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Welcome to the 130th edition of the Run Of The Week!
主演: KeltA
地图: KZ_a2_godspeed
实际时间: 05:05.58 (-00:00.54)
视频制作: ViDtam
前记录保持者: puppetz
It's been almost two years since his last appearance in a ROTW, and a comeback like this calls for a grand scale entrance. Having just beaten a demo over five years old, this run definitely qualifies. The player in question, KeltA, has managed to beat puppetz on the ancient creation of kz map heavy weights; Kreedz, Shizuka & SadPuppy; kz_a2_godspeed.
自他上次在ROTW出镜以来,已经有差不多两年了。再度回归必须声势浩大,显然这个打破了尘封5年的记录的新鲜demo完全胜任。即将接受采访的强者:KeltA,成功击败了前任WR保持者puppetz在这张由Kreedz, Shizuka, Sadpuppy三人制作的重磅地图上完成的尘封多年的记录:kz_a2_godspeed
Let's see what KeltA had to say about his recent run:
Q:Sorry to jump right into it, but I think everyone is curious to know where you have been? You've been rather inactive as of recent in regard to WRs. What made you come back?
A:When I lost my job I had so much free time that I found interest in kz again (but I guess I already lost it) so I did some WRs for fun
Sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully you will find a new one soon enough. Moving forth, so yes, hello KeltA! Welcome back. Even though it may be a brief appearance, I know everyone is glad to see you, since you're a rather popular and highly regarded as a player. How are you dealing with being back?
Yeah. I'm trying to find one! Well I don't know, that's a hard question. I find it funny that I'm kind of famous in the kreedz world, but yeah...
So no future plans for more WRs? Maybe stay around a while longer? Have fun, relax with some kz after work then return to your daily activities. Maybe a release spree like you used to do?
Well, I generally record if I find good maps. Time by time. It's impossible to say what I'm planning to do in the future regarding kz.
And how did you come up with the idea of recording on kz_a2_godspeed? Being that it's not the most popular map and has only had 4 recorders throughout it's time. What sparked your interest in it?
I was trying to find an old WR because they are pretty easy to beat. So I found this map and to be honest it was not easy. I tried it for a pretty long time. Before I went to the army I started trying, and only after the army did I manage to finally beat it.
Yeah, puppetz really was one hell of a player back in his days. Well this is it KeltA. Thanks for your time and hopefully we will still see you around more often. Good luck!
Yeah, I miss puppetz' smoooth strafes. Okay thanks to you too. And we will see !
And as far as the edit goes, I knew it was going to rock, but man, I didn't expect it to be this good. ViDtam has really out-done himself. The atmosphere is just... perfect.