本帖最后由 14laazx 于 2014-5-22 06:54 编辑
Hallo Community!
Yes, that's right. One of the most belovedfeatures of XJ is back. Hopefully for a long time. We worked really hard and Ihope you will appreciate that.
We can't really promise that we will postthese news on a weekly basis due to the limited spare time but we will try ourbest.
A special vote of thanks goes to Ovidiu Dumitru, Stanimir Dimitrov, ShoCk, Raptor and Moxx for their trust and help.
鸣谢:OvidiuDumitru, Stanimir Dimitrov, ShoCk, Rapto和Moxx
I won't share any info that awaits you below.Go ahead and see by yourself.
Have fun 基情愉快!
PLAYER OF THE WEEK (本周最佳基佬……啊不,最佳玩家)
Player’s profile(玩家信息):
Nationality(国籍) - Russian Federation
Name(名字) - Vladislav
Age(年龄) - 20
Gameexperience(游戏时间) - Since 2006(从2006年开始玩)
Total amountof WRs(目前WR总数) – 34
Total amountof ROTWs(目前ROTW数目) - 4
Player'shistory(demo上传历史) -link-
Gaming Gear(游戏装备):
Keyboard(键盘) : random acer(宏基配送)
Mouse(鼠标) : Logitech G400
Headphones(耳机) : n/a
Mousepad(鼠标垫) : SteelSeries Qck+ fnatic edition
Monitor(显示器) : random acer ( 75 hz )
Config.cfg : -link-
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Bibika's room(哔哔卡的房间) :
Bibika's point of view about KZ_synergy_x (哔哔卡如何看紫图):
The mapitself is not hard, but it has a few risky moments which cause you to startrecording over and over again. I saw PU9maker's contest on xj's forum once andI decided to beat one of the "hard" maps to get a new keyboard. After30 minutes of recording I've got a 5 minutes run, but then I lost all of myluck. I played this map for 2 days for like 1,5 hours and I've got that wr eventhough the run was not as good as I wanted and I didn't know that the contestwas cancelled.
CLIP OF THEWEEK(本周最佳短片) Here we will post some kz-related or/and funny clips bykz players and I think the best suitable candidate to start this serie off isthe one and only LEWLY
Enjoy his little show
大家快给他喂药 KZ MOVIEPROJECT - LEGENDARY PLAYERS(kz视频工程:传奇玩家秀) Some of you already noticed my forum thread -link- but maybe some of you missed it. So in short, we'retalking about a project that's supposed to put together as many old schoolplayers as possible in a movie from the year of 2014. And I'm happy to announcethat it's going well. Actually it's going great because I've already receivedsome demos from such legends as chrizZo, k3G, Count and more ! Its actually not that surprising becauseno matter how long you've been off this game, there is something that alwayspulls you back. And if you have an opportunity after so many years for reunionalong with other old buddies.. How could you turn it down ? 有一些人大概已经看到我之前发的帖子了,不过照顾那些没看到的人,我简短地说下。我们正琢磨着搞个大工程,要聚集尽可能多的老不死玩家在一个视频里。现在我很高兴地宣布这项目进行得不错,实际上我们已经收到了一些老玩家包括 chrizZo, k3G, Count 等人的demo了(译者:传言其中某人08年还保有当时所有官方kz图的tj录像)。这没啥好惊讶的,因为不管你离开这个游戏有多久,总有些东西能让你回归。多年之后你忽然有机会和一群老玩家一起合作,怎么能够放弃呢?
Playerlist so far :
1. rEs0LuTe
2. Fact or Fiction (很可能)
3. k3g
4. Count
5. ndR
6. elITe^
7. OddYsseus (很可能)
8. spr1n
9. Scary (很可能)
10. omilo
11. Z0ck3rOO7 (很可能)
12. Bibo (很可能)
13. chrizZo
14. XeopH
15. Hanniball
16. tarGet
17. akkord
LJ RELEASE,WILL IT EVER HAPPEN AGAIN ?(LJ记录永不更新?) Stanimir Dimitrov To be completely honest with youguys, we have no idea when it'll happen because our coder eDark is very busy at the moment and we don't know the exact date whenhe'll be able to check all submitted records. Considering the fact of how nastyand how hard to detect some of the more recent cheats, we decided not to rush thingsand make sure only legit records will make it to the LJ page.
我就都招了吧,我们真的不知道何时能更新LJ记录了,因为我们的程序员 eDark很忙而且我们不知道他什么时候能够检测完所有的demo。考虑到最近环境很差作弊科技略发达,我们决定不擅自更新demo,以确保长跳记录榜的纯洁性
PU9maker As a former Longjumper I understandhow frustrating the waiting can be but I promise you, your efforts will beappreciated !
Some recordson hold (部分待审记录):
( all stats are unofficial数据均未过审)
In the following weeks we are planning 2 map releases.
• The first one will contain 2 maps created by an honorary mappers. I don'twant to spoil anything so all I will tell you is that the maps are very uniqueand sophisticated. These maps do deserve a special presentation and thereforethere will be a clip to show you the beauty of the maps and also a specialinterview for one of the maps.
• The second one will be HUGE. In fact, if everything goes smoothly it will beone of the biggest map releases in the history of Xtreme-Jumps.
How tocreate a map with KarLi(KarLi教你做地图)
These tutorials will appreciate everyone who is interested in mappingfield. KarLi will guide you through basics i.e. how to configureVHE, how to build blocks but also advanced stuff. You can add him Steam name : melaxrinos1 and he will gladly help you.
这个教程将会面向所有感兴趣做图的人。 KarLi 将会从最基础的地方引导你,比如如何安装VHE,如何建造物块,当然还会有更高级的东西。你可以在steam上添加他为好友,他的名字是 melaxrinos1。他会很高兴帮你的。
1. How to SetupValve Hammer Editor 3.5 (第一期:如何安装VHE)
Alternativelink with KarLi's voice(来自KarLi的其它视频) -link-
Next time : How to Configure Batch Compiler
1. KZ-MOD WR Release (KZMOD世界记录上传)
Everything is ready and our admins are currently checking uploaded records.
2. About KZ-MOD(关于KZMOD)
PU9maker : Hallo Raptor, I want you tosummarize the most important info you can tell XJ users about KZMOD.
Raptor : Hello, good to see you. Well, thenew kzmod will be on the 2013 engine. I intend to release it as a running betawith regular updates, once it's in a playable state, so we will see new buildsbeing released instead of waiting half a year for a big version.
The opinions of the players and XJ members will guide it's changes, so I'll betrying to give them what they want added.
There will be a heavy focus on good fps and optimising.
It will include the latest visual effects from source games like HDR, whichkzmod 1 was missing. 很高兴能接受你的采访,最新的kzmod将基于起源2013版引擎,我们打算对他进行即时性的更新,直到它稳定,所以大家会看到kzmod经常更新,而不是等半年等来一次大更新。我想说你们怎么看待kzmod,kzmod就会怎样发展,我希望能够满足你们的要求。我们会着重于fps提升和游戏优化。Kzmod将会引进最新的视觉效果,比如HDR(高动态范围成像),这个技术kzmod 1.0是没有的。 I haven'thad a chance to figure out how things will be going though, so this is theplan, not a promise. Don't want anyone getting hopes up until I can be sure itwill work out well
LJ AND CJLESSON WITH NIKITA& AVATAR(LJ和CJ教程) I think it would be cool to make some kind of a guidewith the players who are considered as the best in specific field. Bhop lessoncan be done by VNS, Double duck lesson by shNz, KKZ jump by..How about koukouz ?
LJ guide by Nikita
CJ guide by Avatar
Next time : VNS explaining BHOP technique.
JUMPINGTECHNIQUES - DEEPER EXPLANATION(深度跳跃技巧) Juice posted a very interesting anduseful article about jumping in the HalfLife engine. After reading this you'llunderstand a little bit more about this engine, which could be helpful for yourrecording attempts. Basically its nothing but mathematics. You need to knowwhen to use + or - to get to the correct result. And the same goes for KZ. Ifyou learn when to jump off, angles, how to stand on block only for thenecessary time, timing on bhops etc, suddenly everything becomes easier.
Juice同志新发了个很有意思又很实用的帖子,解释了半条命引擎下的跳跃。在阅读了这个帖子之后你就能稍微了解下这个跳跃引擎的构造,并帮助你跳图了。基本上这都是数学上的事情,你需要知道什么时候按E或者是做别的事情,如果你学会什么时候起跳,怎么找立足点和把握连跳时机,一切都会变得很简单了。 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3058463727
CHASQUIDO IN ACTION(活跃的插死求多) Total amount of unreleased demos : 15
And the reason why he is holding them back is simple. Chasquido wants to reach top5 with his"comeback" release which won't be easy and might take some time.Nevertheless we decided to remind you Chasquido's unchangeable style has shared oneof his yet unreleased WR's with you. Have fun watching !
他憋着不把demo射出去的原因很简单,他想一次性冲到top5. 尽管如此我还是向大家展示一个他没上传的demo,大家看着办吧
PU9maker : Hey man, what's going on ? How areyou ? Everyone is asking for you and your demos since our interview in July2013, where you said you are planning a "comeback release". Whathappened ?
Chasquido : Well, I've been doing somejobs, so I was kinda busy, besides spring vacations when I was going to thebeach. Then I was just studying and working. But now I quit my job so I'mplanning on doing that comeback now, just wanna take a couple of demos that Iwant and I'll submit them !
PU9maker : Sadly, some of your unreleased WRsare already beaten. So are those the demos you wanna take back ? And whatshould we imagine under the word "comeback" ? Does it mean you'll berecording actively again or is it just a "one time comeback" ?
Chasquido : I wanna take 2 maps that Ireally like ( and one of them is cliffez ). Those wrs that were taken away fromme, I'm pretty confident that I'll take them back :p Can't really answer that,I hope to be active, maybe I'll lose interest again though. Can't tell now :p
PU9maker : I'm happy to hear that ! What is thenumber of demos you would be satisfied with for the upcoming "Chasquido'sspecial release" ?
Chasquido : 20+ demos could be enough Iguess.
PU9maker : Now we're talking !! I'm really happythat you shared this info and now me and the whole community will beimpatiently waiting for you. Don't make us wait too long !
Chasquido : No problem man, happy to hearthat ! I'll try my best !
STREAM IDEA(直播创意) 一周一次,一个月两次我们会找leggie、LEWLY、Micron、Haxxor和pix(美国kz女玩家,另外下次可能会邀请别人)来XJ杯赛服和我们的直播员扯淡,他们都很能水,将会谈论几乎所有的事情,当然观众们也可以在直播频道提问。他们可能会来场比赛,或者就是到处乱蹦……我知道可能很难把他们在一天都聚在一起,但是值得一试,不是吗?
LOGITECH G5- A CHANCE FOR REVIVING ?(罗技G5 – 还会再产不?) I'am aware that it's kind of naive but who knows. Justlike Microsoft revived IE 3.0, Logitech could do the same with the G5 don't youthink ? :]
我知道我太天真了……但是谁知道会不会成功,就像微软重制IE 3.0,罗技就不能重制G5?)
DearLogitech Company,
I would like to ask you if there's even a slightest possibility that you willrevive a Logitech G5 Mouse again ? I tried G400/s G500/s MX510, 518 and manyother mice by other companies but noone of them is even close to the legendaryG5. Also I'm a member of a Gaming community called Xtreme-Jumps.eu founded in2004. We play Counter-Strike 1.6 mod called Kreedz, where a player climbs a mapin the best possible time and compete with others. We've got around 70 000members so far. And the most important thing ( besides practicing ) is to have agood gaming gear. Especially mouse and mouse wheel because most of themovements require scrolling the mouse wheel. I think its worth a shot toproduce this G5 mouse once again even if its a limited edition or somethinglike that. Not only that the demand would be huge but I think it would be anice gesture on your part as a "thank you" for the loyalty of yourusers.
XJ POLL(XJ投票) Who would you like to see as our next interview victim ?
1. kayne
2. buh
3. Bibo
4. kafds
5. VNSRUNCHALLENGE(跳跃擂台) • Slots : Minimum 2 ( even numbers )
• 1 vs 1 - Admins will try to pair up players with a similar skill level.
• 2 maps (1 bhop and 1climb ) 2 demos from each player.
• Winner is the one with the lower summed time of both maps.
Example :
bkz_goldbhop done in 01:36.11
kz_facility done in 01:44.04
总时间 : 03:20.15
bkz_goldbhop done in 01:34.10
kz_facility done in 01:50.04
总时间 : 03:24.14
Winner赢家 : g-Lp
Grand Master上期冠军 pizza^ ( The one with the lowest summed time of all participants所有参赛者时间总和最小 )
• Tuesday/wednesday - sign-up day + winner announcement from the previouschallenge.
• Saturday 17:00 GMT+ 0 - maps announcement.
• Sunday - 17:00 GMT+ 0 - deadline to send in demos.
So you've got 24 hours to send in demos since maps announcement.
北京时间周一凌晨1点:demo上传截止日期。 因此每期你将有24个小时上传demo
• You won't know who's your opponent until we announce winners.
We would appreciate some feedback from you guys about this idea. If you wouldeven participate in this contest or what should we improve etc.
Basically the main idea is to compare your skills with other players in a way,where you don't have to geek a map for many days unlike from beating aWR.
Also it doesn't have to run on a weekly basis. Twice a month should be enough.