<DIV class=caption><B>10 New Maps </B></DIV>
<DIV class=bodytable>
<DIV>Lets get this party started <IMG src="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/e107_images/emoticons/smilie1.gif"> <br><br><B>KZ Maps</B> <br><br><B>kz_kzdk_oldtemple</B> by rad0n- <br><B>kz_kzdk_bridge2</B> by rad0n- <br><B>kz_j2s_sunblock</B> by s0liD <br><B>kz_kzsca_sewerbhop</B> by Chrizzy <br><B>kz_kzsca_downtown</B> by Chrizzy <br><B>kz_kzdk_junglezone2</B> by rad0n- <br><B>kz_kzdk_templebhop</B> by rad0n- <br><B>kz_kzus_crazytown</B> by rinkon <br><br><B>Custom Maps</B> <br><br><B>kzsca_brickvalley</B> by Chrizzy <br><B>bkz_junglebhop</B> by blOOd_dOOd <br><br>You can get them in the Download section of course! <I>[registered members only]</I> <br><br>The maps are beeing added to the download/demo sections at the moment. So if your not able to download them right away, be patient for a couple of minutes. Also, we´re having some technical difficulties with the cupbot. So meanwhile, both servers will be open for public use instead </DIV>
<>haha,OMG !! 68 Members+11 Guests online<br>因为我上传不了所有地图文件(论坛文件上传限制),只能给出下载地址了!! 嘿嘿</P>
<><a href="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/download.php?list.9" target="_blank" >http://xtreme-jumps.eu/download.php?list.9</A></P>
<P><a href="http://xtreme-jumps.eu/download.php?list.15" target="_blank" >http://xtreme-jumps.eu/download.php?list.15</A></P>[em10]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-4 20:39:27编辑过] |