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发表于 2013-10-12 00:06:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 14laazx 于 2013-10-12 08:47 编辑


       PU9maker: Yohan "ndR" Gonzalvo..Many things come to my mind when I see your name but there still might be a fewnewcomers who aren't familiarized with you. So please, tell our community a fewwords about yourself.


ndR: Hello there! I'll try to be quick andclear because there's much to say haha. Yohan Gonzalvo, French, currentlyliving in amazing Paris, 24 in December this year. I just started my 2nd yearof Master's degree in Strategic Management and International Affairs. I startedplaying KZ in August 2005, reached top5 a few months later and held the firsttop1 position for a few months after zhady and I had a huge battle. I've heldmost of the admin positions on XJ during all those years, but I'm"only" an honorary member right now, giving my opinion about staffdecisions and so on. Ah and to (finally) end this introduction, some of youmight also know me through the moviemaking prism, as I made a few kz movies :-)


PU9maker: this is what I call introduction  How's life treating you these days ?Do you still have time for skateboarding, snowboarding, bastetball and you dolove your current girlfriend ?  )) ( if you check this news you willunderstand more clearly -link- )(这个link很奇怪的看不到什么奇怪的东西……)


ndR: Holy sh... I didn't remember thisinterview haha, thanks for the huge laugh when I saw a picture of me when I was14! Life is treating me well these days, I'm currently launching my own company(which I unfortunately can't talk about because I'm negociating with hugecompanies), doing an internship as a Project Manager in a world-famous Parisianphotography studio, and also going to university. I'm perpetually exhausted butI think it's worth it, and this interview allows me to explain people why I'minactive jumping and moviemaking wise, more in details, as I'm often asked whyI don't make any movie anymore. About skateboarding and snowboarding I stoppeda few years ago, for the same reasons mentioned above, growing implies moreresponsibilities and less free-time, but I'm fine with it. And to answer yourlast question, I don't love anyone as I'm single at the moment, but still goingout with a few girls, nothing serious :-)


PU9maker: Yea, I see. As you grow old, prioritieshave to be changed. But how I see that, when one door closes another dooropens. Without any exaggeration, you are a truly gifted guy. You made your nameas one of the best moviemakers, previously top #1 climber, you're alsowise..Seems like everything you touch turns into gold. Damn you man, is thereanything you really suck at ?


ndR: Thank you very much hahaha, even if Ithink you idealized me quite a bit :-) I think I really suck at commiting andbeing organized. I'm always doing a thousand things at the same time, and itmakes me lose so much time to be like this... I start something, do somethingelse 5 minutes after, and so on. Ah and I also suck at keeping my apartmentclean hahaha, I spend like 3 or 4 hours every week cleaning it, the day afterit's like I did nothing, I'm lazy to clean it again, and some morning Irandomly get mad when waking up and seeing all the mess so I spend again 3 or 4hours cleaning it perfectly, what the hell! :-)
Ah and last but not least, I suck at cooking! Which makes me having to doublemy efforts to seduce a girl ;-)


PU9maker: hahahaha, we are the same in thoseaspects =] You are also an avid traveller. And in your relatively young ageyou've travelled to so many amazing places. What was the best place you'vevisited ? And how was your latest destination - Bangkok ? I can't get rid ofthis picture in my head from The hangover II movie. **, ** withpenises etc.. Do you have any interesting story from there that you could tellus in a few words ?

ndR: Ouch you just hit my weak spot, be readyfor most likely the longest answer of this interview :-) You're right I lovetraveling, I started at the age of 17 by going to China, and kept on travellingalmost every summer. It's really hard to mention a "favourite place"as I don't have one, the same about a cool story to tell, so I guess I'll justtalk about a few ones.
The most beautiful place I ever visted was without any doubt Koh Phi Phi islandin Thailand (it's where the movie 'The Beach' was made): blue lagoon water,fine sand beaches, almost no one around, jungle everywhere, nothing else tosay. New York City was amazing for two reason: my first time travelling totallyalone, at the age of 17, secondly because it was to visit my ex-girlfriend (whoyou might have heard about if you read my latest Chronicle).
One of my best memories ever remains the first time I went to China: chinese kzplayers knew I was coming, so I was in contact with one of them (Simen.eQ) if Iremember right. He invited me at restaurant and we had really interestingdiscussion, he then told me to come visit his highschool a few days later.Which of course I did, but I wasn't expecting that I would basically live whata Hollywood star live. I had several hundred highschool students around me,taking pictures of me, asking me autographes. I even signed autographes to afew kz players, which was such a shock for me, as I just considered kz as agame and nothing else. It's a feeling I will never have again and this is oneof the reason why kz has been important to me, as it clearly helped me in mylife, for many reasons, but that's another story!
About Bangkok, it is true that in a few touristic districts you will find mostly **, katoi (ladyboys) and scammers, but Bangkok or Thailandcan't only come down to this. Thai people are certainly part of the nicestpopulation I  ever met, they are truly kind as soon as you are interested intheir culture, they are really curious about foreigners, they always smile, andthey often have a standard english to be able to have a conversation with you.The country is truly beautiful, temples are just mind-blowing, and the overallatmosphere is weird but enjoyable, I could sum it up as a "beautifulorganized mess".

Since this was your initial question and for your reading pleasure I'll tellyou about what happened to me in Bangkok 2 weeks ago: my biggest hangover ever.I was at a leaving party of some random french expatriate I didn't know, I drank a lot and smoked a ** (which I'm not used to), we went to the mostfamous nightclub of the country around 1am, with basically only known peoplefrom cinema or TV inside. I kept on drinking, and started to speak with a pretty girl who was a TV host on a national channel, we then danced and started to flirt until I litteraly puked on her (you can't imagine how shameful I stillfeel now), so I ran away to the restrooms, puked again in a sink. A cleaninglady got mad and started yelling at me, so I came back to tell my friends wehad to leave now or none of us would enter the nightclub ever again. It wasaround 4am, we took a taxi to go to another nightclub, I puked again in frontof the nightclub so they asked me if I remembered where my hotel was, I wasbarely able to speak and they found the hotel card inside my wallet, they putme inside a taxi telling the guy to drive me there. Guess what? 15 minutesafter I puked again, all over myself, inside the taxi. Guess what else? Thetaxi driver got so mad that he started yelling at me, stopped the car and justthrew me out of the taxi. I was laying on the pavement in a random and unknowndistrict of Bangkok, and slept there until morning. The thing is regreat themost is that I didn't spend the night with that pretty girl though :-) As youmight have guessed I'm currently trying to break the world record of thelongest interview on XJ, as I'm not able to do kz world records anymore hahaha

既然这是你的第一个问题,为了让你读起来更爽,我将要告诉你两周前我在曼谷的做的一件超级逆天的事情。当时我正在参加一个由一些法侨举办的送别聚会,我喝了超多酒,还吸了那种烟(我以前可没这么干过)。我们在凌晨1点的时候去了这个国家最出名的夜总会,一般里面只有影星或者其他知名人士。我还在喝酒,不断地喝,然后开始和一个挺不错的女孩子聊天,好像她是国家电视台的主持人,然后我们开始一起跳舞,调情……直到最后我特么竟然吐在她身上了!你无法想象我当时有多囧!我现在还觉得没脸见人(译者忍不住了要吐槽:我靠我还以为是要……呵呵)……然后我狂奔进了厕所,找了个池子开始吐,尼玛这时候一个清洁工开始狂骂我,我只好回到我朋友那里跟他们说我们要赶紧滚了要不然我们以后就再也进不来了。出去后我在大门口又吐了一遍,这时候大概是4点了。我们坐的士去了另外一家夜总会,尼玛我又吐了……于是他们问我还记不记得我的酒店在哪里,可我连话都说不出来了。他们在我的钱包里找到了房卡,于是他们把握推进了一辆的士把我送回去,猜猜看发生了什么?我qnmlgb15分钟后老子又吐了,惨不忍睹啊!那个的士司机开始对我狂吠,停下车把我扔出去了……我就这样躺在了曼谷的一个不知名的人行道上,直接睡到早晨。唉!我最后悔的事情就是没能和那个美女共度良宵(译者:spend the night with that preetty girl,尼玛我竟然没翻错!?ndR你真是个喜欢浪漫的典型的法国人……)。你大概已经猜到我现在正尝试打破XJ最长采访的世界纪录,因为……我已经刷不了kz记录了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。

PU9maker: HAHAHAHAHAHA you just made my day man.LOVIN IT..
That was your real life, now let's take a look at your virtual life - ndR andkreedz-climbing. How did that all start ?


ndR: Hmm that's pretty old, it was in August2005. I was a CS player at that time, just playing the regular game with a coolteam, we were doing LAN parties around Paris for fun. Then someday on a randompublic server I saw a guy bhopping, I was amazed by the technique and asked himto teach me. He refused and left me with a question I needed an answer to: howto freakin' bunnyhop?!
I then found bhop scripts on the internet and started using one, just for fun.Until someone told me I could be interested in a weird kind of map, tagged"kz_". After a few researches I randomly connected to a french kzserver, which happened to be KZFR's. I truly loved the concept, even if I wasso bad at it, I just didn't know strafing existed, I kept playing on the serverand got the concept of bhopping, thanks to the script. I removed it andprogressively learnt all the basic techniques. You guys must keep in mind thatkz was not like today: communities were not developed at all, there was NOtutorial about anything, you just had to figure out how strafing or bhop workedby yourself. I played a lot in my LAN server, alone, and started doing Frenchrecords soon after. Then you know the story, I registered to XJ and kept onplaying and bla bla bla...  

那是很久很久以前的事情了,我还记得那是05年的8月,我还只是一个普通的cser,在一个战队里玩着普通的游戏,我们正围着整个巴黎到处玩网络派对(注:LAN party(网络派对)指的是由一群人暂时性、通常也是自发性的带着他们的电脑,在一个地方将电脑以局域网链接的聚会,这样的聚会大部份是以玩多人网络游戏为目的。------来自维基百科)某天,我在一个公共服上看见一个人在连跳!我真的被震精了,就问他怎么跳。他没有告诉我,于是一个问题就这么留给我了:如何连跳?

PU9maker: You used to be one of the best climbersfrom all over the globe. With a hindsight, what comes to your mind when youstart remembering these days ?


ndR: I feel a bit nostalgic and even sad fromtime to time when I think about it. KZ is clearly an important part of my life,not only because of, or I should rather say thanks to the World Records I had,but for everything that made me grow. You must be wondering what the hell I'mtalking about, so I'll give you a few examples:
Before playing kz I was the worst student ever in English, I could barely say afew words. When I got a bit serious into KZ and Xtreme-Jumps, I had to speakenglish. At first I was litteraly using Google Translate to understand whatpeople told me and to translate what I wanted to say, but progressively Ilearnt the basics, then got a medium level, then started to join TeamSpeak orVentrilo servers and improved my oral english. I believe that if I didn't playkz, I would still be really bad at english, and I wouldn't have followed thestudies I've followed.
As a person who loves travelling and other cultures, I spent countless hourschatting with people around the world, thanks to KZ and Xtreme-Jumps, I evenmet in real life a few KZ players from France or foreign countries (FoF, Perfo, Lola, chinese players,...).
My admins position at Xtreme-Jumps taught me a lot about how to manage yourtime, how to manage a project, how to lead a team, how to work in group. Andguess what? When I recently created my business I had a few presentations infront of bankers or investors to raise funds, and they were all interested inmy previous experience with XJ, which I think played a huge part in making thissuccessful.
When I was younger my parents were so mad to see me spend my whole life playinga meaningless game on the internet, but I now realized how much it brought me.So yeah, without any pretention, what comes to my mind when thinking aboutthese times are feelings of accomplishment and pride, because I ** enjoyed that game, I freakin' enjoyed making World Records, I enjoyed getting mad whenzhady destroyed my World Records and that I was geeking to get them back, Ienjoyed discovering new techniques, pushing the limits of the maps, the game,the engine, I now feel a bit as if I was some kind of e-game pioneer hahaha :-)

在我玩kz之前,我的英语是倒数第一,我只能说很少的单词。当我开始深入地关心kz和XJ时,我必须说英语。一开始我直接用谷歌翻译去理解别人在说什么以及翻译我想说的话,后来我终于学会了英语的基础部分,之后到了中等级别,再然后开始加入TeamSpeaker 或者 Ventrilo 这些英语频道来提升我的英语水平。我敢说如果我没玩kz,我的英语仍然会是一窍不通,更不会接受之后的那些我接受过的研究了。

PU9maker: amazing words, Ive got nothing to add.  As you said eariler, you are listedas a honored member of XJ community. What are your current contributions to thecommunity ?

ndR: I wish I had more free-time to dedicateto Xtreme-Jumps as an admin but this is unfortunately not the case. Nevertheless,I visit the website everyday, browse the forum, I try to stay informed aboutthe current trends and events in the community. From time to time I share myopinion about strategic management questions in the admin forum, and that'spretty much everything.


PU9maker: When you look at XJ now, what do you see?


ndR: I'm not going to make any friends bysaying this but I have a feeling of uncompleteness when I take a look at XJtoday. We could have gone so much further, we really had a huge potential, butwe kind of missed the boat, I think it's a bit late to get really serious. Thecommunity sure has grown, but remains really immature and the bad and tenselatent atmosphere doesn't help, with basically a new huge drama everyweek.
faker mustn't be blamed for this, he's the one who did the most for thiscommunity, dedicating countless hours. I know him well since 2005 and I thinkI'm a good witness to affirm this. What missed to XJ was a little 'ass-kick' toget professionnal, as we needed money to launch serious projects and attractmore people, but unless you stop working or studying and dedicate your wholetime and money to this task, it's pretty much impossible. I nevertheless stillenjoy the website, as there are still cool and kind members in the community:-)


PU9maker: Amen to that. Despite the fact youhavent touched this game for a long time, I'am convinced that you could tell ussome advices about recording, movements, timing, how to control nerves,whatever you find important


ndR: I'm not the best guy when it comes toadvice actually: I never ever succeeded in controlling my nerves, I was alwaysstressful when getting closer to the end timer during a recording session. Ibasically tried everything to fix this, with no success. My only suggestionwill be to learn patience, to never give up, to (try to) stay as calm aspossible, to disconnect when you feel you won't do it right now, do somethingelse and then try again soon after. I was actually really bad at kz technicallywise, I sucked at longjumping (my record was 251), I wasn't constant inbhopping, my multi-strafes were a bit weird, but I was patient and made as muchefforts as need to achieve my goals.


PU9maker: This is it  I gotta say I had the best timechatting with you. Im so glad we did this.Time for a few quickies.


PU9maker: Whats the best movie you created ?


ndR: I can't decide between AESTHETIC 2,Chinese art 2 and 'Map Teaser' (link: -link- ),sorry :-)

我实在是无法在《美感2》和《中国艺术2》以及《Map Teaser》中作出选择……
PU9maker: Favorite NON-alcoholic drink ?


ndR: Lemon squash all the way!


PU9maker: Have you ever eaten a snail ? ( and imnot asking you just because your are a french )


ndR: Of course I did, I couldn't beconsidered as a French otherwise!


PU9maker: Do you still watch demos from time totime ?


ndR: From time to time, when it's a map Ilove (kz_ezalpin...)


PU9maker: Favorite movie/series ?


ndR: Matrix/Lord of the rings/Lord ofWar/Star Wars - Breaking Bad / Homeland / Community / How I Met Your Mother(sorry I just can't pick one!)

黑客帝国/魔戒/战争之王/星球大战 – 绝命毒师/国土安全/废柴联盟/老爸老妈的浪漫史……我真的很难选择

PU9maker: Will we see another part of ndR'schronicles anytime soon ?


ndR: If I find the time to write it, I hopeso


PU9maker: Thanks again for this amazing 2 hourslong adventure. Its was simply great ! As usual, Ill give you a chance toexpress your final words.


ndR: Thanks to my e-friends, to the ones whobecame IRL friends, to people who supported me at KZ, to people who supportedme as a moviemaker, to people and admins I've had the chance to work with, tothe whole community (even if you guys drive me crazy from time to time), andto PU9makerfor allowing me to share my thought underthe form of an interview. I wish you all the best, gaming wise and even morelife wise!



 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 10:06:24 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
SiMen.Apple 发表于 2013-10-12 08:52
哇. eQ真荣幸啊!!!!!!!!!!!



必须的!  详情 回复 发表于 2013-10-12 13:06
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 00:26:38 | 显示全部楼层
SiMen.Jc 发表于 2013-10-12 00:15



参与人数 1金币 +50 收起 理由
SiMen.Jc + 50 赞一个!


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发表于 2013-10-12 13:06:08 | 显示全部楼层
14laazx 发表于 2013-10-12 10:06

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-12 00:08:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-12 00:15:59 | 显示全部楼层


整理完成啦~  详情 回复 发表于 2013-10-12 00:26
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发表于 2013-10-12 00:27:24 | 显示全部楼层
       辛苦辛苦 ,,,
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发表于 2013-10-12 08:52:04 | 显示全部楼层
哇. eQ真荣幸啊!!!!!!!!!!!      


eQ……是很元老的玩家吗?  详情 回复 发表于 2013-10-12 10:06
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发表于 2013-10-12 12:41:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-12 19:14:40 | 显示全部楼层
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