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<DIV class=caption><B>1 New Map + More Support for Mappers </B></DIV>
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<DIV >Hey guys, <BR><BR>due to our new maprelease policy we have one new map to release for you: <BR><BR><B>KZ_spain</B> by ManiaC <BR><BR>Furthermore we have decided to offer a lot of more help and support for all of the mappers out there. Therefore a new forum categorie named "<B>Mapping Zone</B>" incuding some <B>new forums </B>has been introduced. <B>radon</B> and <B>angie</B>, and all the other skilled mappers who want to offer some help, can and will use the forums to help everyone who's looking for some help or wants to ask some questions. In addition you are invisted to join <B>#mappers</B>, a new channel for mapping help, to get <B>live</B> support in IRC. <BR><BR>Another improvement is that there are two new forums where accepted and denied maps will get announced. This is a better way to explain why some of the maps got denied or, if they are accepted, what fixtures could still improve the map. If the map got denied some of the Mapadmins, if they got some time to share, will offer some help to fix some of the main problems in the map. We think that this way is a better one for everyone, for the mappers because they got more detailed information about the mapcheck result and some help, for the community because you guys can learn why a certain map got accepted or denied. <BR><BR>We hope you like the improvements <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie1.gif"> <BR><BR>Enjoy your playing
<DIV ><a href="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/email.php?news.546" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/generic/friend.gif"></A> <a href="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/print.php?news.546" target="_blank" ><IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/generic/printer.gif"></A> </DIV></DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=infobar>osted by <a href="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/user.php?id.359" target="_blank" >faker</A> on Sunday 04 March 2007 - 22:49:40 :: <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/generic/new_comments.png"> <a href="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/comment.php?comment.news.546" target="_blank" >Read/Post Comment: 32</A> </DIV></DIV><BR> |