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[杂谈评论] 【XJ首页视频】ROTW Classics #12 - 007 on kz_ea_dam+007采访!



发表于 2013-12-12 00:42:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 14laazx 于 2013-12-12 10:14 编辑


Run Of The Week Classics is now in spotlight, with its 12th edition!
A true James Bond.

007 is one of the few guys representing China in the early period. There were actually 3 guys, but let me make it perfectly clear; they ruled everything! They have something special that makes them stand out from the crowd and 007 is exactly that: a special kreedzer, liked by everyone. He and his sidekick @p, and later on k3G, were the main attractions in every demo release.

Choosing a demo was a very difficult thing to do. It was the hardest pick since we've started with the Classics. So many maps that defined him as a player and only one got chosen. Hopefully you can all see from kz_ea_dam what a spectacular player he was. Today's record is improved with only 17 seconds and 6 years have passed since then.
选择ROTW classics的demo真的很难。这一次选择是我们从开始ROTW classics时最难的。太多的地图可以表现他卓越的水平了,但我们只能选一个。希望你们都能从这张图: kz_ea_dam,看出他到底有多厉害!今天的记录不过比他快了17秒,但007的demo……是6年前的。

And since I could get a hold of him, sharing a few memories transformed into an interview, since I know you guys love interviews. A special for you! (Read it in the extended newspost)

And hopefully you are not fully tired of tjabba because, yes, you guessed it, he is hosting this edition as well. He is learning and improving very fast and trust me, it's a pleasure to watch this run!
希望你们不要厌倦了tjabba的视频,因为……呃,他主管的就是这个呢。他正在努力学习,他学得非常快,相信我,这次的ROTW classics值得一看!

See you when December will end, for a new Classic!

I thought you were long gone by now, but yet you are still here. What makes you keep sticking around, close to the community?

kz is like a mental support to me. Although I'm busy with work, I can’t practice kz every day. But I've learned a lot from this game and if you expect a good future, then you have to keep going on with a lot of effort, just like how you do it in kz.

Does this mean you still play KZ from time to time? Is it something you still enjoy as you did back in the day(s)?

Yes! Because I love this game so much.

Would I be wrong if I say you’d wish to have more time playing it? Something tells me you’d still want to be in the spotlight with incredible WRs like you used to make when you were active.

I must say you are wrong. At least kz is just a game, one should put more efforts on his real life, keep going on. And kz is something like entertainment. My era has past, and now the newcomers are coming. It's their time now. I really appreciate these kreedzers who dedicate much to get the fame that they deserve.

You can’t blame a man for trying . Well hello 007. We’ve gone a bit too far and we didn’t make the proper introduction. How are you these days? How much have you changed since you were making WRs for XJ?

I absolutely don’t have that skill today, but I still have the passion for it. As of recently I'm busy with my career. I'm starting entrepreneurship by myself. It's hard and lonely. Sometimes I have troubles and don’t know how to solve it, so I go to play kz for a while, and then I might work it out.

It’s good that KZ can still help you at something in real life after so many years. So you were talking about the young kreedzers from today who dedicate their time in providing top quality WRs. Are you surprised by the high level KZ has achieved nowadays? Ever thought something like this could be possible?

Yeah, as time goes by, kz is going on its way too. I have to say my thought now differs much from the old one. At that time I was so naive to think that 255 is the longest distance to do I now believe some new technique could be invented. And the records will be beaten again and again.

Everything can be improved and can get bigger and better. Same as the Chinese KZ community. It’s bigger than ever nowadays and it keeps sending WR kreedzers to XJ. However, among them are the opposite kind of players as well. The ones that cheat and don’t do you justice. I always thought the Chinese KZ community has something special and its players have a really unique style. Back in the day we didn’t have this problem at a large scale like it is nowadays. It’s like cheating has become a standard in playing. Dark times, heh?!

There's a famous chinese old saying: There are all kinds of fish in the sea. Those who cheat can only satisfy their temporary sensation of fame, but they overlook their personal nature as a human. I feel very pity for them. Nevertheless, I think most of the chinese players still keep the principle. So far has chinese kz community evolved. It couldn’t have happen without the big help of XJ. I hope the positive energy could be passed on by XJ, to try as much as possible to eradicate cheat.

Yeah, hopefully we will keep it at its lowest. Well here you are today, on the verge of staring in the ROTW Classics series as an oldschool legend. We started this series, for you guys, for the ones that made history in this game, because you totally deserve some time in the spotlight after so many years. What do you think about giving this opportunity to every oldschool kreedzer who made an impact upon KZ scene?
是啊,希望中国kz界能熬过这段时间。好吧今天你站在了ROTW classics的聚光灯下展示了老玩家们的传奇。我们为创造历史的人们开启了这个项目,我们认为你仍配得上这聚光灯,即使几年都过去了。获得参演ROTW classics的机会你有什么感想呢?

First I want to thank XJ for the recognition and support to me. I never dreamed to be in the spot. I didn’t recognize that there have been so many ROTWs. ROTW is just wonderful. It makes me feel that I'm back to the old days. I’d say you guys are very great, thank you. Also I wish the ROTW series will become better and better.

Well listen, I have a little game for you. This is what we are going to do: since this interview is happening way before the actual news, I’m going to let you pick a demo of yourself that you want us to edit for your ROTW CLASSICS. This way you will have the memory you want to remember from now on.

*laughing* every demo is still fresh to me, because to beat the WR I have to know every map well enough, so I still remember every of them. But I really hope to leave the choice to you and in that way I can know what kind of demo can be defined as nice.
*laughing* ok then, we have a deal. I’ll make sure I’ll choose the perfect one! Well, I guess this is it. I’m happy to know you are doing fine and I’m happy I talked to you after so many times. If you have any last words you want to share, we are here to listen. See you soon dear kreedzer!

Yea nice talking to you too. I hope to make friends with more guys. Thanks XJ. And wish all kreedzers keep a young heart forever. Thanks everyone!



发表于 2013-12-13 14:38:08 | 显示全部楼层
LS出来诈尸了 。
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发表于 2013-12-12 10:35:59 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-12 15:15:11 | 显示全部楼层
时尚衣都 发表于 2013-12-12 10:35

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发表于 2013-12-12 06:27:52 | 显示全部楼层
围观。。。 前排。 。
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2013-12-12 10:29:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-12 10:34:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-12 10:58:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-12 11:10:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-12 11:53:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-12 12:04:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-12-12 12:59:06 | 显示全部楼层
    好厉害。  ~
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