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[杂谈评论] KZ高手历史回顾 之 tarGet



发表于 2007-12-6 18:42:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
tarGet和kimo, donakos, t3d, perfo...是一个年代(05-06)的人物,其中t3d和tarGet被大多数人称作那个时代KZ界最棒的选手,他们的一些DEMO也被奉为经典,很多人被他们的跳跃风格所折服;现在的KZ界涌现出了一批又一批的新人,但这些新人无不把t3d和tarGet作为自己的跳跃榜样。。。(不能再写了,后面还有N多内容。。。)


他的跳跃历史很长,从05年5月到07年,这里我只能象记流水帐一样从头到尾理一遍,中间有写小插曲挺有意思的,enjoy it!


哈哈,tarGet生日是 5月25号


T3d开始show LJ了哈哈


A statement from Target- is now availible.

He used this bind in six of the demos:

Bind "mwheeldown" "+jump; adjust_crosshair; wait"

This gives you a big advantage to other users and is comparable to a bhopscript using special cmd's. This has the exact same effect as klzz's script had. If Target- used this script with the intention to cheat is unknown to us.

In kz_nbs_greatwall, he used a bunnyjump script using special cmd's. That is the most common bhopscript and make it possible to just hold your jump key and you will bounce.

The consequences for Target- will be:
To get kicked out of the Xtreme-Jumps admin crew.
Unable to submit demos in the future.

Those punishments are permanent.

We decided to keep his demos that don't have cheats in them. Why? Because we find it unnecessary to remove legit records.

Here are the links to his cheat demos:

kz_6fd_volcano, 01:58
kz_junglezone, 04:52
kz_man_castle, 07:35
kz_man_owtcity, 04:08
kz_minimountain, 01:44
kz_nbs_greatwall, 03:25
kz_rang_maze[+maze], 04:23

Statement from eDark:

"this bind has the effect that u can make better bhops cos u jump again at once with it when u hit the floor. with +jump binded on mwheel it takes 3-5 frames to jump again."


"About kz_nbs_greatwall:

ok.. i admit i used a script @ the greatwall demo..
and i allready admitted it to sum guys..
**but only at the greatwall demo**
ernstaugust knew about it, t3d knew about..
so.. they knew about it..
so why didnt they delete it ?
i dunno..
but then i forgot all about the demo..
so i just deleted it like 2 weeks ago..
so ppl start wondering where it went 'n stuff..
but thats just 1 demo..
and now..
a user that used a script in the past..
was accepted in Xtreme-Jumps
and that user is *Crack*

About the 7 demos

i remember watching Xtreme-Jumps 2
and i saw that sum guy had a crosshair that changes
every time..
it looked freakin nice..
then i tried to figur out how to get my crosshair change when i jump..
first i tried: bind mwheeldown "+jump; adjust_crosshair"
but that just didnt work..
i could only scroll once and then it quit jumping..
so after that i binded this: bind mwheeldown "+jump; adjust_crosshair; wait"
i started scrollin and it worked..
i could jump.. and while i scrolled.. my crosshair started to change colours..
but then again..
u r wondering..
why did u use it before.. and why did u stop using it..
u guys prolly think "they will found out that he scripted it.. so he stop using it"
well.. guess what: WRONG..
i removed it for 1 simple reason..
it gets dull after a couple of weeks playing with it..
u see ur crosshair changes every time.. and sumtimes it kinda distracts u..
so i removed it..
and at kz_faw_cathedral_e did the demo like flawless..
all nice bhops 'n shit..
and i dont have the bind there..
but i will do the same demos again..
although i cant sumbit them again..
so i will post them in the forum..

i dont care what some of u guys think or not..
u guys can call me what ever u want..
i just simply ignore u ^^"





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参与人数 1金币 +20 +20 收起 理由
Simen.6k + 20 + 20 target,只有一个



 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-6 18:43:09 | 显示全部楼层












omilo:"You want to have sex with me tarGet!?"




[ 本帖最后由 5J 于 2007-12-6 19:02 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-6 18:43:35 | 显示全部楼层







Interview with tarGet

[email=-]FikoN[/email] 09/10/06

Hi! I decided to make an interview with tarGet, the mysterious man from the netherlands. How often does he brush his teeth? Does he like boats? No one actually knows, and no one will get to know either because I haven't asked him pointless questions like that. :p
Interview with tarGet

Hi tarGet, to begin with you can introduce yourself. Name, age, country etc?

Yo ! my name is Jason Patty, im 15 years old.. or young and i live in amsterdam !

How did you get introduced to the "kz-world"?

Well, a mate of mine introduced me to jumping with mwheeldown.. so since then i started jumping with scroll.. then i saw this movie called " trickjumping " or sumthing like that.. it was a jump movie in normal maps.. when i saw it.. i started jumping in cs_assault.. on a public server.. then sum guy asked me if i ever played kz_ maps.. *WTF IS THAT* was i thinking.. so after that i searched for kz_ maps.. omg.. i can remember that day.. it was gigablock.. first try.. i think i used 132123 checkpoints and i did the map in allmost 60 min i guess btw, i played the map with scout :p

What did you think of the idea of kz when you first played this map?

I thought.. how the f*ck can i make this jump.. i need sum boosting here.. i mean.. i did all jump like jumping straight forward.. but when i finished gigablock.. i thought i gotta do it better then that.. so i tried and tried and i tried.. till i got a better time

How long did it take you to get introduced to the well-known method called "strafe jump"?

That went pretty fast actually .. i didnt do it as good as i do it now.. but i could jump around poles 'n stuff.. back then i w-strafed it all o_O

What is your favorite map and why?

Damn.. thats a good question.. i got tons of favorite maps.. a specially all the new maps.. but.. when i have to pick 1.. i would pick.. uhmm.. kz_man_owtcity.. hmm why ? cuz i like the jumps.. hmm ye..

What map do you hate the most and why?

hmm.. i can name more then 1.. but i think 1 of them is kz_mathland (sorry gangien ) but i just hate the jumps on the numbers 'n stuff.. and i dont like the way it looks.. baaah it succkksssss :/

Which map is, in your opinion, the hardest one?

hmmm...... the hardest.. hmm.. IMO thats kz_dm_dedication911_h cuz i really hate when u miss a jump.. and u fall all the way down.. that really pisses me off.. i hate when i need to start over i dont like maps.. where u do all the way.. allmost to the finish.. and u fall down and u have to start all over.. grrrrrr

And the easiest one is...?

The easiest.. hmm i think its your map.. kz_xj_mountez.. cuz like every1 can finish that map.. lots of bhops and shortcuts.. that makes the map so ez

There are lots of maps nowadays. Have you completed them all?

Nope.. i didnt.. uhmm.. from the latest maps.. i only have completed kz_ancient_tomb.. and i @ kz_plop.. i fell all the way down.. got pissed off so i left the server and i still need to download kz_junglemountain.. but all the new maps that were released b4 these latest maps, i completed all those..

So let's leave the maps behind. Who's you favourite jumper and why?

I think i got like 2 favorite jumpers.. one of them is FikoN and kimo.. why ? cuz i love the way they jump.. i've seen like every demo of them since i got registrated @ kzmaps, and by watching those demos i learned from it o_O

And who's, from your point of view, the best climber?

Well.. its hard to say.. because there are many good jumpers.. but the 1 is good on a hard map.. and the other 1 is good at ez maps.. but uhmm.. the best "overall" climber.. i think its FikoN becuz ur good at both.. u got t3h speed t3h bhops 'n stuff.. :O

I bet some of your fans want to play with you. Do you play in any public-servers?

Ye i do.. and allot.. i play most of the time @ the server of kzmaps.fi and also at the PhooGi server.. but to be honest.. i hate when "fans" :p come to the server.. cuz i hate it.. when im jumping.. and i got a good run.. ppl are going to talk to u 'n stuff.. it irritates me

Like the regular CS pro-gamers do with aim and tactics etc, do you practice kzmaps regularly?

Ye ofcorse.. i MUST* jump every day :p.. cuz when i dont jump for like a week or maybe even 2 days o_O.. omg i feel so noobish when i go play kz again

Pro's in other games usually play A LOT. How many hours per week do you play kz?

Uhmm depends on how much homework i got.. but if i dont have home work at all.. i could play like a whole day.. i think i play 4 hours a day.. maybe more o_O.. im truelly a kz-addict.. so i play at least 28 hours a week

Cups are becoming more and more popular. Do you play kz-cups anywhere?

Ye ofcourse i play kz cups.. i like em.. especially when im the cup admin haha ! #Xtreme-Jumps @ Quakenet is t3h place 2 be for Kreedz Cups.. not #kzcups.. ( t3h suxXx0r )

Do you like the idea of arranging bigger cups with prizes and having more leagues/ladders etc?

hmm.. well yeah.. its a great idea.. but im always worried about the prizes.. but.. that depends on what prizes the winners will get.. but about leagues / ladders.. sounds really good to me.. would like to be like an admin of it 'n stuff

Is there something you think kz misses? More maps, more players, leagues, ladders, you name it.

uhmm.. i dont think something is missing.. cuz these last days.. new maps and maps and maps are comming.. and every day u'll see new players.. ye.. well maybe a league or something misses.. i hope we'll see a new league soon..

If kz would become more popular and someone would build a system for clan-wars, would you get yourself a clan to play with?

I think that will all depends on how the system for clan wars is gonna be.. but if the system would work fine.. i would like to jump with my clan !

You're known as a very good bunnyjumper. Did it take you long to learn bunnyjumping that good?

Well.. i learned it from my m8 who told me to bhop with mwheeldown.. i always thought my friends used a bhop script.. but he used mwheeldown.. it took me a while to get the bhop flow right but when i played kz maps i got better 'n better

Being a good bunnyjumper allows you to make fast and good records. Which one of your records is, in your opinion, the best one?

Hmm let me see.. i like a lot of demos.. infact.. i love all my demos but I guess it would be owtcity

What do you think of the former records on this map?

Hmm they r all awesome.. 1 by 1 sum could be better.. but when they got beaten those demos will be awesome 2!

How long does it usually take you to do a record?

Lool.. sometimes i need like 3 tries.. and sometimes it takes up to a couple of days.. depends on how the map is.. hard / ez 'n stuff

How much time do you spend on braking records?

Uhmm.. as long till i beat it.. and i really want to beat it..

Do you play regular cs too?

Sometimes.. but i suck at it i wish i was as good in normal cs as i am in kz

And now some fast questions:

Coke or water?


Mwheel or space?


Hard or easy (maps)?


School or kz?


What mouse?

MX510 Logitech




yes ofc i use em

Longjump record?


I'm out of questions. Any shoutouts?



Thanks for your time Target- and good luck with your future career.



[ 本帖最后由 5J 于 2007-12-6 19:19 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-6 18:43:58 | 显示全部楼层

居然看到了[email=R@y]R@y[/email],号称tarGet 1号fans







发现2位中国玩家的发言: 1030


t3d ofcuz!!

[ 本帖最后由 5J 于 2007-12-8 20:02 编辑 ]


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参与人数 1金币 +20 +20 收起 理由
Simen.6k + 20 + 20 target的身法,小提琴般的旋律



发表于 2007-12-6 18:45:46 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-12-6 18:47:28 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-12-6 18:47:55 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-12-6 18:50:19 | 显示全部楼层

5J 今天是怎么了,一口气发了那么多


发表于 2007-12-6 18:51:10 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2007-12-6 18:52:12 | 显示全部楼层
5J今天 手痒了?。。

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