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[国际新闻] [XJ首页新闻]连跳印象



发表于 2013-12-27 11:58:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 14laazx 于 2013-12-27 12:03 编辑


People talk about change all the time, how tochange something, or how something got changed. In alot of peoples minds;change means something bad, and I'd like to adress the issue that change isactually needed, and can be positive.

Change is what defines us as human beings, howwe are able to spot things that could be improved or resolved. It's importantto remember how things were before the change, to be able to appreciate it inthe future. Everything consists of either small, or big changes. And to neglectchange simply because its a change makes no sense. Let me take it wider;nothing that gets invented stays new very long, but things aren't easy to forget,therefor nothing is lost. All it takes is one new idea to make a change, itmight not necessarily be big, but it changes your perception of the matter, howyou think of it, how you spawn new ideas from reading it, your response to it.Your mind expresses change, no matter how much you try to tell yourself itdoesn't. Someone sees the next step, it's up to you to make it happen, that'show change starts.

Being able to accept change, might improve notonly the situation but also the perception of what you are, and what you canbecome. Change is essential to anything, anywhere.

Some might say that showing a bad attitudedefines who you are, and it might do.
But see it from another perspective: insteadof facing the wind, turn around and follow it. That way you got more energy toaddress the problems you might have, or see new possibilities and solutions.Change opens your eyes to a wider perspective, but what's usually good about itis that people strive forward, away from something that can be improved, andwill. Simply realizing there's a next step to everything.

I accept change, I respect the past, and Ibelieve in the future.

Well when it allbegan and all this and that, the bhops weren't so advanced and evolved as theyare today, the mouse weren't as advanced and all connected to it. It allstarted out with scroll wheels that didn't have keys bound to it,"mwheeldown" and whatnot did not exist. Therefor a well known cheat;jumpwait were born, where you spammed the space-key with alot of entries tomake it easier to jump, it pretty much did the +jump spam in the same way youpushed A-B at your Nintendo controller. Basically making it hit a jump nomatter how you jumped, it still jumped for you.

However, the bigproblem with this was; not only the big delay and the fact that the jumps andbhops weren't timed at all, but also that it spammed your key used to theextent that it would probably be called a cheat, I mean noone would beinterested in records if the only thing mentioned to do it were to spam yourkeys. But anyway, in the old days it was way more common to use your spacebarfor jumping, due to the unexpansion of the game itself, and also the fact thatmouses weren't evolved to the sense they are today.
然而,最大的问题不仅是这个参数造成的大量延迟以及普通跳跃和连跳的不被计时(译者注:这段直译的,脚本没用过,不知道是什么意思- -求大神解释),它还能让你对+jump命令的使用程度特别频繁,以至于这个命令被认为是作弊。我是指有一些菜鸟们只对那些只需要狂点跳跃键就能刷的记录感兴趣,因为脚本正好能够满足这点。但不管怎样,在过去的日子里用空格跳跃是十分普遍的,因为游戏本身就是这么设置,而且当时的鼠标也没有现在这么灵敏。

Moxx: How did you get involved with bhopping at all? And how did youfigure out that the spacebar and "re-jump"/bhop was the key of beingfast?

FikoN: Well I knew what bhopping was before I knew what KZwas. I guess from people bhopping in 1.3. It doesn't take a genius tounderstand that bhopping is faster than regular jumping. Being fast is justabout minimizing your time spent on each block. I didn't put much effort intoit until I started recording world records and even then I often found myselfnot needing to bhop. So I guess I learned along the way as the records demandedmore and more bhops. Learning to bhop with space is no different than learningto bhop with scroll. It's just a matter of learning the timing and practicing.

Moxx: So what made you more efficient/significant with it than alot of theother people? We're ahead of your time in a sense?

FikoN: Well, first of all I guess a lot of peoplepreferred the scroll, simply because it is easier. So I don't think there wereeven that many space bhoppers out there to begin with. I was not ahead of mytime. Actually I'd say it was the other way around since scroll is thepreferred way to do it. I had a mentality I think every good jumper needs andthat is to not allow yourself to give up. I could sit for hours and hours justpracticing the same thing over and over. I'd get really mad at myself for notbeing able to do it, which motivated me to prove to myself that I could do it.

In a sense thebhop "scene" evolved into new talents and experiences.
People learnt that a small double duck after jumping and landing on a blockwould make a bit of a difference, therefor the evolvement began, people gettingused to mouse-wheel for jumping and ducking. Stepping away from thesuper-precise part of bhopping and taking it onto another level. The world ofsomewhat "less precise", but in a way it's less precise, even thoughyou could learn to use it to your full advantage. Even though some would arguethat using one key at the precise and perfect time is better than using a keyto the 100'th/1000'th second. It spawned a new era of jumpers, not simplybecause bhops evolved, but the fact that the whole scene evolved.


Moxx: You evolved from the scene, using doubleducks to avoid slowdowns,bhopping with your mousewheel to take seconds off records. How did you evolveinto using this technique?

Flibo: I remember finding out about bhop (like so manyothers) during a regular 5on5 match. I saw one of the opponents doing it andasked him what it was but he was kind of a dick and never told me. Sadly Ican't remember how I started incorporating bhop in my climbing, but I remembergeeking it a lot -- I was addicted to shaving seconds off my times. What reallymotivated me to explore bhops were some oldschool demos by donakos likekz_xj_mountez and ex_deathdrop, I think. The crosshair that kept changingcolors was cool! But I think it's illegal now :^(
Regarding doubleduck, I was actually reluctant to use my scroll to do them fora long time, instead opting to tap my duck key to get on top of blocks. Mystyle was largely influenced by oldschool legends like tarGet and zhady andthey hardly used doubleducks to avoid slowdowns, so I feel like I was actuallya little late to the game in this aspect. It wasn't obvious to me that thistechnique saved time and it kind of looked ugly so that's why I disliked it.Later on, I've grown to love doing doubleduck stuff and it was a great motivationfor me to beat some records recently.
我记得我是在一场5VS5的比赛中(就像大多数人)了解到连跳的,我当时发现一个对手在玩连跳,于是我问他这是怎么做到的,可是这逗哔就是不告诉我。可惜我记不得我是怎么开始在攀岩中使用连跳的了。但是我记得我很好的利用了它,我疯狂地用连跳把我的记录提升那么几秒。真正让我专心探索连跳的是一些老玩家们的demo,像donakoskz_xj_mountezex_deathdrop。我觉得准星一直在变色真的很酷!虽然这是违规参数了现在- -(译者注:让我们缅怀一下曾经的top1 Target吧……)

Moxx: You took doubbleducks, alot of bhops and other techniques into yourstyle, how did you find out about these styles? And why did you figure you'dapply them to your own style?

Zhady: To be honest I didn't like any new techniques suchas doubleducks, countjymps etc. Still don't. It destroyed the whole map pool,opened up for big shortcuts and even longer bhop combos.
I remember struggling with both techniques, especially countjump. It's adifference between a longjump and a longjump. We have the longjumper who has toperform a 256 jump in as many tries as he want, he got unlimited space to use,and there are recorders who has to perform it on limited space, maybe even withthe wrong prestrafe after a 3-4 minutes WR run.
Even though I truly suck at doubleducks I remember being accused of DD-scriptby the XJ staff and some oldschool and well-known players.
So what I can truly say is that I applied these techniques because I had to.

Moxx: Looking back, alot of people seem to think you were above the"regular level", how do you think that is? Did you practise more thanthem? Did you enjoy it more? What happened? Why were you the top player, betterthan most?

Zhady: I will give you an example of what I did.
Like when I wasn't playing I could think about KZ many times. Different combosin maps, how I would execute it, if I need it, if it's risk-worthy etc. Ireviewed earlier records, if I wasn't satisfied with something in it, if Icould add something new to make it even harder to beat.
I always wanted to improve, I wanted to be a better player than yesterday. Evenif i was up by 40 demos I still wanted to be better. If something didn't workor if it was something I found too hard in a map I always found a way aroundit. I never ever quit a map, if I had determined to do it, it once was officialon XJ.
All this was automatic in my head, it wasn't a burden I did what I had to dobecause I wanted too and not just because I had to.
To some of you it might sound silly and others not, but It's so hard to putwords on it. They day y'all like something so much that you just knew in yourhead you would do anything you had too, whatever it was, you'll get what i'msaying, many probably already understand.
That day you don't care what anything else say, haters and so on. They neverreally bothered me. It was full focus on working with who I wanted to be,because that made me happy at the time. I would never regret any of it.

Even after this,the bhopping and double ducks evolved even more, almost becoming perfection. Asthe mouse get upgraded, the scrollwheels, the human mind. Realizing you coulddo it a certain way, with a certain setup made alot of people gain focus. Alotof people called the new products a way of "cheating" in-officially.I think the new development and perfection just show us that there is a new eraof jumpers, of something new, something more advanced.

Moxx: After the scene evolved, you took alot of new techniques into yourportifolio so to speak, how did you feel about the development of KZ itself andthe perfection of jumping itself?

Brian: I felt that I was just another jumper contributingto the competitive KZ community. There wasnt a definite point in time that thescene evolved. Evolution is constant which is what kept me involved andinterested. Never was there a beaten record that couldn't be beaten, a longjumpthat couldn't be bested, or a trickjump that couldn't be modified. As fortechniques, I was never a technical player and any style of play I've everadapted to was one that I saw watching someone else in movies, demos, or ingame. KZ is a hobby of players feeding off of other players! I remember mybeginning came from watching dropsys and gangien jump casually in the PhooGiserver way back when. Another random fact about me is that I was stronglyinfluenced by "Faker - The Movie." I was simply fascinated by theidea of creative jumping and a soundtrack.
我觉得我和其他对kz做贡献的人不一样。说实话,关于kz发生进化的确切时间点根本没有。进化是一个长期存在的持续的过程,也正是这个过程让我们一直沉迷在这个kz世界中。在这个世界中,没有那个记录是不可打破的,隆降从来没有最远极限,骗术跳从来没有最完美的跳法。至于kz技巧,我从来都不是个技术很强的kzer,我从来都是模仿前人的跳法,从前人的demo、视频或者游戏旁观中学习。Kz从来都是个人们互相学习的游戏!我还记得我第一次旁观是在phoogi的服务器看dropsysgangien 跳图。另外,Faker – The Movie这部视频也深深的影响了我,这部视频的跳点和音效都深深地吸引了我

Moxx: So, alot of people saw(and I guess still see you) as one of the bestbhoppers all time from Sweden, why do you think that is? Why did techniquesappeal to you more than others? Would you say you improved techniques or wereyou a visionary making your own? Was it hard to apply new techniques as othersgot better?

omilo: I think people might see me as you say: "oneof the best bhoppers all time from Sweden", because of the fact that Iprobably was one of the first to really take advantage of the possibilitiesbhopping could give. Before that most people would just bhop a few easy combosin WR's. I tried to bhop anything that was possible (possible for that timeatleast). The reason I gravitated more towards bhops were because of thepossibilities it provided. Ever since I started playing FPS games nearly 20years ago now (?!) I was fascinated with the movement physics of the games, andthe edge it could give you over others. So when I started playing"normal" CS, I immediately tried to find the best way to move so Icould pull of headshots of doom! And bhop was one of the best ways to do that.That translated to KZ pretty nicely since bhopping was one of the main ways togain seconds over others, and get the best times. I would say that I mainlytried to adapt the excisting techniques and make them my own, if that makessense.

At first it when I still really enjoyed the game it was never hard to adapt thenew techniques. It just made it more fun and presented a new challenge.Ofcourse it was frustrating to see others adapting them faster than you, thusgaining that crucial advantage much faster. But I knew that I just needed tokeep at it and figure out the best ways to adapt them to my game. People wereso secretive back in the days. I'm pretty sure tarGet (if anyone remembers him)was the one who invented, or figured out the technique behind speed running. Iwas close friends with him and used to talk and play with im a lot.Nonetheless, he didn't reveal the technique behind speed running to me untillike 6 months later! That's how secretive people could be about stuff like that.Which ofcourse made it harder to apply the new techniques to your own game.

Moxx: I mean looking back over the years there's been quite a few peopleinvolved in KZ and bhop itself. How come you specifically took it too you andkind of evolved it to your advantage? I mean there was alot of players, yetyou're one of the people who stand out from it looking back?

StormZz: I think the main difference was that I noticedcertain mechanics in bunnyhopping that weren’t known to most people back in theday. Back then I was really into perfecting my movement and how I could movethe fastest possible way on even ground. I guess you want to read technicaldetails because the most people never really get into them in interview,atleast in the ones I’ve read, so let me try to remember...
People were always wondering how I got a way faster time with the same runs asthem. What I realized was that I was much faster on maps like bkz_goldbhop whenI tried to do the same route and skips as usual but with less standups in it.Thanks to the geeks here we now know that regular bunnyhops are faster thanstandups, given that you reach the same distance with them. I guess I was knownfor my constant standups but I think reducing them was the key point,especially on simple straight-forward bunnyhop maps.

Further I was aware of the bhop speedlimit, and I learned that if I did toomany strafes near the end of my bhop, I would gain too much speed and reachover this limit which obviously slowed me down. That’s why I tried to do faststrafes in the beginning of my bhop and slow down a lot and barely move mymouse near the end of the jump to reach a nice angle for the following .Moreover, the strafe angles in bunnyhop are important. I figured that sharp andquick strafes were just faster than wide strafes and after time I developed atechnique mixing standups and regular bhops which worked quite well forme.
Another important aspect was to just bunnyhop the transitional areas on plainground in between bunnyhop stages on which people often stopped in the earlierdays. The early stages of cg_wildwesthop for example, people didn’t try tobunnyhop the parts in between the bhop stages or spend too many bunnyhops onthem.
What really made the difference though was my bull neck (“Stiernacken”),listening to a lot of Kollegah, a post-modern german artist and the infamousSpasstiger Crew, who still rule the scene.

Moxx: In a sense, you're using bhops to expand and make faster timegenerally. Did 'society' somewhat 'make' you evolve at a quicker phase as younormally would? Or do you think time just takes it's time to make everythingbetter over time? How did the development involve you, your evolvement in KZand how you think about it?

pizza: So what changed? Well the game evolved not just interms of different techniques being found but in how much certain records andmaps demand on the players. Certain things like blockspeed or bunnyhops mightgo a bit unnoticed on longer maps, but on shorter maps or maps that have beenbeaten time and time again they are extremely important dynamics. I don't think'society' (the community) really attributed to anything, of course people havecome to expect bhop-filled runs and crazy combos in certain maps. That prettymuch goes without saying though. I think it falls onto the players hands andhow much they want to push themselves. For example, when LEWLY came alongpeople were amazed at the times he was doing. But after reviewing a bunch ofhis demos you can simply and clearly point out the influx of combos and small1-2 precise bhops he attempts in almost every map/demo. I think when somethinglike this happens a lot of other players start to step up their game so theyaren't left in the dust sort of speak. Not to say LEWLY, koukouz, or any otherplayer was really a catalyst or anything but they definitely help to bring theoverall level up a notch. This is then improved on by current players and thecycle continues.

Moxx: Looking at the scene today, you seem to be a pretty big name; wereyou always this big? And how did you take it once you actually had to learn andperfect bhops as well as double-ducks in order to compete at a whole new level?A more 'perfect' level perhaps? (personal thoughts, what it took from you)

shnz: Well, to be honest when I started doing my first world records I didnot think about competition at all, because I was not really satisfied with myskills and I was pretty sure I cannot compete with others. I played only bhopmaps for a really long time mostly because it was just unbelievably fun, youknow. I watched a lot of Z0ck3rOO7’s demos, as at that time he was the beestand I was absolutely fascinated by his tremendous skills. You could easily saythat I was addicted, and after some time StormZz came on the scene with hisunseen bhop skills. I was absolutely amazed and wanted more than anything to beable to do all these sick skips on every map, many of which were consideredimpossible. I bought a G5 and practiced everyday, and somehow, I suddenly becamevery good, you know… Frankly, I don’t really know how it happened exactly, butI managed to drastically reduce my fails and were able to finish many bhop mapsunmistakably, and later on came the WRs. Every record that I managed to beatwas a huge success for me, despite the fact that I expected to see it beaten onthe next release. But to my biggest surprise most of my demos managed tosurvive for quite some time, and eventually when they were taken from me, forsome reason I did not give up and decided to give it a shot, and amazing thingsjust happened unexpectedly, you know. To me, recording was never aboutcompetition, it was all about having fun, and to me it was really a lot, and Imean a lot of fun..   When it comes to doubleducks, I started using thistechnique simply because of aesthetic reasons. I used to watch a lot of demosof brian and heL^_x, and everytime they used doubleducks in those flawless runsit looked so ****ing cool, you know. Like it was the ultimate thing to do on arun, and being able to use it properly made so many cool ass combos possible,and it was so damn beautiful. I got so much into it that I wanted to have asmuch dd’s in my run as possible, so on every map I was looking for a place toput them into use, and sometimes it was actually slower, but I didn’t care. Ijust wanted it to look badass, you know and it really did.  But eventually, on some maps I had to reduce its usage,because competition got tough, and just a simple bhop is almost always fasterthan a DD. Something revolutionary about doubleducks, which could be consideredpretty much new compared to the oldschool times and a complete must for everytop player in my opinion, is the double countjump. I believe everyone realizeshow important and useful this technique is, and that’s why it is so populartoday. People are extremely good at DCJ, and we can see a lot of players usingit successfully on runs, which is totally badass. It just opened doors for somany shortcuts and made every longjump much easier, and on the top of that itjust looks fabulous. I’ve put a lot of time into mastering this technique as itwas very important to me. I can’t really say if new techniques will ever befound, but I’m absolutely positive that a lot more could be achieved with thecurrent ones (bhop/dd), there are so many unimaginable combos that are justwaiting for someone to do them on run!

Moxx: Looking back, and to the current, what differences do you see as faras the scene goes? Is the development finished? Will more techniques be found?Or will it simply evolve into more and more perfection?

shnz: I guess something obvious that we all can see about nowadayscompared to before is the increased amount of extremely skilled bhoppers, whichis just amazing. A lot more people seem to have mastered and even improvedthese beautiful and highly efficent techniques (bhop/dd’s). Seeing all thesenew incredible records on some of my favorite maps which I had for a long timekinda makes me feel sad, because I really don’t think I’ll ever take them back,you know. Now I’m feeling a bit frustrated that in most of the time in myactive period there was not much of a competition on the bhop maps, and I’msure I could have pulled much better times on some of them. It would be awesomeif I was forced to give my best and fight for those great maps I recently havelost (great job VNS), as I’m sure people would love to see some sick, epicbattles, but today unfortunately I don’t really have the time nor the skills tocompete on this outstanding level. But to be honest, there are many records ofmine that should have been taken a long time ago, but some great jumpers, myfellows. which I’m so lucky to be able to call friends, people I have a hugerespect for were too nice and intentionally did not want to beat my records.And although I understand and love them for that, this simply isn’t right,because KZ has to develop. It’s always so awesome to see all these legendarymaps being taken to a whole new level, it’s just amazing how tough they are tobeat now. But still there is room for improvement and I’m looking forward tosee some mind-blowing battles!

Taking all thisin consideration, what about the future generation?
I mean nowadays it's more about perfecting the techniques, rather thaninventing new ones.

With all this being said, I think the scene will continue to evolve, with newplayers improving current records, improving their own skill. The peopleinvolved aren't looking for new improvements, as far as techniques go, but theyalways try to find new shortcuts and skips. Therfor the future generations ofjumpers will always improve by perfecting their own jumping skills by their ownmind. But the main problem with todays jumpers is that most of the techniquesis already found, not much to leave for chance.

So watching demos, improving themselfs by watching others clearly is a keypart, both in the previous generations but also the future.

Change is inevitable.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-27 22:03:35 | 显示全部楼层
SiMen.Apple 发表于 2013-12-27 14:24

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发表于 2013-12-28 03:46:27 | 显示全部楼层
SiMen.37 发表于 2013-12-27 15:45
目测 估计是那个落地缓冲

应该是吧  除了落地 停顿得久一些 能用到小跳缓冲
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发表于 2013-12-27 22:52:34 | 显示全部楼层
14laazx 发表于 2013-12-27 22:03

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发表于 2013-12-27 12:25:55 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-12-27 12:38:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-27 13:22:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-27 14:24:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-27 15:45:39 | 显示全部楼层
SiMen.Apple 发表于 2013-12-27 14:24

目测 估计是那个落地缓冲
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发表于 2013-12-27 16:20:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-27 16:32:08 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-27 17:59:43 | 显示全部楼层
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