<>Hi guys, </P>
<>unfortunately we've found a new cheater: </P>
<>Simen.biao's kz_xj_3ways record demo contained a duckjump script. Our FPS-Death eDark found that out after a special investiagtion. </P>
<P>Cheatdemo: </P>
<P>kz_xj_3ways_xtreme_Simen.biao_0507 </P>
<P>He will be banned 2 months from submitting any kind of demos to XJ cause of vioalating against the rule "Any kinds of jumpscripts (bhopscript, doubleduckscript etc) are strictly forbidden! The only command that your jump key is allowed to be bound to is "+jump" and u must not install plugins that effects the jump cmd". </P>
<P>His 253 LJ demo contained this script, too, and got removed therefore. </P>