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发表于 2007-3-2 20:23:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<><EM>Not many people know much about the Chinese community, but it's huge - almost as many members as <B>XJ</B> - and is growing faster and faster. mxdc is one of the main men amongst that community and here's some words from the man himself.</EM> <br><br><br><B>Interview with [KZcN]mxdc</B> <br><br><br><B>First of all start by introducing yourself to the people that don't know you? <br>Well my name is Sak A.Hanamichi and Yang QiRan is my Chinese name. I’m 24 years old and I live in Changchum, China.</B> <br><br>Thinking of KZ, what is your job within the community? <br>Okay, Chinese Kz maybe started in 2004 when the 1st Kz server called YX6_KzSERVER was created. It’s a big server which can accommodate 20 people with the foreign plugins. I’m the administrator in the biggest, also earliest, kz community SIMEN. <br><br><B>Speaking of the Chinese community, is it different from the big international communities?</B> <br><br>I think our community, which includes homepageforumservers, is a little similar to these, but there are 3 parts which haven’t been stuck together. We didn’t make forum into the homepage but made it a separate page and we have got more than 10 servers /thats a big proud <br><br><br><B>When you think of China you think of a big population. How is the member status? Do you have more or less than the likes of XJ?</B> <br><br>Let me see. Hmm, we have 23404 members now, it's less than XJs. At the moment, we have got some plugin problems that have made our servers a little laggy when moving. I think once the problems have been solved we can get more members. You know, the numbers of Chinese CS fans is a huge sign! <br><br><br><B>Do you see XJ as the main world-community?</B> <br><br>I see that there are 29318 members in it [at the time of the interview], the best technology and plugins, this is really what we need to study from. Taking a look at members, I think we can be a big apprentice of the world-community XJ. <br><br><B>How are the Chinese jumpers style, compared to the european /american?</B> <br><br>Chinese guys are crazy at jumping, but have uneven skills. Some of them are doing a lot of practice, especially the best jumpers. They maybe all keep working on kz maps all day and night. We played more and we got a lot of experience compared with your foreign guys' styles we are so hard working 0_o <br><br><B>Who are the best Chinese jumpers?</B> <br><br>After Chinese Kz community had been founded there came some pro-jumpers, for example, Rhino3D, Crazy.h, delson and Ron. They were worked hard to make kz get famous in china a long time before. Nowadays the young jumpers are even better @p,Simen.007 and Simen.wY made some WRs [World Records] over the world. I think in Kz if u work hard you will be pro. <br><br><br><B>What is the longjump record in China?</B> <br><br>Not so long ago our longjump record was changed to 253units, but some hours ago I heard one guy made 254units xD, so cool! Hope he can upload the demo soon ^^ [this "254" demo was made by biao, who turned out to be a cheater] <br><br><B>Are your records better or worse than the World Records?</B> <br><br>@p Simen.007 and Ron made some world records, but most Chinese records are not better than the WRs. We hope that we can get more of them. <br><br><br><B>Can the Chinese jumpers even compete with jumpers like T3dbundY, ndR and zhady?</B> <br><br>Of course some guys can take a competition with tEd, ndR,and zhady. In fact some of them have the best skill at jumping, but the european servers are so lag...far away from here in China lol. <br><br><B>Will China join the KZ world cup [Note: Questions were done before the KZWC started]?</B> <br><br>Maybe they would join. but if a 700 pinged player joined and even won...maybe they will start another World War. Jumping with high ping is really not kids play. A bad line make our Chinese guys so laggy. But I think most guys will go to watch the world cup on HLTV. <br>Who knows? <br><br><B>Why are you the only Chinese man on irc?</B> <br><br>In fact I’m not the only Chinese man here, Some other Chinese guys are always online during the daytime, which is the same as your night. Cuz my job changed so I can talk with you here during your free time ^^ <br><br><br><B>Do you think that China will be more involved in the world KZ in the future?</B> <br><br>Yes. China has the most players playing Cs and the numbers playing KZ are becoming more and more, so why can’t we get more development all over the world? <br><br><B>What do you think is the biggest community in 2 years?</B> <br><br>I have to take my idea as the reply to this question. My idea is to make a Communities Union just like the United Nations. One of them to be the united center (maybe XJ), share the servers plugin technology and jump experience to be the premise. I think if some guy is old enough to care about the matters, they know this is to develop World Kz and not to make it smaller :0 ^^. So the answer is the Union Kz community. <br><br><B>Does China have a lot of new ideas that the international community haven't seen or used?</B> <br><br>Firstly, all of our servers are sponsored by players. We often publish articles and teaching videos on various CS websites from leading CS players on regular maps to KZ and we provide KZ rank examinations for players to prove their strength and set their own stage target on KZ skill. <br><br><B>Asian jumping is pretty unknown to most people, is China the only country that has a community or does Japan, Taiwan area or any other Asian country any community?</B> <br><br>We don’t know about Japan and we don’t have any links with them. Taiwan has their community but it needs to be develop, I think. There are also some smart clubs in China that have visited our Simen community and servers^^ <br><br><B>Will China make any maps in the future?</B> <br><br>We have made some maps but the bad news is they can’t be voted the Kz tag until now. Such as kzcn_maps and simen_maps and so on. If you like we can give you the link to download them. <br><br><B>Thanks for the interview Mxdc, appreciate it! Any last words or shoutouts?</B> <br><br>I was so sorry to hear some guys’ cheating news. I think maybe some young guys make mistakes at Kz and us admins need to take control by helping these guys correct their errors. Another call out to ask everyone never to cheat and I hope we all stick togther for the Kz world. Thanks a lot scary <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/heart.png"> . And best wishes to all the guys working on Kz maps all over the world during the whole year! Happy New Year! Welcome guys to China, the most beautiful country. <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/heart.png"> ndR. Greetz to our head, Rhino3D. Give me a chance join Kz, especially Chinese admins and all guys here whom helped me for so long, faker noex rad0n oddysseus tedbunny spr1n donakos and some other jumpers. Hope the world Kz can be as famous as regular CS kk. Give all Jumpers whoever noobs or pro 1337s the great words GL &amp; HF after your restar3nds in life^^ </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-14 18:45:28编辑过]


发表于 2007-3-2 20:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><EM>文章转载自 97club  作者 lamb </EM></P>
<>很多人都不大了解中国的跳跃组织,但是她的成员数目相当庞大--相当于xj,并且发展越来越迅速。mxdc是其中SIMEN的主要负责人之一,下面是关于他的一段采访:<br><br><B>大家还不认识你,先做个自我介绍吧?</B><br>恩,我叫Sak A.Hanamichi (<FONT color=darkorchid>lamb:怎么跟樱木花道的“花道”一个读音??),</FONT>中文名字是:Yang QiRan<FONT color=darkorchid>(lamb:这3个字怎么写么!xray说是:杨琪然)</FONT>,今年24岁,来自中国长春。<br><br><B>在这个跳跃组织里,你担任什么职位?</B><br><B>  </B>(中国的kz历史始于2004年YX6_KzSERVER 服务器建立的时候,那是个能容纳20人带插件的服务器。)我是目前最大而且成立最早的跳跃组织--simen的管理员。<br><br><B>说说中国的跳跃组织吧,应该与国际上大的跳跃组织有很多不同吧?</B><br><B>    </B>自然比他们小很多,我们由主页、论坛和服务器构成,但是三者并未紧密结合。我们并没有把论坛放在主页上,而是让它单独于开来。不过现在我们已经拥有至少10台跳跃服务器了!<br><br><B>当大家谈到中国时,自然联想到她庞大的人口。那么你们的成员数目怎么样?比起xj呢?</B><br>  恩。。。让我看看,目前为止,我们已经有23404个注册会员了。看起来在数量上少于xj,我们的服务器插件有点小问题,致使服务器略微有点卡,相信一旦这个问题解决了,我们将拥有更多成员!你也知道啦,中国cs fans的数量上是相当可观的!<br><br><B>你们把xj当作主要的世界性组织么?</B><br>  我们看到xj目前有29318位注册会员(到目前为止),这里有很多很棒的技术性文章供我们学习。在这些注册会员中,我们也有不小的数目哦!<br><br><B>相对于欧美的玩家,说说中国玩家跳跃水平吧。</B><br>     中国kz玩家热衷于跳跃,但是实力良莠不齐。一些玩家,特别是那些玩得不错的,都经过大量的练习。他们往往日夜奋战在跳跃地图上。相对于国外玩家,我们是相当勤奋地!0_o <br><br><B>谁是中国最棒的跳跃玩家?</B><br>    随着众多跳跃组织的成立,中国涌现出众多高手。比如说Rhino3D, Crazy.h, delson 和 Ron,他们很久以前就努力致力于kz在中国大地的普及工作。现今,长江后浪推前浪。@p,Simen.007 和 Simen.wY 已经创造了不少世界纪录!<br>我们坚信,在kz的世界里,天道酬勤!(<FONT color=darkorchid>lamb:估计是这个意思吧。)</FONT><br><br><B>中国目前的长跳纪录是多少?</B>  <br>   不久前我们更新到253个单位,但是听说有人能过254,希望他早点上传demo。(这个demo为biao创造,后来被认定为作弊)<br><br><br><B>你们的纪录水平比世界纪录(xj)好还是差?</B><br><B>    </B>@p Simen.007 和 Ron创造了几个世界纪录,除此之外,中国的纪录并不比世界纪录好。希望我们能刷掉更多的纪录!<br><br><FONT color=black><B>中国的跳跃玩家参与到与T3dbundY, ndR 和 zhady这样的高手之间的竞赛中去了么?</B></FONT><br><B>    </B>当然,一些人已经参与到与tEd, ndR和 zhady的竞赛之中。事实上尽管他们拥有一流的跳跃技术,但是欧洲服务器对于我们来说太卡了!..真的离我们太远了!<br><br><B>中国玩家参加kz世界杯么?(问于kzwc之前)</B><br>    或许他们会参加吧,但是如果700ping的选手参加甚至获胜。。后果将不堪想象。在高ping的情况下跳跃可不是好玩的。我想大部分玩家还是会去HLTV上观看世界杯比赛的。<br>谁知道呢?<br><br><B>为什么只有你一个中国人在IRC上呢?</B><br>    事实上在这里我并不是唯一的中国人。其他人一般白天在线,也就是你们那里的夜里。因为我的工作性质,所以我可以在你空闲时候与你聊天。<br><br><B>你认为中国以后会更多的参与到国际kz中来么?</B><br>    当然,我们有众多CS玩家,并且玩kz的玩家也越来越多!所以说,怎么可能不参与到世界kz发展的浪潮之中呢?<br><br><B>你认为2年内最大的跳跃组织是什么样的呢?</B><br>    我用我的一个设想来回答你这个问题:就是做一个像联合国这样的各种跳跃组织的联盟,以其中一个组织为中心(或许是xj),以达到服务器插件以及跳跃技术等资源的共享!我想一旦有人适时的考虑这些事情,他们会发现这是推动世界kz发展的重要举措!<br><br><B>中国有没有未被国际组织采用或发现得新的创意?</B><br>    首先,我们所有的服务器都是由玩家提供。其次,我们经常在一些网站上发表很多技术性文章以及视频去指导玩家;我们拥有kz等级考试体制,使玩家们拥有一个显示自我的舞台。<br><br><B>亚洲的跳跃界并不被人们所熟知,中国是唯一拥有跳跃组织的国家么?日本,台湾地区以及其他国家呢?</B><br>    我们并不了解日本,我们跟他们没有多少往来。台湾地区他们的跳跃组织,但是缺乏发展。<br><br><B>未来中国也会制做自己的跳跃地图么?</B><br>    事实上我们已经制作了很多跳跃地图,但是很可惜不能冠以kz的名头。像一些kzcn_maps以及simen_maps,如果你感兴趣,我可以给你下载链接。<br><br><B>非常感谢Mxdc接受我们的采访!最后,有什么结束语么?</B><br>   听到有些人作弊的消息很遗憾也很抱歉。一些年轻玩家犯下了错误,而我们的管理员需要帮助他们来改正。希望大家不要作弊!也希望我们能在kz的世界里团结一致。感谢scary,同时祝愿世界上所有终年致力于kz的人们新年快乐!欢迎大家来中国,这个美丽的国家<FONT color=green><FONT color=black>!&lt;3 ndR,感谢老大Rhino3D带我走进kz的世界,</FONT></FONT><FONT color=green>特别谢谢长期以来帮助和支持我的管理员、朋友们,faker noex rad0n oddysseus tedbunny spr1n donakos 还有其他一些朋友。希望KZ能越发展越好,想打枪的cs一样。祝所有朋友都能成为高手,在你们的生活中好云并开心^^(</FONT><FONT color=red>注:绿色部分由xray翻译。他挺能拽的,哇卡卡!</FONT><FONT color=black>)</FONT><br><FONT color=#000000></FONT><br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>最后,感谢xray同志在翻译过程中的指导与误导!谢谢啦! ~哈!<br>    <br><br><br><FONT color=red></FONT><br><br><I>文章转载自 97club  作者 lamb </I></P>
[此贴子已经被Simen.Rhino3D于2007-3-3 16:52:59编辑过]


 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-2 21:10:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-3-2 21:10:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-3-2 21:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>但是 ``既然是采访咱哥的 `一定要顶 ![em24]</P>


发表于 2007-3-2 21:19:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-3-2 21:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>SiMen.0027``</I>在2007-3-2 21:10:00的发言:</B><BR>我。。。MAYA你的头像就COOL拉</DIV>


发表于 2007-3-3 12:47:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-3-4 14:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>&lt;3 mxdc</P>


发表于 2007-3-6 22:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
酷哦``simen  顶``[em01]
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