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[国内新闻] [XJ首页采访]XJ对Juleeeh的采访



发表于 2013-10-24 00:09:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

nobody^ : Hello friends,

I know I've been off for a while due to RL circumstances. I thought you would enjoy reading an interview from an oldschool honorary member of XJ, who is also a friend of mine. I do hope you will find it fun. Please appreciate the time my mate spent on this one. HF

nobody^ : Hello my friend. How are you doing in these cold autumn days?


Juleeeh: Hey! Well struggling in the cold weather, trying to make it in college


nobody^ : College.. I see. Before we step to the more serious questions, lets follow the stereotype and provide a little self-presentation.


Juleeeh: alright My name is Vetle, but I'm known in KZ as juleeeh. I live in Norway and I'm in college studying computerengineering.


nobody^: Great. You've been in XJ for quite a while now. How did it all start? How did you get related with this wonderful community?


Juleeeh: That'd be around 6 years ago I think, when after a couple of years of KZ / HNS I finally took the time to enter xj's website
I had been playing earlier, but really I was having a hard enough time just finishing the maps ^^


nobody^: Six years, that's a lot. How did you decide that you wanted to help the community as an admin? What happened?


Juleeeh: hmmm, well I had been an admin at KZ-SCA ( <3 ) for a while and I found myself always trying to keep the discussions in line, then one day I just decided: I'm gonna do the same at XJ. Luckily the admins at that time had seen my activity at KZ-SCA and decided to give me a shot, and of course because XJ is the place to be in KZ and I love it.


nobody^: Fantastic, doing a good work for two fellow communities. Lets move on to the WR scene. Had you got any world records?


Juleeeh: Hahah, I had ONE. A horrible one in fact ^^ It was kz_desolate3 and kayne had 2:15 on it. I decided to go look around for SCs and "luckily" I found a really, really annoyingly tricky one, so I just geeked and sweated until I got it. If you wanna see how bad I did: -link- . Kayne beat me afterwards without the SC . I got too horrid nerves to do WRs.


nobody^: The nerves... I understand you. Have you thought about taking it back? Or keep on recording in general?


Juleeeh: ooo, I dont think I could take the stress again, haha. And ofc the computer I have where I live lags on 1.6 >.<


nobody^: You have some trickjumping movies. Actually juleeeh - My curse is one of my all time favourite. Tell us more about your trickjumping career. What kind of tricks you like doing and such.

juleeeh - My curse》是我最喜欢的kz视频之一。来说说你的kz表演史吧。哪样的跳点你最喜欢?

Juleeeh: My tj career? hah, I guess that started when I played HNS (yes aa 100, I'm sorry). I made some trickjumps and ATTEMPTED to edit it myself. Needless to say it went horribly wrong and I'm ashamed of myself Then later on I went over to KZ again and got inspired by movies like Brian the Movie 2 and Bibo's movies. And by then I had learned one valuable lesson. Let others do the editing I might have forgotten some but I was in ndR's BASTEL, FOUR KZ Movie, LJ The Movie and juleeeh - My Curse
The edit on BASTEL and FOUR <3

我的tj历史?哈哈,我想应该是从我玩hns时开始吧(100aa……)我跳过一些跳点,并尝试自己去做视频。毫无疑问我搞得一团糟……后来我又开始玩kz,在bibo的视频和brain the movie 2上又有了灵感。我明白了一点:让别人做视频,我只要跳就好了~我可能忘记了一些,不过我确定我在
ndR's BASTEL, FOUR KZ Movie, LJ The Movie and juleeeh - My Curse上出镜了, 《BASTEL》 和 《FOUR》的制作我最喜欢。

nobody^: Great movies. I remember when you kept me blindfold during the making of FOUR, I still hate you. :-D Do you have any favourite trickjumpers and why did pick those?


Juleeeh: haha yeah, but it was even greater to watch it when it came out then, wasnt it? Anyways, my favorite tjers? hmm... Probably brian, shnz and Lolz. Most likely someone else aswell, but my memory is [请文明用语] ^^ I remember their trickjumps always made me feel like a horrible tjer and it made me wanna improve.


nobody^: What about Vetle in real life? Except studying for a degree in computerengineering, what else do you do?


Juleeeh: at the moment? I really dont have time for much else, except some gaming from time to time.
Aswell as my computerengineering I also have additional math, physics and norwegian.
So when I finally get some free time, I either play KZMOD (cant play 1.6 cause of lags) or Trouble in Terrorist Town (GMOD mod) You should really try TTT, it's ****ing awesome

Trouble in Terrorist Town(GMOD游戏中的一种),你真该试试这个游戏,真特么好玩。

nobody^: So you play KZMOD? Curious to hear your opinion about it; Do you fancy it? Do you believe it has a bright future?


Juleeeh: Yeah kzmod is great! it's like KZ, but with some other modes and types of maps aswell. atm I'm loving the AXN-style maps over there, and I might be streaming some on one of those maps some days. I can do nothing but recommend it to every kz player. It's future ofcourse depends on how we handle the dry-spot it's in atm though. I really hope people will go break some records on it again soon


nobody^: What do you think about the latest fuss that XJ is dying? What are your visions of that?


Juleeeh: I think thats a joke really.. of course it's less activity because theres less activity in 1.6 in general, but I can still visit XJ and very often find something new to read, for example yesterday I found this great thread where Juice explains several KZ techniques. There's also still demo releases, there are weeklys and when I look for a KZ server, I never have trouble finding one. It will take some time for KZ to die out, I can tell you that much


nobody^: Really happy to read that. I do hope you are correct. To be honest, I think the same. You said that you are in a hurry, would you like to move towards the shorties?

Juleeeh: sure


nobody^: Blonde or Brunette


Juleeeh: either way is good


nobody^: Cold Norway or sunny California? As a place to live.


Juleeeh: ...hmmm... California? imo english is a far better language than norwegian


nobody^: Thought you'd pick Cali, despite your love for your country.
What kind of music do you like?



Juleeeh: mostly relaxing music and some metal / rock


nobody^: Hm, two opposites. Favourite artist/group?



Juleeeh: hmmm... of all time? probably metallica cause i keep returning to them


nobody^: Classic. One question which bothers me a bit... Is there a slight chance for you to surprise us with a movie or a few records? Yes or No?


Juleeeh: maaaaaybe, i can't say more than that ^^


nobody^: Ahh!!! Alright then, keep it as a secret but know that I am looking forward to anything.
What's the hardest WR to beat?


Juleeeh: oooh [请文明用语] thats hard something like kz_cliffez? But I'm absolutely sure that the pros can beat even that. The pros these days... too damn good


nobody^: Your favourite moviemakers and mappers?


Juleeeh: My favorite moviemakers are probably 8ball1, FoF and ndR. Their movies make me wanna start all over again with KZ every time. Personally I don't really know about mappers. I love a lot of maps from a lot of different mappers


nobody^: You said that you were in a hurry but before I let you go, feel free to pour your soul. You know, greetings and such.


Juleeeh: Aaalright, thank you to the XJ crew and the active users for keeping the site alive and also thanks to you, gamborg, tricky, heya, omilo and all the other friends I've made in kz



发表于 2013-10-24 00:29:41 | 显示全部楼层
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