. Frankly I don't know if it's close to be perfect... I started kz at the middle of 2005, I've seen many things in my "climber-life" and you never know how jumping will evolve! Close to perfect with current techniques, but it won't next year or later. <br><br><B>Would you be able to beat that record?</B> <br><br>Everybody is able to pwn all of the World Records you know... Training is the key! Climbing skill counts of course, but with training you can pwn almost all of the World Records... Currently I'm not, before to have stopped... With a training, maybe. Who knows? <br><br><br><B>Now that you stopped, what will you do now?</B> <br><br>I will stay active, at the website and IRC! I like to help the noobs and they like that <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie5.gif"> I will surely not be as active as before, but I'll stay around. I also started jumping On CounterStrike:Source, it's so funny to be a newbie! I am unknown, nobody disturbs me, I'm quiet... Really enjoyable <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie5.gif"> <br><br><B>Okay Yohan, I think it's time that we end this interview. It's time to say goodbye to clearly one of the best jumper the KZ world have ever seen, if not the best. Goodbye Yohan from all jumpers around the world, it has truely been an honor to have you around, showing how the game is ment to be played! Any last words to fans, friends or foes?</B> <br><br>First of all, I want to kiss a special girl who will recognize herself... A BIG UP to the CXG Team (loty, donakos, Perfo, Free, Himuraken, jeflefou, milo, c_Ye, Bhaal, caps, BlaYers, DjMams, Rominou, spolix and JLeO01), many of them became real friends! a0ke because you're still my favourite jumper. THREE special dudes with who I shared so many things... Scary, faker and maxeh! tarGet, omilo, rayla, zhady, brian, Z0ck3rOO7, tjubby, ichirou, sbzvnl, mxdc, simen.007, sasAna, Frei (ou pas), kimo, Gorzine, T3dbundy, oddysseus, rad0n, eXcaL, stukad, dEMolite, DHT-, soul|ftw, crush, FragGyver, JanniK, In[10]sE, MeTqLik, AvAtAr, ikki, NiconeN, Smallmuck, TheBiShOp, Tonic, mypTx, thopa, Psycho, Maxhhoz, HerloTz, @p, nipper, HoHo^, Micron, X-Ray, Lap1nou, Lolz, Np_O, anny0, REMYY, euro, Nightnoob, Playmo and Mj`... CXG, kz.CFL, KZFR, KZCN, C-ARG, Pyk.kz and INSILIO.net! Special sentence for my official fake, nendR! (I've surely forgot many guys, I hope you'll excuse me <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie3.gif"> ) Thank you to all those which supported me! I'd also like to thank the Xtreme-Jumps Staff to have integrated me while some months! If you want some councils, don't hesitate and come on! I won't bite you =) Live your life and don't waste your time in these bullshits! There are so many beautiful things outside, believe me ;P <br>And to finish, thank you scary for this interview. <br><br>Take it easy! <br><br>Yohan. <br><br><B>You are welcome mate, you’ll be remembered forever.</B></P><br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-2 11:20:16编辑过]


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发表于 2007-4-2 11:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
<> 坐到沙发 漫漫看 嘿嘿</P>[em01]


发表于 2007-4-2 11:46:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-4-2 12:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>我现在开始在cs source玩跳跃了.对我来说很有趣很新颖.</P>



发表于 2007-4-2 12:42:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-4-2 15:10:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-4-2 15:40:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-4-2 16:37:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-4-2 17:03:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-4-2 17:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote twffan="done"><B>以下是引用<I>o_O</I>在2007-4-2 17:03:00的发言:</B><BR>愚人节的玩笑</DIV>
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