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Hello community,
It gives me great pleasure to announce that we put together an official team of movie makers, judges, guest features, who will handle the media section of Xtreme-Jumps.eu
This team will step in Airwalk Media's place and continue to handle ROTWs, official XJ movies, movie submissions (voting and releasing) and the overall media aspect of the site.
这个团队将会接替Airwalk Medi,他们将继续管理ROTW,XJ官方视频、电影上传(包括投票和放出)以及其它的各个媒体方面
3 years have passed...
So yes, unfortunately our partnership with them will be terminated, effective immediately. We agreed with Airwalk Media that it is time to continue on separate roads. What they did for XJ cannot be expressed in words. It was the longest partnership XJ ever had. 3 years of closely working together and delivering great content from amazing movie makers.
是的,我们在此遗憾宣布:从现在起Airwalk Media将不再继续管理XJ的电影频道。我们已经与Airwalk Media达成共识,现在的确是我们该分开的时候了。他们为我们做了这么多,我们的感激之情难以言表。他们是和XJ合作时间最长的合作伙伴。三年的紧密合作,创造出了众多令人赞不绝口的视频!
They did 78 ROTWs, picking them from ROTW #35 and ending with ROTW #126. And of course in this time, guest features happened as well, but most of them were done by the Airwalk Media crew.
他们制作了78期ROTW,从第35期一直到第126期。当然在那时还有些特别制作,不过大多数视频都是由Airwalk Media所制作的
We would like to deeply thank them for the opportunity they gave us and their seriousity.
我们在这里对Airwalk Media给我们的合作的机会以及他们为XJ视频的努力表示衷心的感谢!
So from now on, all their attributions will be picked up by the new team, Xtreme-Jumps Movies.
We considered it was time to have a team of our own, giving the chance to new movie makers to show their skill and give them a chance to rise.
The admins that will be forming this team will be announced at a late date this week, together with the rest of the new staff.
Thank you for your attention.
edit by psyxopat: If you want your movie on XJ front page, you can submit it here: http://xtreme-jumps.eu/submitmovies.php
Best regards,