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发表于 2007-2-19 22:40:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Interview with zhady

First of all start by introducing yourself to the community, name, age, country, postal code, street, documents, etc..

My name is Tommy Karlsson, I'm 18 years old and I live in Sweden.

How were you introduced to the whole KZ world? did you play any normal cs before? if so, what changed your mind to swap directly to kz full time?

Hmmm, I've been playing CS for a long time and been around with different "clans" and so on. My RL friend who also played in my clan introduced me to KZ one night. I can't remember exactly what map it was but i think it was kz_cursed_tomb. I began to geek that map and so on but couldn't make it so I didnt play kz more after that. Later in life I moved with my family and for the first couple of days we didn't have Internet so i geeked KZ a little bit, after that I began to play kz more and more and found the community Xtreme-Jumps, and here I am.

How long have you been jumping? Are you satisfied with the style and way you jump nowadays?

I think I've played kz a little more than over a year. I'm not satisfied with my strafes at all, they look so ugly

What is the background in the nickname?

Im a big fan of Eminem of course, just pimped it with a Z!

How did you find out about xtreme-jumps? which was your first demo?

I can't really remember how I found this site... My first demo recorded was fo_h0pbl0ck, which I had to fight for because eme was going for that rec too I think the demo was released in like April last year...

What is your opinion on the kz level nowadays? We all know how times change and so does the jumpers.. Supa...SilveR..Helferlein..T3d..tarGet..etc Nowadays.. do you think that kz is better than it was before? Do you think it will get even better with the passing of time?

I really don't know much about the past "kz-legends" and about their level because I'm kind of "new" to this scene. What I can tell for sure is that the demos is better than before, but i don't really think that shows us in which kz-level we are at today, everyone can geek a demo There are so much more we know about jumping today also, if i'm not mistaken the tip about jumping 10 units before the edge on a highjump wasnt known in the early days.

Favourite map? The map you hate the most?

Favourite: kz_cfl_jost and _(ez) / Most hated: kz_ezboulder_b01

Tell us about this continuous struggle with ndR for record holding, ndR makes a demo.. you steal it! he gets it back and you get it back... example kz_nolve.. Is this personal? Is it because you share the same taste im maps? or that you need to mark your ground as the alpha male of xj?!

I like this question. Well, it was when I had like 2 or 3 recs at XJ and sent in 3 more recs, next release ndR pwned them all . That day I decided to focus on doing the same to ndR and so on..(childish I know ) I worked on that for a while and I got bored of it, probably ndR too, dunno. I don't really care anymore, ndR's a nice guy

Your impressively fast climb to xj's top5 was much of a shocker. I remember faker stating in his interview.. well now that times change i wouldnt be surprised to see guys like soul|ftw or zhady record demos!.. at this point you had none.. in matter of few weeks you had overruled the whole top5! Tell us, how is that remotely possible? How much time did it take you? You were very talented before and now.. were did you record your demos before sending them to xj?

When I'm really into something, in this case KZ and want a record I'll get it, probably. It's just a matter of time, and to be honest I played too much when I climbed up in The top 5. That's just me, I want to be in the top when I'm doing something that I really like. At that time I was patient as hell too, nowadays I'm loosing motivation for a while when I've geeked. That's probably a good thing for the real life

Do you consider kz nowadays as good as it was in the golden times of T3dbundy, tarGet, a0ke, kimo, FikoN?

Yes I do, we got some new talents too, like brian and Z0ck3rOO7. But I can say that it would be awsome if T3dbundy, tarGet and a0ke came back to record I really loved these guys demos

How do you measure yourself against these jumpers? Are you better than them? Could you beat them at a cup?

I'm pretty sure that I could beat all of them in a cup or a simular thing... I can't really say that I'm better or not, there are so many different maps and so on, but all-around I think T3dbundy is the best...

How are feeling now that you are so close to the 100 demos? Are you working hard to reach them? How many hours do you dedicate to kz everyday? To demo recording?

I can't say that I dont want to have 100 demos, but demos aint recording themself... In "the past" I dedicated many hours of playing kz and especially for recording, like 4+ hrs/day. Nowadays its like max 2-3 hrs if I'm recording at all... I've started to like cups more and more, and recording pisses me of to much! But I'm kz'ing atleast 1-2hour(s)/day even if I'm not recording...

Recording demos or play cups?

Nowadays I prefer playing cups...or public

What was the hardest demo to record? Hardest map to record demo on?

fo_h0pbl0ck for sure, I had really big problems with some jumps at that map in the past. Hardest map to record: kz_man_neighbourhood cuz of the sc's

Tell us what a day in zhady's life look like.. how does cs fit in your tight schedule?

Waking up at like 07:00 the days I'm going to school and taking a shower etc etc. After school I'm at home eating and after that I'm out running (3-4 days/week) after that I'm taking a shower again and ready for kz or whatever I'm doing on my comp, later Im still @ my computer if not a friend calls and wants to do something...

Talk to us.. what do you think about the whole kzWorldCup? Is this what kz needs right now? New Cups? What do you think kz needs to expand itself nowadays?

I think the KzWorldCup is a great Idea, you have scheduled matches on maps you can practice, and your climbing against other good climbers. I think kz needs some tournaments on LANs to expand itself. We could see a tournament in kz on Dreamhack here in Sweden if I'm not mistaken, thats a start.

Tell us about yourself and your role in participating as a member of team Sweden. How do you feel about it? How do you feel in the show? Are you nervous? How do you feel in the moment of jumping?

Well, not much to say about this, when I play my match I think of it as a normal cup in #Xtreme-Jumps for example. I'm not nervous at all, well, I haven't been nervous in those matches I've played ( 3 matches ).

Tell us, who do you think is the most complete jumper of all? Who is your favourite jumper?

The most complete jumper is T3dbundy imo, and my favourite jumpers are a0ke/tarGet.

As a well known jumper, what do you think it takes to be as good as you are? What does it take to be able to jump as smoothly as you do

3 words: Patience and dedication.

You mentioned before that kz agility and hability isnt quite seen in demo recordings... where can we measure it? How can we tell who are the best jumpers?

It's really hard to measure it, I don't really know how we can measure it. Why I've choosen T3d as the best jumper is because he's so good in all stages, ljing, bhopping, speedclimb and so on.

You have several times complained and stated you got bored of recording demos, still you amuse us with more demos. Have you planed to reach the 100 demos and retire?

As I said earlier I'm getting bored of recording from day to day. At this moment I have 1 map that I want to beat, but i can probably find some more records to beat. Maybe I'm reaching 100 some day, but its not like I'm doing 10 recs for every release as earlier

What are your plans for the future? When you finally stop playing cs what do you picture yourself doing?

Well, my school is over in 4 months and after that I'm going to the army but that's in January 2008. Maybe I'll find a nice job til then. I will be in the army for 330 days and after that Im going to what you guys call college, but I dont know what I want to be when I "grow up"

Besides playing at the pc.. what other hobbies do you enjoy doing?

Partys/Running/Hang out with firends/Inetpoker/Playing or watching football aka soccer for some fags and music!

When you go to school do guys know of you as the zhadyz0rstrafez0rpwnz0rdem0rec0rd0ruber or you are just another dude?

Just another dude!

Circle or normal strafes?


cl_righthand 0 or 1?


Eminem or 50cent?


Inter FC vs Milan FC live at the closest stadium first seats! or tarGet SteelPad-Microsoft vs a0keSANYOplantronics live at your nearest lan the 5h of august of 1988 with password happybdayzhady

Inter vs Milan!

Adriano teaching you new soccer moves or tarGet teaching you new kz moves with his robotic hand?

Adriano teaching me new moves

Sweden vs Argentina live at Fox Sports or Sweden vs France live at XJTV for the WC?

Sweden vs Argentina live at Fox Sports I can add 1-0 too...(for argentina of course)

Hard or ez maps?

Hard for public.. ez for records

Meeting all XJ crew or the Inter FC crew?

Would be lovely to see all in the XJ crew, but I have to say Inter FC.

a8 it was fun! hope you enjoyed it. Time to say hello and goodbye to your fags now!

Peace DHT- faker, ndR, Z0ck3rOO7, soul|ftw and SexY`HoHo^


发表于 2007-2-19 22:44:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-2-19 22:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>whhwkx5988</I>在2007-2-19 22:44:00的发言:</B><BR>


发表于 2007-2-19 22:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>iiN[KzcN]</I>在2007-2-19 22:51:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>


发表于 2007-2-19 23:00:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-19 23:08:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-19 23:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>whhwkx5988</I>在2007-2-19 22:44:00的发言:</B><BR>


 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-19 23:10:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-2-19 23:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
至少我8点上网时已经有了。 [em02]


发表于 2007-2-19 23:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>1030 和RAY不就是SIMEN的翻译官么~</P>
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