::::: GLOBAL :::::
Produced by: Azkme (former Azkmedia)
In association with: Pure Nitro
Project Start: 13 July 2009
Project Ending: 22 October 2009
Length: 8 minutes and 16 seconds (8m16)
Resolution HQ: 1280x720 (720p)
Filesize HQ: 312MB
Codec HQ: x264 (.mp4)
::::: FAQ :::::
- I'm not able to playback the movie properly or I get a blank/green screen!
Use the VLC media player (http://www.videolan.org/vlc) to playback the movie or install/update a codec pack (fe. Kazaa Lite Codec Pack).
- The movie doesn't playback well and gives me lag!
Close all open programs, update your mediaplayer to the latest version and give it another go! Keep in mind the recommended hardware for the movie is a core2duo processor with atleast 1gb RAM!
::::: CONTACT ::::: www.purenitro.be
#purenitro @ Quakenet