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[国际新闻] 【XJ首页采访】对Bibo的采访



发表于 2014-6-10 00:39:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 14laazx 于 2014-6-11 09:54 编辑

What do you see when I say Bibo ? A 255 Longjump ? A phrase "Bibo did it" ? Yes, we also talked about it
I have to say we had a wonderful time while making this interview. You will find out some really interesting stuff. I guarantee you that !

Alright, let's check it out.

PU9maker : Bibo.. This alias used to be a synonym for the best longjumper, one of the best wr holders and definitely one of the best trickjumpers of your time. Who is Bibo now ?

Bibo : Bibo is just some guy trying to make its way in his career

PU9maker : What career is that ?

Bibo : I'm an IT in the VFX (visual effects) field, specialied in movies

PU9maker : This sounds like a super fun job I guess, what is it exactly that you do ?

Bibo : Well I mainly support the network and the servers of the company I work for. But I've supported movies such as This is the end, now you see me, some twilight movie, avengers, immortals, so all of these movies obviously have lots of infrastructure needs and whatnot

PU9maker : Wow. I didnt see this coming Feels like I'm talking to a celebrity haha. Apart from your work, How does your regular day look like ?

Bibo : Well as I work in downtown of Montreal and I live in the cities up north, my whole week is dedicated to work and travelling. I try to spend some time at the gym and with my girlfriend, work on my own growing home business and my car. Also in the summer I spend most of sunny days going for motorcycle rides

PU9maker : Seems like you know what you want from life. Dedication and hard work is the key. I'm sure you agree. While waiting for your answer I was browsing XJ threads I came up on one topic created by you called : You've done it, Good Job. Where you said and I quote - I am not quitting KZ, I am quitting XJ. Do you still remember what was it all about ?

Bibo : Haha of course, basically a bunch of people hating on me for various reasons, some were right some were wrong, causing the kid that I was to stop interacting with these people

PU9maker : Could you elaborate it a little bit more ? I'm really curious about it. Was that the main reason for your retirement ?

Bibo : That was more than 5 years ago I don't really remember, what I remember is that most of the hate towards me started when I claimed that the countjump had already been performed by some jumpers when Count invented it

PU9maker : By any chance... Don't you remember nicks of these jumpers ?

Bibo : me, tjubby, T3dBundy and some other. in kz_xj_3ways (I dont remember the exact map's name) and kz_longjumps

PU9maker : oh well.. this is interesting ! Some say you've changed the history of KZ with your achievements. Im sure that back in 2008 it was a sweet melody for your ears but now in 2014, do you still consider it as a "milestone" in the KZ history ?

Bibo : Honestly I think KZ has changed alot since it started. There was the first era when the old schoolers held records, and then theres this new era, where alot more people have records. The moment I've played KZ was the transition between both eras. The first one was about jumping as fast as possible, longjumping was pretty much down to nothing. I came along, sort of pushed longjumping further with a 255, which pushed many jumpers to start longjumping and eventually 250 became "normal". Record wise, all my records were shortcuts and/or tricks. none were really beating the map simply by being faster than the previous holder. I think this also pushed most jumpers into finding shortcuts and tricks to cut time off maps, instead of just running through the map.
So I like to consider myself as a part of the transition of KZ towards a more "think outside the box" era

PU9maker : Good words indeed. What motivated you to rise above everybody else in KZ back then ? Even newcomers know that Bibo did a 255 lj as the very first in the world.. Your bkz_goldbhop is also very impressive even for 2014.

Bibo : Its funny you talk about that.. I was just thinking about goldbhop. What motivated me to rise back then is my thought of pushing KZ towards what it is now. I used to say "I'm bad at kz, blablabla". People thought I was cocky for saying that. Fact is, my goldbhop record is 1:35, I could not do more. But there is one thing I said; "goldbhop can be beaten in 1:28-1:29:". People didn't believe me, well look at the record now, 1:28. I had a very easy time analyzing a map and making a real fast run on paper, I just couldn't do it all in a run. Half my time spent climbing was spent on analyzing new paths and new bhops in maps, which I shared with my close friends (jaY and extremerz at the time)

PU9maker : God damn those were the times.. Analyzing maps, finding the best possible ways with your friends on LAN.. This doesnt happen today anymore..How I envy you that you were a part of this KZ era..
Some people loved you for all the records you've done and some people hated you for your behaviour and things you've done. With a hindsight, do you regret any things that happened in your presence back in the days on XJ ? What could've been done better ?


Bibo : I don't regret anything, in fact I never regret anything in my life, things happen for reasons. And let's face it, drama always makes a community more active, and I'm pretty sure that it pushed many people to beat me, therefore be more active.
I did my part on XJ, and I don't regret anything


PU9maker : That is very true that drama always makes a community more active.. Not a long time ago we had this cheater on XJ who was escaping the justice for over a year before he was busted..Sadly a few players have stopped recording because of this but it was indeed an interesting situation I have to say.. Speaking of cheating..Have you ever tried to record with cheats ?

Bibo : I have never even had the thought of submitting a record with cheats. I think only major faggots would do that. But I've had a slowmotion cheat on my lan to further understand the engine. In fact, in my movie "High", most of it was supposed to be jumps with slowmo's and more exploiting cvar's. But my PC crashed and I lost all of these demos, including one in a custom-made maps in which I did a 300 units CJ with a scout, 700+ fps, slowmotion, and airaccelerate 1000

PU9maker : haha. Actually I'd really like to see these demos :p
Bibo did it. What does this phrase even mean and how come its still being used nowadays after so many years ?


Bibo : I think it started when I would visit the "jumping" section of the forums daily, and I'd always record every single trickjumps/shortcuts that people would find and post. I think people just started saying "bibo did it" right when new posts were created with new jumps

PU9maker : Not a long time ago you got unbanned on XJ. Does this unban mean anything for you ? Or is this whole KZ thing ancient history for you and you have no desire to contribute to this game anymore ? Still, It was and always will be a part of you.

Bibo : I have no chance whatsoever to start competing with these record holders anymore. I don't have the time, I haven't opened cs for more than 30 minutes in years, and even if I had the time, I'd be way behind skill-wise now.
I've thought about helping out the community by making weekly videos with voice-over about tips and tricks for newcommers and whatnot, i had many map ideas (sort of like my High movie), and many more projects/plans to help out the community, but when I got unbanned and posted some stuff on the forums, the day after people were complaining about how we just got unbanned and we are posting on xj the same day like if nothing had ever happened, it kind of turned me off and I set aside those projects


PU9maker : Well, I revived weekly news and there is one subpart called : Technique lessons, where the players who are conisdered as the best in a specific field explain bhops, count, long jumps, double ducks etc.. But if we could work together on this, That would be great. People always complain, theres nothing you, me or anyone else can do about it..So please, atleast think about it ;p
What is the fundamental presumption to be better than everybody else ? Do you still have any knowledge that could be useful for today's jumpers ?

Bibo : I haven't seen any demos in years.. I can't say wether or not what I know could be useful. It's all about the basics.. I know for sure that I could help some people out. But to some point, its about brainstorming maps to find better paths.. Which is only doable through time spent in maps.

PU9maker : Alright This is it man. Wanna answer some quick questions ?

Bibo : sure

PU9maker : brian or Supa ?
Brian 还是 Supa?

Bibo : brian


PU9maker : What is your greatest weakness?


Bibo : my ego

PU9maker : What is your greatest strength?


Bibo : my theory crafting

PU9maker : Do you like Asian girls ?

Bibo : of course

PU9maker : Have you ever tried a hard drug ?

Bibo : nope

PU9maker : Do you like maple syrup ?


Bibo : I'm from Quebec what do you expect

PU9maker : ahaha ok, if there is anyting you would like to say.. the floor is yours.

Bibo : To all the people that may or may not hate on me, feel free to come talk to me on steam and I will make you realize that you are wrong for hating me for no reason. I am a very bad person to express myself in public but in a one-to-one situation I have a much better time explaining things


发表于 2014-6-10 14:58:05 | 显示全部楼层


zhe ge b zhuang de hao .... xixi  发表于 2014-7-16 13:27
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发表于 2014-6-11 07:59:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-10 05:33:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-10 07:39:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-10 08:52:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-10 09:09:50 | 显示全部楼层
摇摇乐  是不是“精”华?
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2014-6-10 09:16:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-10 10:14:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-10 10:20:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-10 10:21:44 | 显示全部楼层
最后那句话 吓尿我了。
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